“ …Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. - Matthew 19:13
On April 14, 2008, 16 year old John Mendoza was found in an alley in Chicago bludgeoned to death. On March 29, 2008, 18 yr old Chavez Clarke was shot and killed as he walked down the street. On June 16th, 14 yr. old Ulysses Simmons was shot and killed in a debate over his bike marking the 27th Chicago Public School student that have been slain since last fall. He was a student at Beasley Academic. If this isn’t enough to fathom, consider this: waking up each day and never seeing your son, brother, cousin, nephew, or friend ever again because of senseless acts such as these. Our thoughts and prayers go out to families who have lost their loved ones due to violent acts and crimes especially our young ones.
The question was posed, “What do we tell our children to do in violent times like these - especially for young boys?” How do we teach our children to stand up for themselves if it may mean risking their life? We pose the questions, When does it end? And where do we start?
Monday, June 23, 2008
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First of all people must be parents, not friends to their kids. Schoolyard bullies have been replaced by ruthless teenaged terrorists.
People that uphold the "No Snitch Policy" that is currently in place should be charged the same as the offender and suffer severe jail penalites for their unwillingness to try to prevent or assist to close the case.
Those born in the 80' - 90's to crack addicted parents should have mandatory routine psychological evaluations to determine if they are mentally fit to live among others.
No offense but look at whats going on, the 80's & 90's crack babies are teenagers. These kids were born with imbalances that possibly made them inept emotionally and challenged in the thinking with ration dept.
I will shoot a kid before I let him shoot mine.
As we all know times have changed since the time when we were growing up, but I HONESTLY believe the education on violence starts at home. I mean with all the technology that is available for youth (cell phones, Two ways etc) a constant reminder of the location of your children will definitely help! Also the fact that my parents weren't 10-12 years older than me was a definite help. How well can you monitor your child's behavior when you kicking it with his/her friends as well. I'm a firm believer of knowing who you child is consorting with, however we won't be so close in age that we have the same interests and I am bumping into to them at the clubs. That way I can be a parent to my child as opposed to being a best friend. Parenthood is not a popularity contest, there will be times when your child will HATE to see you coming, and there will be times when they will Thank God that you were there. Unfortunately the latter won't come until they are adults (lol) Kids do learn personality traits from the streets sometimes, but they could learn them more effectively from home. When your child is born, you can hear family members from miles around saying, "oh he got his daddys eyes, or she has her mother's nose" Why do we think its impossible to believe he would have is father's ignorant fly off the handle ways, or that she would have her mother's loose panties attitude? The education of the child starts at home. I am a firm believer of the nurture vs nature mode of thinking. Just because you are a product of something doesn't mean you have to succomb to it. Being involved in your childs life, and his friends that he or she may hang out with is a definite start. Four or five kids hanging together of the same moral fiber are much harder to shoot and kill then one child trying to find himself. I'm in no way saying that this brand of child rearing is the BEST as accidents happen all the time, but in the immortal words of Smokey the bear, "Only you can prevent a forest fire...."
Now do we tell our kids to stay and fight or do we bounce them around from school to school everytime they're threatened. Personally, any kid that has a rep of being a bully or comes from a high-risk home should be be again sent to some sort of facility. Hell they're going to end up dead or in jail anyway. We may as well nip it in the bud. I stress in the words of Bernie Mack "I will f*ck a kid up"
I too will go to jail over mine Air Force but what would that do for my child? Chances are there is no STABLE homefront to these children which is why they are acting out in public. I have my son enrolled in every positive outlet I could think of, to keep his mind occupied and not focused on the meaningless trivia of today. He has a Lil Wayne CD but has no interest in being him. That is where the difference lies!!! As for the bully, I want my kid to be tough, but I also want him to be smart!! Self Defense practices that. My son has now been enrolled in Karate for 3 years and kicking. People say that "not everyone has the money to enroll their kids in Karate..." Well you would if maybe you sacrificed that brand new pair of Nine West's you have to have every two weeks. I mean kids are the ultimate sacrifice and once you become a parent, your wants and needs, and even fashion sense must come second. You are the one in control of how many kids you have, so if you still want to be in the latest DKNY fit, don't have a kid for each of those letters, and maybe you'll have enough money left over to be an ACTIVE force in your childs life.
Yes the first school starts at home. But think about what types of homes you are dealing with here: Teenage mothers who have no familial support; single mothers whose children look after each other because she can't afford childcare while she works; careless mother who has different men in and out of the home in front of the children. But that's just part of the problem. Notice anything missing from these circumstances? Love and positive dedicated men. How can you teach someone who has no desire to learn? The home is the first school, but that school has to built with a lot of love and a strong foundation in order to reach one and teach one. As the old adage goes..."It takes a village".
yes its a different time now than in the 80 and 90's.kids have cells phones,XBOX,R rated movies,big brothers/sisters/more gangs ,guns etc.Kids see movies,tv and play videos game where people kill each other for no reason and than act what they see out.they think they are what they see on tv and video games.The parents should be held in all crimes that there kids does.It starts at home first,parents dont care what there kids does today.parents are to busy with jobs,school or just lazy.Look at all the one parent households we have now,one parent,no mother,no father households.parents just do give a damn now days...
I came from a single parent home and I turned out just fine. It just the type of single parent that raises you is the deciding factor. I called my father by his first name until the age of 13 because that is what everyone else called him. My mom was a teacher for behavorial disorder kids so I guess she had MEGA experience with bad ass kids so she didn't play that bullshit. She whooped my ass when it needed it, and sometimes when I didn't need it LOL. But some of those ass whoopins had me mentally afraid to go an be a street urchin...
Okay Miranda, your kid is grounded and comes froma stable, functional, loving home. What about if he's ever confronted by Lil Ray Ray who is influenced by Lil Wayne and his mama is Project Pat...literally. Your kid knows karate but This kid knows where to get a gun. What do we as parents do then?
That's exactly what we need now more parents that whoop a@@!!!!!!!!! Parents today do not disipline thier children anymore. How often do you see a kid get beat down in the store now-a-days when they are acting up? Man the other day I saw a boy about 14yrs old cuss his mother out something ugly and you know what she said to him "Calm down" man my mama would have beat me to a pulp.We need to go back to the days of the switch that's what keep me in line!!!!! Violence is a learned trait so most of these kids have proally seen or heard thier fathers,brothers,mothers or whoever either talk about shooting,beating somebody up in a manner that seemed appealing or cool to these kids so they went out and did the same maybe trying to get some attention or approval from thier parents or big brother. It's hard you do want your kids to be tough but you really don't know what kind of fool your child may really be up against. I don't have any kids yet and I don't know what I'm going to tell or teach them about these nuts out here today.
That I cannot answer Airforce. I don't think that anyone can, you will never escape ignorance. I guess I will have to pray for him with the same strength that people prayed for you. Remember each prior generation thinks that the generation after them is doomed to death and despair. Think about how our parents treated us, worried as hell because they read the papers and saw the statistics (much like we do today) all the while we were thinking "get over it!" We were street saavy enough to get through it, and I have to trust that mine will too. Yes kids are getting killed thse days and weren't when we were coming up, but kids weren't getting jumped for their pullovers and Jordans in our parents generation like they were in ours. I believe that with each upgrade of violence in youth, there is a upgrade in street knowledge to get by. Remember life is balance, and no one thinks their lil baby does anything wrong at the funeral, however your lil baby could've been out there throwing up gang signs and "spittin lit" all the while posing as a honor roll student in your eyes....
well Know it all what disturbs me is that now-a-days kids got labels for their behavior, like A.D.D. I wish I woulda pulled that A.D.D. shit when I was coming up, my mom woulda whooped my A.S.S. for not paying attention when she was talking to me...
I am trying my best to continue to dislike you Miranda but you have a very good point of view....
Miranda you bring up a very good point about kids being up with the times as well. But what's next after being up against a gun? This is what our kids have to face. Are you saying that our kids nowadays should pack too just to protect themselves? Long gone are the days when kids met after school in the playground to duke it out.
Glad to see I've had a postive affect on you. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot before, or maybe ignorance is as ignorance does. But this topic I believe is of a serious nature. We all (I think ) are parents or at least have neices and nephews that face these issues, so there was no need for the venom today. We will save that for a topic like "The Baby Momma can we agree to be Frienemies?"
Agreed Miranda, I believe the wrong foot was exactly what we started off on, mine being J Choo and yours being Bogo. This is a serious nature one that does deserve our undivided attention. I don't think kids should be packing too I think the hanusness of the crime should be the deciding vote on the stricter the time. Maybe instead of the jail sentence the kids could be made to do something that they won't able to be used to liek going to the army. At 17 if a child kills someone in armed robbery or so forth, send they ass to Iraq to fight FOR the country that they so desperately think was made for them. Send the death row inmates to war, if they make it out alive they go free, that way there will be more room in prisons for these bad ass kids!! LOL Also Firefly, I liked Miranda's topic of "Frienemies" I wonder if she ahs a man with a crazy baby momma or she IS the crazy baby momma....
both!! lol I learned how to be one from the one I had to deal with. Oh and don't think I didn't catch your Bogo statement I'll just repeat your screen name as a response to refrain from turning this Oprah made blog to Jerry Springers final thought!!
no kid left behind,,a person once said to all of us.how come ur child is not with you today Miranda Hobbs?a child needs a parent in their lives to learn from and not someone else.They dont need to look up to a bball player.scareface,tpac etc.kids today dont give a shit about who tells them what to do or how to do it.parents need to ass whip there kids like we got whiped but today with all the bullshit and yuppies we can not hit our own kids ,because if we do we will be locked up or or kids will be sent to foster care.I have seen this with my brothers kids believe me,kids dont respect anyone today..
Y'all are too much! LMAO!
Yeah...what Brad said! ROTF!!!!!
Wait a minute...what did Brad say?
hmmmmm so doesn't saying what you are not gonna do, or could have done, kinda defeat the purpose of NOT doing it... Spring Break, yall, Spring Break (no Class)
Brad, the Tupac listening, hard head kids are the ones we need to know how to deal with. So tell us Brad if you have a good kid that's being picked on by a low life, what are you going to do? Remember this kid has access to a gun. Do you make him fight?
I will never send my kids to cps,or a public school in the city or burbs.I am going to send my child to boarding school or a private school.I would hire a body guard for my child if the kid had a gun and go to the school and tell them about this and the local police.plus i would not BUY my child a cell phone,xbox,air jordans,or hip clothes.he/she will dress in a suit everyday and i will buy them only books and a lab top.no toys or bullshit a child does not need.
Brad where in any of my posts did you see me say my son was left behind or not with me now? And Say My Name what are you putting your stamp of approval on and agreeing to? Morons, this is a blog site so those that cannot read need not be here! My son will ALWAYS care about what I am telling him because I am his mother, not his best friend. I established that DAY ONE and I didn't wait until he became a teenager to try to pull rank!! There is no one that will take my kids away for spanking them. My son gets A's and B's in school, has a very good sporting record, is involved in after school activities and has never been suspended all at age 15. My track record as a parent will stand in any courtroom and if my son after all of his successes, needs an ass whippin, that is what he will get. ON his ass, not blows to the chest and face. You don't think I let him take those Karate courses alone do you?
Obviously Brad has no kids. Just because the school says private doesn't mean that it is. As for boarding school, YOU JUST SAID that "a child needs a parent in their lives to learn from and not someone else" so I suppose you will be in the dorm with your child in boarding school correct? I don't know of any boarding schools where kids leave and return home on a daily hence the word BOARDING!! Jesus Christ, at least HAVE a point before you try to discredit someone else's. I'll take my chances my son goes to a CPS school, and so did his mother, and yet she is still intelligent enough to get on here discredit you....
Miranda who pissed in your liter box. I don't even know what the hell brad said because I was still stuck at TPAC. If you notice my two comments came back to back. I'm the one who supported you and said that your child comes from a loving home, so how do you protect him from Ray Ray. Geez.
I see Bitchplease got your panties all in a bunch.
dress them in a suit everyday? Says the man with no parental experience. Kids main struggle today is trying to fit in, so you're gonna dress him as Frazier Crane in a Lil Wayne society? Smart....HIS MIND not his wardrobe and location needs culitvating.
Say my name said...
Yeah...what Brad said! ROTF!!!!!
this is you right, right after the moronics that Brad spat. That was about as much support as the cheap bras you wear.
Karate courses are for pussy,get ur child in hand to hand combat,street fighting.roman wrestling,learn how to use weapons,i.e swords,knives,bats,stars,etc.None of this bullshit tip tap tag your it shit.dont waste your money on that shit and get him into a real school.karate is like ballet sign ur child up for kick boxing or a school that will teach him how to survive in the streets.
Ladies Ladies, please remember Eve stands alone, now go on girl....
kids should have uniforms or suits on today so they dont get whacked for having the wrong colors or clothes on.In boarding school the child does come home in the summer and is not always away from his parents.I dont think a child in boarding school will carry a gun or say fuck you to a teacher or steal a kids bike do you?
Brad, what planet did you fall from and what planet do you plan to have your kids on? No cell phone? no XBOX, a suit everyday? A poster child for bullies! Trust if I could take my kid and live in a bubble for the rest of our lives I would. But it doesn't work that way. Unless you are growing up Amish or in a polygamist society...need I say more?
You really got me fucked up, Miranda.
"Yeah...what Brad said! ROTF" (which means Roll on the floor) indicating that I was lauging at this bullshit he's uttering. Anyway, channel 9 just called and Bozo is looking for his partner, get back to work, clown.
Brad, How do you know Miranda Hobbs child isn't with her?? Maybe you new screen name should be Mr. Wannaknoitall!!
No Brad the kids in the boarding schools are having sex and doing drugs.
those things you mention sound nice Brad, the childless parent, but Karate stimulates the mind as well as teaches self defense, not teaches him to be Dragon Ball Z
If you love your child u will do what it takes to protect him and send him to a school that is respected thru out the USA.whatever it takes for my kid(s) i will do.Say my name blow me.dont hide behind ur bullshit name and stand up for yourself and tell us who u really are.Dont sing it bring it.
Ok Brad, since you grew up all happy, wholesome and safe with your parents doing all and whatever they could for you, what college did you go to?? And how come you do have any kids since you seem to have all the answers?
Ok ok i bet your kid can not pop a ballon with his tip tap bullshit karate.U might as well get him ballot shoes.I bet u a rat scares the shit out of him or the dark.whats your child going to do when he gets on the ground and a kid is beating the shit out of him?start kicking.lol
sooooo you HOPE that every summer you'll be able to imbue enough moral fiber into them to counter act the year they spend dry humping and doing ecstacy at boarding school? I don' think so, my kids will be with me so I can look into their faces EVERY DAMN DAY!! Sure they wont get whacked for wearing the wrong colors, but they may be found dead of overdose. YOU NEED TO RAISE YOUR OWN KIDS, not send them to boarding school. Kids are kids, wherever they are. Haven't you ever heard a child say to an asult, "you aint my mommma or daddy I aint gotta listen to you" imagine what they are thinking about the teachers in boarding school. After Miranda gets back to work, you can take over for her partner.... Clown
Kill yourself Brad. I can sing it and bring it as Say My Name or Alyssa. I'm gonna bring the same fire regardless.
I went to the school of hard knocks.where u had to fight or be a pussy.
Brad you're an idiot.
Brad you're an idiot.
See what I mean, Brad. Im gonna still say the same shit.
And lemme guess you are what's synonymous with a kitty kat. That's why you're sending your kid(s) away right?
there u go say my name.see its about time u stand up for yourself a dont be a clown,maybe ur kid will learn from this and not be a pussy at school and hide behind some other name and not his own..good job..
Okay I'm too done. Listen you limp dick fag, it amazes me how you can be a jack of all trades and master of nothing. If trained properly in Karate, my son won't get put on the ground. What's wrong, you took Karate as a child and someone whooped your ass didn't they? I know its hard, and you gave up after becoming a yellow belt, because you THOUGHT you were gonna be as good as Bruce Lee, but only turned out to be as good a Bruce Banner. Please don'e place your childhood failures on the kids of any of the women in this chat. YOU were a pussy to begin with and there was no defensive tactics to cultivate. You can only work with what you have, and since you were a cup of vanilla pudding from jump, the hardest you became was frozen vanilla pudding...Loser
I think Brad will sing a different tune once his child (if that ever happens) arrives and he is faced with a big dose of r-e-a-l-i-t-y. But it's good to see your view Brad - a very different point of view but your own view nonetheless on what you would like for your unborn children. I used to think a certain way before I had my own but once you have children, your life and way of thinking is changed forever (well at least it should be).
now lets get back to the subject at hand.Stop the violence starts with the parents,dont act all gangster(say my name) and act all tough and shit,teach your children to love not hate.As ice cube once said Its all about the kids ice its all about the kids..peace.
Alyssa, Miranda, Firefly, Knowitall, Pretty in Pink, why are we even entertaining Brad. He doesn't have kids, yet he an expert on child rearing? He thinks Karate is for pussy's but it couldn't be because he didn't take Karate. Then and this is the killer he's gonna send his kid to boarding school and let staff raise them!! He has a penis deficiency, yet he thinks he can handle black women. Where will the madness end? Brad do the world a favor and get bent, although I think that would be more of a favor for you and not the world. I heard of your visits to the Generator...
People people, please don't allow the views, and comments from others distract and drift to asinine statements being made about each other. Let's re-direct this energy back to the topic and issue at hand - what do we tell our children in the event they are confronted by bullies? We can no longer say whoop ass or get ass whooped, we cannot jump out of their pockets every time they may do or get into the wrong situation, so what's a parent to do besides pray over them before they leave us everyday?
whatever talk english or didnt u pass that class yet.go pop out some more kids with no fathers around or mothers....
Please do not insult our guests for having their own opinion, however popular or unpopular it may be. Brad is only saying what he feels to be correct. He is not speaking from experience he is speaking from the heart, that should count for something right ladies? I mean at least he has a game plan, whether it will work remains to be seen but at least he has a plan. Half of the parents of today, don't have a plan until their child goes to jail or ends up pregnant!! On the flipside Brad, you are very fresh and new to the joys of parenting, once you have kids you will see that what you THOUGHT you were gonna do, is far different from what you actually do. Remember how we all said that we weren't gonna do our kids like our parents did us, well who among us can honestly say we are following that promise? "The way your parents did you" set you up for a life and placed you in a life that made it possible for you to be smart enough to be able to sit at work and be on a blog site all day, still getting paid top dollar to do it...no futher questions, you may cross examine
Skool of hard knocks....Brad didn't you grow up in Downer's Grove and ride the short bus. I picked you up from there before, remember? Right that night i made you kiss it.
fair enough,,i dont rip on people on here i just say whats the truth.no one knows if i have kids or not on here.i dont tell anyone my bu$ine$$.peace out and love your kids and lead them to a beautiful life and dont lead them to the wrong.
yes you did pick me up Mick Jaggernaut you where the bus driver and no shit u still drive a bus till this day...good job...good job...
I told you guys that I have a pacifier for brad. See how his attitude changed now that he knows I will play ping pong with his tonsils
My apologies, I was a little heated when Brad totally dismissed my efforts on what I was doing to try to better my childs life. I am doing SOMETHING, and I think my efforts are working for me and mine. I'm not sure of why Brad says Karate is for pussies, maybe its because it didn't work out for him. He sounds as if he was bullied as a child. I'm not sure, but Karate has given him a positive environment, keeps him fit and also keeps him off of the street. I can't see how that is bad. Brad your thoughts? Keep in mind I did say "thoughts" meaning please do not leave a message absent of it.
Brad was tea bagged by the football team his Sr. year of H.S.
Brad doesn't think, his mouth just reacts.
Thanks Miranda for re-collecting your thoughts and setting a good example...
okay Firefly, a simple thank you would have sufficed...
Miranda, I thought I did - in simple terms. Now your turn for my compliment...(practice the preach).
What does that mean Firefly? A compliment for you... hmmmmm I like your name
Everyone thank you for your thoughts views and comments, tell your children how much you love and care for them (those who are parents) and all have a safe trip home.
Bathe in spirtual waters, breathe the air of the heavens, be reborn in the fires of the phoenix....
I think the karate and self-defense classes are a great alternative but karate chops and kicks can't stop a bullet.
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