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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Injustice System!

Imagine this scenario: You just found out that a male relative has sexually abused and raped your 9 year old niece for the past year. Some of your family members want him dead. Others feel that being locked away for life will do him justice just fine. With the new ruling that child rapist are not deserving of the death penalty (U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is "unconstitutional") some of your outraged family members may want to take matters in their own hands. How would you feel and what would you want to see done?

(Be sure to check out the video under "videos for viewing" list).


Anonymous said...

I think that one hour with him and that child's family, for them to do whatever they please, in addition to 10+ years in prison with Big Daddy would serve him just fine. I watched the video and heard that the courts didn't merit rape as serious as murder but when you consider the life long effects of something so heinous, you wonder if it's even worse than death. A family member of mine lost her mind and is in a mental institute today because of what her stepfather did to her. Isn't that to some extinct, murder? Pass the nutcrackers and get in line family!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Considering that my generation is the first generation as a whole to take the zero tolerance approach to child molestation, it is time that these sick individuals sustain the most cruel and unusual punishment that we can think of.

Generations before us were taught to tolerate this type of behavior from male individuals in their family and to look the other way while putting the situation in God's hand.

Death is too easy, it's time to cut their dicks off.

Firefly said...

Yeah talk about a "fair" justice system we have. Personally, I think it is unjust considering a child has to live the rest of his/her life in physical and emotional distress while the perpetrator may only get a slap on the wrist. But again, who are we to judge if someone should die or not?

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Lorenna Bobbitt their ass with no pre or post meds.

H2O said...

But you have to consider what people are saying by unconstitutional. Spiritually the death sentence is wrong period no matter how wrong the crime. No one man should have the right to end another one man's life. However in a world where that has been thrown out of the window I am not sure as to why certain crimes could merit the death penalty and others don't. In the case of child rape, jailing and registering as a sex offender are standard practices, maybe NOT conducive to the death penalty, but surely worthy of review in that arena. Basically our judicial system is saying because you killed someone then you should be killed. An eye for an eye so to speak. Okay using that same mentality, maybe we should start raping the rapists. Or let the family deal with the rapists on their own accord for about 10 minutes unsupervised with no weapons. I agree with BigJen because the death of a coherent mind is indeed death, unless through the power of God the mental state can be overcome.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they can be given pills to support erectile disfunction. If it were my child I would want to see them dealt with in the WORST way. Especially if brute force was involved. In the case of a family member being the rapist. Would you feel justified to see uncle Ray Ray killed because he touched his niece? What about in the case of the rapist (hey did you guys ever notice that if you put the word "the" and the word "rapist" together it spells therapist?) is a woman. Would it satisfy you to see Auntie Mabel killed off because she touched her nephew. How does date rape fit into this category? I mean your dating someone younger, let's say 17 and you are 24-25, should you be killed on this regard? Unfortunately there are too many facets of this crime to consider the death penalty. Rape is a very complex crime.

Anonymous said...

Any kinda rape is unjustified Miranda. If they said "no" then that is what they meant. If they were being a tease, and saying "no" but really meant "yes" then they are the ones missing out. The world has gone totally downhill in terms of morality so guys, there are plenty of buss downs to get with, and ladies there have been willing sex partners for you for centuries. There is no need for rape, 80% of todays women are sluts and 95% of men are dogs!! Everyone everwhere is willing to get down in todays society. As far as children go, I believe people who are guilty of raping children who are between the ages of 1-12 should get punished to the full extent of the law.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Wow Miranda, that was an excellent spin you put on it. As far as Kells is concerned, he shouldn't be murdered but indeed punished.

Aunt Mabel as well as Uncle John for taking advantage of a child should lose a body part.

Date rapers, given the fact that some girls will try to use this out of spite should be carefully investigated. If the person used a drug to commit the rape they should do no less than a standard 5 yr jail term.

Out criminal offenders have no real consequences. They go to jail and bond themselves out. That's not a punishment nor deterrent.

Firefly said...

We are talking about defenseless children who are being stripped of their innocence. What grown folks do in their own time is some other issue. A rapist has an intention to set out and harm a child for his (or her) own personal satisfaction. That child is forced to do something that he/she may not understand and have to live their whole lives scarred. The killer about putting rapist away is having the kids go on the stand and re-count the events that took place. Talk about torture. That is why a lot of child rapist get away and get off easy. I say put all they a$$ on a show like "To Catch a Predator" and humiliate the heck out of em!

Anonymous said...

A child molester should live the rest of their life recieving slow agonizing torture in a cold cell. I mean that Sadaam Hussein Iraqi prison type chit. They should be given just enough food and water to be kept alive. They need to be tortured mentally and physically regularly-but don't let em die NAHHHH, that would be too easy!!This torture should last so long they will beg to be put to death. I've seen way too many child molesters and rapist allowed back into society. Sure i believe in rehabilitation and second maybe even third chances to do the right thing. But not for a person who can consciously take advantage of a child or women with no regards for their lives.

Anonymous said...

Human beings are in no position to determine if a person lives or dies. But we also have to live with our actions. The Supreme Court tries to take as many precautions not to impose the death penalty on criminals no matter how heinous the crime. It's almost as if it is moot in this society. But as we know if there are not repercussions for the action of criminals, crimes would be worse and more frequent.

Anonymous said...

in some countries if you steal you get yo hand cut off! If man rapes, gets his d$&@ cut off!

Anonymous said...

and what would happen to a woman rapist what would you cut off in her case?

H2O said...

In my opinion raping and child molestation is a SEXUAL desire, not a mental one. Fetishes and things of that nature are SEXUAL PREFERENCES, as long as the party desires sex, he will crave what he craves, whether its children or piss or both in the case of Kels... There is no cure for fetish, the only way to cure a fetish is to satisfy it.

Anonymous said...

9 times out of 10 there are no women rapist in other countries

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Female genital mutilation is called a clitoredectomy. That's the punishment they should receive for taking advantage of a kid.

Anonymous said...

Correction anonymous, 9 times outta 10 there are no MEN complaining abo[ut being raped. Teh charge starts once a complaint has been made, if there is no complaint there will be no charge

Anonymous said...

bitchpleeze r u serious? a man complainig about getting sex from a woman? now that's funny, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yes I am dead serious. There is VERY LITTLE complaints from men about woman throwing them down and taking their goods. No matter what the age. So what I was saying was, if there is no complaint then there is no charge! That was in direct response to anonymous saying 9 times outta 10 there are no women rapists in other countries, how do you know, ITS NEVER REPORTED!! What man would? Reading with comprehension people, reading with comprehension....

Anonymous said...

sorry but i have never known to have sex with a woman in a "relaxed" state. It's not rape if a man has an erection.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary anonymous, It is if that man is under the age of 18 and the woman is not. Its called Statutiry. Learn the facts anonymous, statutory rape is not gender specific its age specific. Rape occurs the moment the word "no" is said, and it is still pursued. Statutory rape occurs even if both parties are willing. As long as the person is underage.

Anonymous said...

An erection!!!?? Are you kidding me Anonymous, bitchplease don't even dignify this moron with a response. If a man is underage and a woman is sexing him down, like in the case of so many teachers going down,for giving their students extra credit homework, its still RAPE!! Is it date rape, NO, is it forced rape NO, its called statutory! The law doesn't change due to gender genius!! OMG anonymous you must have a young man in your pocket somewhere because you are really fighting for this to have a chance and I'm sorry, if you are ahving sex with a minor MAN OR WOMAN its still S-T-A-T-U-T-O-R-Y rape!

Anonymous said...

Oh and bitchplease we are not friends because I agree with you, you still spelled statutory wrong.

Anonymous said...

Thank You again that 6th year you spent in high school has really paid off. My apologies fellow bloggers, I am at work and a mispelling here or there may be seen on my part. Not everyone can blog from planned parenthood like Mrs Hobbs. Back again are we?

Anonymous said...

i think killing is harsh,even for this crime.But i would not blame certain family members who would decide to beat the shit out of him!


H2O said...

Welcome Barrett. I hope you find this blog as entertaining as I find you VLOGs. We try to have intellectual conversation but sometimes it gets a little weird. Thanks for commenting. Stay Tuned...

Anonymous said...

yeah i was raped by a an older woman when I was 15. she was 20 and I was a virgin. I should have reported her for getting me laid. GTFOH!

Anonymous said...

So Barrett what would you do if your relative sexually mishandled your kid. What type of consequences do you think they should suffer?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous what would you have done had she given you a nasty STD. Would you have thought that "GTFOH that's just fine".

Firefly said...

h2o well stated. Raping and child molestation is not a mental disease that has a cure. There maybe a sick desire to fulfill that sick pleasure (R. Kelly), but it is a sexual desire that they choose to fulfill in some cases at the expense of innocence.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo Anti-Molester it's not even funny. My God daughter caught Chlamydia at 4. The sick bastard who did this to her deserves to die. I can't believe we are talking about justice for pigs like this. Maybe it has to happen within your homes before some of you on here realize that people out here are SICK. I'm sure that my Goddaughter wasn't the only one. This creep is still out here because she completely shut down afterwards.

Can you imagine taking your little girl to use the washroom only to find globs of discharge in her undies. When you get to the Dr. they tell you she has advanced Chlamydia.

Considering that disease takes a while to show up in women, there is no telling how long she had it before we detected it. That guy deserves a slow painful death.


Anonymous said...

it seems to me that people on this post haven't come to terms that this is still a male run society.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say male ran but our society does lack double standards.

Firefly said...

Oh wow, sorry to hear that SMN...yeah it really hits when it happens in your own back yard.

Anonymous said...

Whether its a male run society or not its still statutory. Read a book anonymous....

Anonymous said...

I told you not to respond to this insect.. No you shouldn't have reported anything that you don't want to anonymous, if you wre 15 and the woman was older, then from a man's point of view you CAME UP!! If the situation was reversed then it would be rape. GTFOH yourself. You were just nasty and the broad who slept with you was triflin... I'm not saying the obvious that things are looked at differently when it comes to men and women. But the law does not change per sex. ANY adult having sex with a child whether it be man, woman or both is guilty of statutory rape. But a rape not reported is the same thing as a tree falling with no one around to hear the sound. But if you see the fallen tree it doesn't take away from the fact that is still happened...

H2O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H2O said...

I agree with Miranda if a woman has sex with a child under the age of 18 it is still technically statutory rape. Now a rape can only be prosecuted and punished IF and only IF it is reported. No man is gonna report that unless there is MAJOR MONEY involved. Just like there are some men who actually get beat by their wives, do we ever hear about that, HELL NAW what man want's to make the news in that respect. LMAO!!

Firefly said...

Lionel Richie did, LOL! I'm sorry that's not funny.

Anonymous said...

1) Surgical castration
2) Chemical castration
3) Raped w/ a razor blade strap-on
4) Beat & mutilated
5) Set on fire
6) Buried alive
-This could be applied individualy or symotaneously. If this seems extreme, then I did my job. I have a little girl turning 10 on 7/13. Those listed above are the options I PROMISED her mother, mothers boyfriend(s)and relatives if ever they felt that urge come on.

Firefly said...

That list seems to be "constitutional" enough! Bottom line is that child rapist should not get a light penalty for the act of imposing harm on children. They should also be made to live and suffer as they have left the children that they rape life long suffering

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Iight Mello.