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Friday, June 20, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

Talking Chit is officially wrapping up our first week and we want to carry you into the weekend on a ligther note. Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru will host "Astrogolically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, and need advice, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. This is a blog that will be posted every Friday, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help you through your time of difficulty, don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to lose?


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am having a dilemma with the older woman younger guy topic. Im a Cancer and the youngen is a Virgo. I just realized on your blog that I may actually be in love with this person. What is our compatibility level and how do I go and ask him what we are when I think it's assumed that we are just a good time to each other?

Damsel in Distress

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Damsel, First off never assume anything where relationships are concerned. Emotion cancels out logic so you will NEVER be able to wrap a rational mind around an emotional issue. The best way to find out what you mean to each other is to ask! Point Blank. Your Cancerian nature will always keep you wondering about the "what ifs" and Virgo's emotionless nature will sometimes throw you for a loop as they are not as emotional as you. Virgos are earth signs, so "change" is not a trait that they normally possess however do not look for them to express the intense emotions that you do because they will not. You will spend alot of time thinking that your Virgo "doesn't care" but if you can FEEL an honest connection with him, then draw energy from that. Virgos appreciate the straight forward approach, if you beat around the bush they will think you are sappy, too dramatic and will dismiss everything you say as lunacy.

Anonymous said...

Okay Professor Grey, I have a question. I'm dealing with this younger (a first for me) whose level of maturity I can't get over. We have great physical chemistry and a great level of comfort around each other - which I don't find in most guys that approach me, but it's certain things he does, or don't do that I can't seem to get over. Like he doesn't talk much. That just drives me crazy because sometimes I don't know what he's thinking. And even when I ask him he gives me bland short answers. It's kind of a turn off but I'm not ready to let what we started end just yet. What should I do?

Btw he is a Cancer and I'm an Aries.

Anonymous said...

Dear Aries..

Cancer is a very slow and steady sign. Most things with them is a slow tango, seductive, alluring, tempting but never too overt, With Aries, most things tend to be a jitterbug, fast paced, high energied, and full fo vigor. For water signs (Cancer Pisces and Scorpio) it takes a while to trust, if there are no definite guidelines, (no definite is you is or is you aint my baby) they tend to "just be" like the element of water, motionless and conforming to every shape they are placed in until they are "touched" thus causing a ripple in behavior. Water signs are nurturers and must feel needed before they can give you everything you need mentally, physically, and emotionally. They are a very give and take sign, and if they notice that there is a genuine interest there, they will genuinely be interested in you. Chances are your Aries fire has made it clear to him that he is NOT the type fo guy that you usually date, therefore giving him the thought that the battle is lost before it has even been fought. Cancer, like most water signs, hate to get their hopes up in relationships to be let down. They are aware of the type of commitment values they have and the type of emotions they can pack into a relationship and don't deem it necessary to share that with EVERYONE. He doesn't talk much because he is not a talker, not about matters of the heart. he is shy, submissive and will play the waiting game. 9 times outta 10 Cancer will wait to see how you really feel before showing any type of real feelings. I am not sure how you two hooked up, but if Aries fire has made any inclinations that the relationship will probably only be physical because of the age difference then Cancer is just trying not to get on your nerves by being too smothering. A VERY TYPCIAL TRAIT OF WATER. Before your fire gives him the "I need to know more about you to keep me intersted" speech be sure to make sure that THAT is really what you want. Water is not action its reaction, if you want to know more, turn up the heat, not meant in a physical sense, but maybe call him one day and say "hey meet me here so we can talk.." Remember he is younger and maybe thinking along the lines of Lil Boosie in Independent "She got a pretty smile, smell real good, only time she need a man is for that good joog!" once YOU put forth the initial effort he will respond and you maybe surprised at the feelings he has hid inside....

Firefly said...

...Well originally he pursued me twice - each time I told him he was too young. He said he understood. But we hooked up because we got a chance to hang out together and I just felt comfortable with him. But being an Aries as you may know we like to be chased after. I don't mind pursuing, but I don't know if I can deal with the Cancers slooow motions!

Thanks Prof.!

Anonymous said...

No problem Aries, and remember, you did turn him down twice, he may still have that "I'm not good enough" thought going, also be careful what you wish for, as fire and water are normally not astrologically compatible for the long run. Fire and Water make beautiful steam, so the sex will be MIND SCRAMBLING!!! But sooner or later, his water will drown out your fire, or your fire will heat that water to temperatures that you may not be ready for, do not request MORE from him unless you are willing to give more...

Anonymous said...

I have a dilemma I am a Pisces women and am currently dating a scorpio man. He has turned my world UPSIDE down. Sometimes I look at him while he sleeps and finally I can exhale. This is the best relationship that I have ever had. The only thing is that i don't trust him. he ahs never done anything untrustworthy but for some reason I find myself checking and double checking things when it comes to him. Although I have never found anything I still have doubt about his honesty. What can I do?

Anonymous said...

Well Miranda unfortunately your doubt will never leave. Pisces is a very unsure zodiac, they need constant reassurance of love, and will grow bored with a routine relationship. Scorpio on the other hand is very routine, once they find a groove that they like (which takes them a lifetime to find) they stick to it. If the Scorpio is in love with you, he is in love with you, and although he is always surrounded by an aire of mystery, he is a faithful lover for the most part. He is not the type to trade in a happy home for an exciting hotel room. My advice to you is try to find out why you distrust him so much if he has never shown signs of infidelity. Could it be something that you are doing on the side that causes you to wonder about him? Is he not affectionate enough, not home enough? These are questions that you must ask yourself before placing blame on the other party. Check yourself first then move outward. Chances are your insecurities as Pisces are just playing with your emotions but I am sure that if you attack the problem head on, your Scorpio guy will be gentle and understanding, all the while joking about you being ridiculous and give you the extra attention that you so desire. One thing is for sure, if you have a good relationship, do not let fears of past problems dictate the love of present day relationships. Be aware of the possibility of infidelity but do not make it the main idea of your story. Scorpios are VERY flirtatious which 9 times outta 10 is what attracted you to him. His strength and loyalty will feed your fear and insecurities. Your love and compassion will nurture his untrustful and secretive personality. Together you two could rule the world if you want. Be patient and communicate and watch your love grow to outstanding heights!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG you are so right, I am always thinking or letting my insecurities tell me that there is someone prettier out there than me, that is gonna steal him away. He is very attractive and I worry about that all the time!!! THANK YOU so much Professor Grey, you really do have a knack for this stuff, I just read something from an astrology website on Scorpios and it said that "Scorpios are not fond of the one night said and would much rather have a stable homefront" you really know you stuff, what sign are you if I may ask?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Miranda, don't worry about someone stealing your Scorpio away, Scorpios are hunters they do not get pursued, no one can take him from you, and the fact that you worry about prettier women taking him is absurd, he sees no one but you, yes he will probably flirt with millions, but to him, its sport, he likes to make people smile, and he likes to be liked, has nothing to do with his desire to mate. Truth be told when a Scorpio really likes you, they LURE you in, they don't overly flirt, Scorpios are VERY sensitive and to be crushed by a crush is something they cannot bare. So to alleviate that, they will flirt with everyone around you, because there is no chance of being hurt or rejected by someone they don't care about. I don't want to divulge my zodiac sign, as it might create a biased outlook for my readers, but I will give you a hint. Have you ever heard the Tyrese song "Sings of Lovemaking" Whats the one sign that he speaks of that makes him have to stop the music and take a breath!! Take Care

Anonymous said...

I’m Cancer dating a Sagittarius male. I have two problems with my mate one he is not adventurous and he has a problem that I make more money than him. Would this relationship work?

Anonymous said...

by the way I a woman

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hmmm Handsome B, first why did you say you were a woman? .... Second have you expressed these thigns to him, sure you have, you're Cancer and you guys love a good sit down!! As with any good relationship it will take work, Ideally you two are not compatible, you being Cancer (water) and he being Sagittarius (fire). Its very odd that you are tha Cancer and are concerned that your Sagittarian Male is not adventurous. Sags are hunters and Cancer's are usually the home body type. Usually Sags cannot sit still and when they are forced to they start to feel clausterphobic and trapped. Unfortunately for Cancer (water) this poses a problem at times as Cancer will always want you home! I am almost positive that if you are dating a Sag man, you should have NO problems getting them to be adventurous. You just have to find a common ground as fire sometimes takes on the "my way or the highway" motif. If you two can compromise you should be fine. About the money aspect, ANY man of ANY zodiac if they are OLD SHCOOL will have a problem with their woman making more money than them! Its natural, but some men can get past that, IF AND ONLY IF, you don't wash their face in it every chance you get. Are you sure you are not the SAG and he is the Cancer? You all have the weirdest role reversal I have ever come across. This union like any can work, but you guys have ALOT of compromising to do, and that will be difficult as water is stubborn and fire is very pigheaded!! Stay Encouraged, love is a very powerful magic!!

Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend!!!