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Friday, July 18, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

TGIF! Talking Chit is officially wrapping up another week! Thanks to all who have provided great comments and different perspectives on the topics for this week! Some very interesting reads if we don't say so ourselves! Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru is back to host "Astrologically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, interested in finding out if a person you may have your eyes on is your "type", or just need advice on how to deal with everyday situations, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. Be sure to click the title link for an added impact. This is a blog that will be posted at the end of the work week, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help with your questions. Don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to loose?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am a Scorpio female and this is not a relationship issue that I have its more along the lines of friendship. I was dating an Aries man once upon a time and I introduced him to one of my friends, and they were quite taken by his attractiveness (if that's even a word). They would always mention to me how lucky I was to have him because he was soooo good to me and so attractive. Well as the fates would have it, he wasn't that good to me. He was a liar and a very selfish man, when it came to the relationship. Things had to be his way or no way. He was very attentive while we were in public but behind closed doors he was a real dick. So we parted, amicably of course as I don't have it any other way. That SAME friend told me that she bumped into him in the streets. They talked of course but here is my dilemma. Just because the guy and I are not seriously dating, doesn't mean that we don't still hang out. We don't have sex but we do have intimacy and my friend knows that. Well I just recently found out that my friend asked my ex for his number. Now I don't want my ex back, but I don't think I am very comfortable with the two of them being friends. I know I cannot control who anyone decides to be friends with, nor can I be upset about what my ex is doing, but why would my friend who made multiple comments about how attractive he was, even ask him for his number and not tell me? Better yet how do I go about acting as if I don't care when some parts of me does. I mean if I want to see the man again on a strictly intimate level how do I not think about that?

Warm Regards

Anonymous said...

Dear Jade,

First and foremost I must tell you that I am honor bound and hell bent to tell you the absolute truth. Your friend is attracted to your ex, she has let you know that already, so it's no mystery why she asked for his number. She apparently knew it was not "politically correct" to do so otherwise she would have told you. My advice, never be intimate with the ex again, and if you do decide to go down that road, make sure you leave your HEART and MIND elsewhere and let your body do all the talking and thinking. As for your friend, she is, well for lack of a better word, tacky and classless. There should be no interest in your past or present loves from a friend's point of view. Relationships are intimate and private, not all the time do you want EVERYONE to know what happens between you and your mate, so to introduce a third party into that conversation can be most uncomfortable. People can play the "oh we don't talk about you" game all they like but they do. If you are not a fan of this, I say the only way to truly rid yourself of the fact that it bothers you is to leave BOTH parties alone. A man that would give your friend his number that once dated you, and still comes over for intimacy doesn't have your best interests at heart, and a friend that would request your ex's phone number, and not tell you doesn't either. It's complete and utter normalcy to be upset about it. but be upset, confront the issue and move forward. Chances are if you are a Scorpio this will be the easiest as well as the hardest thing to do, but trust in the knowledge that you exude the highest amount of sexual energy of any other sign in the zodiac. There are plenty of fish in the sea, some were made for display and some were made for consumption. Learn to choose between the two if you get my meaning.

Anonymous said...

Hey Prof!!

I am a Gemini Female dating a Libra man. I want to know if we are compatible!!

Anonymous said...

Gemini and Libra, EXCELLENT match up astrologically. As Gemini you will enjoy the "best friend/lover" relationship that Libra will offer. You won't be concerned with Libra's fun-loving, social butterfly attitude, and Libra can balance out the twins emotional then logical then emotional again persona. You both are Air Signs, flighty, not too emotional, light hearted and if you concentrate hard enough on each other at the right time, you will be able to maintain each other for a lifetime. Gemini, don't let your quest for knowledge over rule your desire to be loved. Libra men are great debaters, and are able to see both sides to an arguement equally. Please do not take this as a sign of him being two-faced or a lack of loyalty as it is in his nature to view everything equally, UNTIL he is involved personally with the situation. The only selfish trait Libra has, appears when they themselves are the main idea of the story, and getting them to vote against themselves is near about impossible.

Anonymous said...

Love the songs in the title link, last week Tyrese, this week Beyonce'. Very classy touch. Keep up the good work. Sorry I don't have any issues or need any advice today but do not worry about the low number of comments/questions. The one thing about giving advice or being an advice columnist, is that your job is soley based on whether or not people feel like discussing their problems or not. Sometimes people don't want to disclose or air their dirty laundry, and even though this site is completely anonymous because you can be anyone you want. You just never know who is reading. (HAHA) Keep up the good work!!