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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

TGIF! Talking Chit is officially wrapping up another week! Thanks to all who have provided great comments and different perspectives on the topics for this week! Some very interesting reads if we don't say so ourselves! Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru is back to host "Astrologically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, interested in finding out if a person you may have your eyes on is your "type", or just need advice, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. This is a blog that will be posted at the end of the work week, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help with your questions. Don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to loose?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Professor,

I am a 25 year old Leo female and I am in love with an Older Scorpio male. We live in two seperate states and there is no possibility of us hooking up. He is established where he is, and I don't plan to move to where he is. I talk with him everyday and everynight sometime 2 and 3 times a day. The way we met was sort of strange, and we have formed a friendship over the phone. I have been talking to him now for about a year, we have seen each other on the web cam and I think he is MAD attractive. I know he likes me and I like him but we have no future together because we live in 2 different worlds. I have almost fallen in love with the conversation and person that he is. How can I expect him to put his life on hold for me when I can't be there for him. If I was there would this Leo be able to handle the Scorpio? Better yet would that Scorpio be able to handle this Lioness?

Sincerely Queen of the Jungle

Anonymous said...

Dear Me, Tigers and Bears

I really have to be careful with this one as I have gone through similar circumstances. There must be some type of bond that you guys share that has kept you interested in each other this long but are you sure its love? You two live in two different worlds and you may want to spend some face to face time with your telephone love because you may find that what you were in love with was not the reality. Astrologically you two are not a match as Scorpio is a laid back water sign and Leo is an upfront center stage or nothing fire sign. Scorpios do not crave the attention that Leos do, and will never be in the limelight with you. They are the silent partners, the people behind the scenes pulling the strings, while all the world is a stage for you. If he really likes you, he will find a way for you to be together. Scorpios are very determined and will make a way out of no way to get what they want. Just be careful because, once you have been stung by a scorpion there is no turning back!! You cannot EXPECT him to put his life on hold for you, but if he feels a connection with you, he will do that on his own. Sure he will have meaningless confrontations with people until he can find his way to you, but if you are the apple of his eye, no one will be before you. On th eflipside, if he happens to trip and fall in love with someone close you will lose him because Scorpio cannot love more than one person at a time. Too many emotions, too little time

Anonymous said...

Okay Professor. Yesterday I told the crew that I have a problem with finding a quality man. You know one with out too many kids, motivated, has goals. Okay Ms. Hobbs, Eprunicaus and a few others are convinced that I am fab and noone wants to deal with me. I don;t think my quest is abnormal because who wants a bum. So last night this guy asked me for a favor. The conversation went as follows:
Him: I need a favor
Princess: What kind of favor
Him: promise me you wont say no
Princess: Can't promise that
Him: Well the Cadillac dealer is having a clearance on the 08 models and I want you to put a lac truck in your name....I'll pay the bill.

So, normal me wudda cussed his ass out but I want to know what you think I should do. Also, to he crew is this the type of behavior that you expect me tolerate so I can have somebody?

Anonymous said...

Dear Princess,

You don't need an astrology love guru to tell you that money and love don't mix without marriage!! Tell him "I need a favor in return, Tiffany's is having a sale on wedding rings and Im gonna need you to pick one up before I sign my credit score over to you." No but on a serious note, I wouldn't advise it, how good of a friend is this? Think of it this way, can you afford a LAC right now, If you can, jump on it, and if he don't pay the bill, report it stolen and you got a new truck out of the deal.

Knowitall said...

Hi profess grey it's me again..... The last time I talk to my scorpio we were on bad terms we have not talked since and I really miss him... Now he hasn't called me but I'm afraid if I call him he will diplay that cold shoulder you were talking about should I call him and let him know I miss him????

Anonymous said...

Dear Knowitall,

There is a VERY good chance that he will have that "what the hell do you want attitude" chances are if he really likes you, he is WAITING for you to call him because either his feelings or pride has been hurt. My advice is send him a friendly text. Something like "In the words of Tamia I'm Officially Missing you" or "Im in the shower waiting..." if he really has feelings for you this will touch his heart and command him to text you back. it will be short and simple but if he texts you back, you got him. Just play your cards close to your chest because he is testing your waters like you are testing his. Did you all argue or something depending on what the arguement was about sometimes Scorpios just need time and space to think. Depending on what type of bond you two guys have, I'm sure one small gesture from you will bring a mountain of Karma nd good will back. he will feel like you have reached out to him and won't feel like letting pride get in the way. If he doesn't text you back within a day, he is uninterested and you should move forward. Scorpios never let people they love too far out of reach. Trust me!!

Knowitall said...

Thanks that really helped me out!!!!

Knowitall said...

We did have an agruement and I lost control but!!!!!!!! But I he really pissed me off!!!! But now I miss him so I stuck between wanting to know if he misses me or if he's gonna be mean!!!!!! I don't want him to be mean too me I really like him....But like I said I'm really not sure how he feels about me

Anonymous said...

Follow the above advice and you should be fine, either way, good or bad outcome you'll have the answers you seek