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Friday, July 11, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

TGIF! Talking Chit is officially wrapping up another week! Thanks to all who have provided great comments and different perspectives on the topics for this week! Some very interesting reads if we don't say so ourselves! Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru is back to host "Astrologically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, interested in finding out if a person you may have your eyes on is your "type", or just need advice on how to deal with everyday situations, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. Be sure to click the title link for an added impact. This is a blog that will be posted at the end of the work week, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help with your questions. Don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to loose?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Professor, I am a Sagittarius Male that is currently dating a Taurus female. We get along great and I love her, but her need to ALWAYS be around me, and the fact that she doesn't trust me is really getting to me. I don't like to be cooped up in the house and she never wants to go anywhere!! I don't know what else to do because she constantly accuses me of cheating when I don't answer her phone calls!! Sometimes I am just not by my phone but most times I call her right back. She is my everything but she doesn't seem to believe that. Please Help!!!

Warm Regards
The Archer

Anonymous said...

Ok Professor after giving in to a young Cancer being struck, and now what I thought to be cancer free, it appears there are still cancerous cells lingering...I was physically involved with a cancer for about 4mos. Everything was going ok until I thought he was being physical with me and someone else at the same time. When I confronted him about it, he reassured me he wasn't but then told me he was changing his life around and becoming a pastor! I didn't have a problem with him telling me that but why now? And why when I am confronting you about another issue? Anyhoo, he kept re-iterating how he wants to get his life back on track and work things out with the mother of his children and yada yada yada. That's all fine and dandy but here's the thing, he keeps calling and contacting me! After he told me the direction he wants to go in his life I stopped contacting him and thought that was the end of it. He has emailed me and called me on several occasions but I haven't responded. I think it's guilt what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Dear Archer,

The Taurean nature is NOT one for compromise. In their earthy steadfastness they are very stubborn. With any union there will be difficulties and if you truly love each other you all can make it. The Sagittarian is a hunter, and must be free, to be pinned down is emotional suicide. She will have to expand her horizons and actually get out of the house, or you will have to clip your own wax wings Icarus and just stay home in order for you guys to see eye to eye. Unfortunately if a person does not trust you, there is really nothing you can do about that. A person must come to terms, for themselves, as to why they deem you as untrustworthy. Are there signals that you give off? Are you secretive? Or are they just insecure? Astrologically, you two are not a match. Fire (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are more of an ideal mating. One thing is for certain, your physical relationship will be HEAVENLY, as her nurturing spirit will excite your need to please. Ahhh only if life began and ended in the bed right? She will enhance you mentally by offering a common way to look at life, and this will help unscatter your thoughts as fire is sometimes everywhere and nowhere at once. My advice is communication!! If you know she gets mad when you don't call, call her!! If she knows that you don't like to be pinned down, then she will eventually have to walk outside, there is a common ground to be reached if you two are willing to reach it, otherwise for earth and fire, only you can prevent forest fires!!

Anonymous said...


I recieved an unexpected package, from an ex-wife who happens to be a Libra. It was a beautiful birthday gift, and although there was no name, by beauty of the gift and store where it came from, i knew who it was from, because no other has knowledge of me to know what i like. We have been separated for the last few weeks because of a totally avoidable disaggreement, and now i am very touched by the act of kindness, and would like to say thank you, but don't know how. your thoughts

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cancer's watery nature will not allow him to be hated by you. They are the "knights in shining armor" or "Captain Save a H**" or so they think. Cancer's love to be or feel needed! He is contacting you because he never really wanted to stop contacting you in the first place. His guilt has forced him to realize that he needs to make serious life choices, and the relationship he had with you apparently didn't strike him as one that was going anywhere outside of sex. This could be because that is what you all established or just a vibe you all presented to one another. Either way the Cancer is a mating zodiac, while they do enjoy a good romp in the sack, Venus and the moon have conditioned them to search for the perfect spouse. Or as near as perfect as they can find. A physical relationship with this zodiac will never last past its boiling point. My advice, if YOU want to stop talking to HIM, tell him that, don't relinquish control over the friendship to him, if he wants to get right with God and his kid's mom, there is no way he could do that by still contacting you. If you don't want to stop talking to him then keep accepting his calls. Either way the relationship will always be one-sided if someone does not establish boundaries.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost Anon I will need to know your zodiac to properly advise you on how to move forward. I will tell you this, Libra is a very forgiving sign, they are Air and shake things off very quickly. They are vain in the sense that they never will like to think that they have made a mistake in character. My advice is to not feel afraid to contact a Libra ex. They are the social butterflies of the zodiac and chances are if she thought enough of you to buy you a gift, she was more afraid of your response then you should be of hers. You could be a little mysterious and leave an anonymous Thank you, just in case your nerves won't permit the straight forward approach. Whatever you do, make it classy, Librans love etiquette, style and sophistication, and the classier your approach the better!!

Anonymous said...

Professor, I don't want to make it seem like I'm bitter about his decision cause I'm not so no I don't want to just stop all communication with him. But you are right, if he is trying do right by God and his children's mother keeping me in the mix won't work. I guess I'm a little confused on what to do because one, I see no reason why we can't be friends and me being a cardinal Aries I may be angry or upset at first, but my anger is like snow it melts away and doesn't stay. But on the other hand, we really didn't start out as being friends so what gives?!!

Thanks Prof.!

Anonymous said...


My advice, find someone else to channel your sexual frustration into. Once you do this you will be able to be complete friends with him. Although my intuition tells me its not just the sex that you were attracted to, Cancer provides a warm sense of security, and a stable state of mind. Although you may have not wanted to be in a relationship, AT THIS TIME, those qualities are those that you can appreciate from a man and it was refreshing to have this kinda ROCK in your life. Start talking to him about other sexaul endeavors you want to pursue. Other possible relationships. If the Cancer can withstand these convos, there is hope of an honest friendhsip, but if he seems to think that telling him this is pointless (and why would it be, that type of thing is what we talk about with our friends right?) Then there are still unapproached emotions that are not being talked about. You NOT wanting to be his friend has nothing to do with being bitter. If you got someone else, how respectful would it be to the new party to keep in contact with someone you used to bed?

Anonymous said...

Dear Professor,

I am confused about a situation with friends. Just recently I found out that I had a possible life threatening situation that required emergency surgery for a removal of a cancerous organ. Although a few of my "friends" and I are taking a brief time out from each other over something very small. neither of them called or sent a get well concerns. how can I go on with friends of 10+ years who knew of the severity of my condition but yet they made no effort to reach out? I am by no means looking for a pity party just wondering is it okay to be there for your friends during one of the scariest moments of their life even if y'all haven't talked for three weeks..or is their abandonment acceptable.

getting better

Anonymous said...

Dear Getting Better,

Let me start out by saying that I am very sorry for your situation as Cancer hits a very personal note with me. As far as your friends not reaching out, sometimes, people have their own way of dealing with hardship, some can confront it head on, while other shy away until the coast is clear. If it was the "time out" that caused your friends to not reach out, you have to determine the persona that these "friends" have. Are they good friends, or are they just associates? If they are associates then don't worry about it, you win some you lose some. If they are good friends that may take some "special handling" Although we don't want people to feel sorry for us, we do want people to adhere to and notice when we need that extra TLC. Depending upon the nature of your "time out" you can best believe that maybe your friends were uncomfortable in reaching out to you. They may have wanted to but didn't quite know how. They may have been afraid of your dismissal or they might have been just too damn proud to respond. Nothing hurts more than to swallow your pride with someone you care about and get slammed for it!! My advice is to confront the situation head on. Politely but firmly. If they are real friends, they will understand your pain and they will let you know, or give you a better understanding of why they were so "blah" about your situation. After hearing them if their answer does not suffice tell them of how you felt, arguement or no, friends are friends and anyone who cannot understand how you feel, is not a friend. To agree with how you feel is COMPLETELY different then understanding it. Keep that in mind in your discussion. There is an old saying that the "only people who can hurt you are the ones you love" and if you are seeking advice about how to handle a situation chances are their love is one that is not to be tossed away lightly and neither is yours. "Now talk it out, talk it out, now talk it out, talk it out, west side talk it out out"

Maximum Ride said...

I'm sure your friends would have been there as fast as Jesus shows up, if they had know the severity of your condition. Some still may not truly know if no one tells them. True friends no matter how they feel at the moment, would not hesitate to be at a bedside. Sometimes you just don't have the information.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

agreed Maximum Ride, however any hospital stay, serious or not, deserves a "get well soon" text at the very least. Cell phones, iphones, emails, all this new and improved communication, there's no excuse outside of stubborness. I mean, if I were in the hospital for something as insignificant as tonsil removal I'd still want my friends there. Having the facts of how severe someone's stay is, has no bearing on get well wishes.

Maximum Ride said...

Tru Tru dat tru dat.
However, i heard that certain individuals, did not actually know of the hospital stay, until after the hostpital stay was in progress. But the situation will be corrected.....I was told of a lady who went in the hospital for a C-section and during the procedure they discovered she had cancer. Because she was on the operating table, it spread to her bones, and other parts. That was 2 weeks ago, she died this morning.
So life is precious, and should not let things of the past affect the more important ways we feel of each other. So i'm sure said parties will do what they can.

Anonymous said...

And after the hospital stay was in progress and the person knew, did they comply at that time? Have they rectified the situation since, as the hospital visit has been long over with for a week now. I am fully aware of how feelings can intervene with rational thinking. Lord knows I have been a victim of that myself a time or two. REAL friends, however, should KNOW when the other is being a jerk, call them one and move forward. If you are a real friend you can call your friend an a$$hole and keep moving forward, and vice versa. That is the BEAUTY of true friendship. There are no boundaries to the love or hate you feel for each other, the only rule is to maintain its existance!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree Professor. A friend would've shown up and showed out no matter what minor play went down. You give good advice. I'm not an astrological believing person because I rely on the Lord. But your answers are great.

Anonymous said...

well thank you QT, I believe in the Lord as well, in the bible it tells you that things like astrology are, well a sin. But riddle me this? If astrology is a science, the study of the chromosonal and genetic make-up in relation to the solar system and constellations, is biology next on the chopping black of being hell bound information? If we believe in greek Mythology, and the fact that God created us from the salts of the earth, scooped together some dust and blew life into us, why wouldn't we be "connected" to other planets, if we derived from the earth? Something to think about You know the reason that people say that the Full Moon makes people act crazy? Its because the moon controls the tide, and 3/4 of our body is made up of water so naturally it will take affect...

Besides when its all said and done, its just science..