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Friday, July 25, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

Earth elementals, (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) steadfast, enduring, nurturing, they are the planners of the world. In the zodiac family they are the mothers and fathers. In the Garden of Good and Evil, these elementals can be found, as well grounded individuals, living life walking down one path with little variation. Most often their way is the only way known to them as they leave little room for the margin of error. Down side, this mode of thinking will continue to keep you in the same place in life. If that place is a GOOD place, then you leave no room for the GREAT place and if that place is a BAD place, you will continue to dwell there.

Air elementals, (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) ever changing, multi-faceted, the social butterflies of the zodiac. Air signs are the embodiment of their element. They are everywhere at all times yet yet nowhere at the same time. They are the cousins in the zodiac family. Always down for having fun, sharing bright ideas and always coming up with new and inventive ways to bring joy and happiness to all. These interesting sources of light, are always around to liven up the place, and as their mind is always working on the new and improved, they sometimes run into a hard time focusing on the present. Learn to focus on what is, to better your understanding of what is to come and the term "Jack of all trades, master of nothing" will cease to exist.

Fire Elementals (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) "Ahh a star is born" the big brothers and big sisters in the zodiac family, this group of performers will always inspire greatness. They live life to the fullest and never accept defeat even when the odds are stacked a mile high against them. Their proud persona will move them through turmoil unscathed and unharmed for the most part, but their lack of dedication will be their downfall. Like fire, a spark can ignite and great explosion, however if not properly harnaced the inferno will fizzle and eventually die. Fire signs are the innovators, with great ideas and very good "how to" guides. If they can learn to channel and stay grounded, their impatience will be put on the back burner and they will soar to all new heights!!

Water Elementals (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are the Plato and Socrates of the bunch. They embody all human emotion the good and the bad! They are the aunts and uncles of the zodiac, most often very protective and supportive also dismissive and emotional. Water signs have the unique ability to feel exactly what you are going through and act accordingly. Much like the way your aunt or uncles can say the exact same thing your mom says but in a less dictatorship kind of way. They are fiercely loyal and are always putting other peoples needs before there own. Unfortunately not everyone is derserving of this characteristic. Most often water signs get taken for a ride. Their nature forces them to trust emotionally, and msot often people see that as weakness, however, there is no sign in the zodiac that can shut off like water and you never miss your water till your well runs dry. Learn to logically use your emotions and not be a prisoner by them and you intuition and empathy will seem less likely to cause paranoia!

Learn how to turn your characteristic traits into marketable and positive attributes. The good and the bad!! Click the title for a humorous tale of the zodiacs!!


Anonymous said...

Whut up Prof! met this chick right, fine as hell nice body cute face and I'm feling her. but she be flipping out sometimes! I mean 1 min we cool and she doing err thing, cooking for me, masages da hole nine den she turns quick on a nigga! it can be sumthin simple too, lil stuff like if I don't call her bac right away. I on know much about signs but she a libra but does it reallyhav sumthin to do with the way she b tripping?

Knowitall said...

Hi profes I don't really have a relationship question but it does have to do with men..... Well I'm an air sign so I truly am all over the place and have a lot of non traditional interest and I think men find me weird , I love to watch the animal planet and the history channel and go to plays, Should I foster these needs on my own and keep them a secret from them or should I be proud of all my interest even if it makes men a lil uncomfortable?

Anonymous said...

Knowitall never let anyone else determine you. Madonna has a saying, "poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another" The zodiac is a chain link everything works together, you just have to find someone that enjoys those things with you. Like a fire sign as fire needs air to breathe. What attracts men to women is their zest for life, their individuality, no man wants a "whatever you like" kinda girl!! Do you and don't worry about what other people think. You must be Aquarius right,the water bearing air sign. You all are the most difficult because you hold emotions that no other air sign has. You seem weird because you yourself don't sometimes don't understand why you feel a certain way about things. It's natural. In relationships, friendship or otherwise, no characteristics are wrong, persay, you just have to align yourself with someone who can deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Well the bad thing about Libra is that they do FLIP OUT. Like Air their mind is ALWAYS moving. So you never know what they were thinking of as to why you "didn't call back right away" but there were a million and one reasons why THEY feel you didn't. Unfortunately they don't even have to be rational thoughts for Libra to confirm them to be truth. On the flipside, just as fast as she flipped out, she will come back. Show patience and use humor and I guarantee that her flipping out will seem like nothing. My adivce, next time she flips out, sing "When your mad" by Ne-Yo and do a cute lil dance, her frown will disappear as Libras love shows of affecton and they love to laugh. Most time with Air them flipping out is just a cry for attention anyway, give a lil and you will receive alot!! Most times with Libra the battle is not with you, its with themselves, they are constantly weighing options and reasonings, and when they lash out its because their own thoughts of "what if this, or what if that" have become to great. They need you to ground them which is why they lash out.

Knowitall said...

Once again you have nailed it!!! thanks a million!!!!!!!!! smooches!!!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Hi anonymous. As a Lady Libra I will tell you that WE are so difficult to deal with. If she is cooking for you and catering to you that means she's really digging you. We don't do shit for guys we ain't feeling.

Keep the drama down, call her back then she's out of your hair until she calls in another hour...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thank you ROZ this is Dr Frazier Crane signing off!

No Prob Knowitall, anytime!!

Anonymous said...

Im a libra. What is you doing that he cant call back in a reasonable time. I think anybody with good sense is gonna think you with a bitch. I mean you aint at work so what the fuck is you doin why you can't talk. Because you up in some bitch face. Aint nobody stupid. This 2008 boo.

Knowitall said...

Lmmfao!!!!!!!!! women are really crazy lol !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

whoah slow down there Atari this is not the place for that, strictly advice, no bashing, no hating none of that are we clear?

We can post a topic for this kinda thing, but on THIS day its all about getting help for people who ask, not about giving opinions about what you m ay or may not think folks are doing and why? Also there is an entire life people are living, so there are a multitude of things that can be happening as to why you didn't get a call back. This being 2008 has little to do with the fact that some people are not consumed with men and women to the fact that it must be a man or a woman that kept you from calling the person back in the alloted time that they mentally gave you. Thanks for your feedback, however Astrologically Speaking is and advice column, not a free for all rant session. Please know that I am not trying to be rude, but I am trying to be professional.

Anonymous said...

Hi professor Grey I'm an Aries and I been dating a Libra for about 6wks now I really like him a lot but he is all over the place..... I really wish I could get to know him a lil better but it's so difficult to keep up with him..... Are we compatible at all?

Anonymous said...

Actually Aries you and Libra are exact opposites on the zodiac chart. Which can mean one or two things. One you can learn alot from each other, your fire will be enhanced by his air, meaning that he will inspire you to reach new heights socially, intellectually and sexually. your need to have control won't be an issue for Libra as they love to please. On the other side, you all will be in constant competition with each other in the same ways. Libra will balance any curve ball you can throw, and Aries will over look any flip outs Libra can concoct and you two CAN be a beautiful union. Do not try to contain Libra as I am sure you won't because Aries people don't do the smother love thing, and as long as Libra doesn't try to make you feel dumb because of their vasts interests you tow should be fine. Libra is a social sign and Aries can be, be they are very critical of people. AS long as you two meet in the middle it can work.. If this helps any YOUR SEX WILL BE OFF THE CHAIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes the sex is great! thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

oh I know it is....

If I could have a strictly physical relationship with someone it would be with Fire or Air THEY AINT SCARED to indulge in the fantasies that WATER can come up with!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Libra woman who was in long relationship with a Virgo man who damaged me two years ago. We'd been together for 6 years and we were in love right????

Well why is it that I've been friends with this young Aquarius for a year and we just professed our love for each other yesterday.

I never knew or wanted to go there with him. We are supposed to be friends. But the way I feel about him is greater than I ever felt about my 6 year dude. How is it possible that I be with a person for 6 years and never experience the amount of energy with them that I have for the 1 year person who Im not in a relationship with?

Not only that, If I thought 6 year dude damaged me what should i expect if Mr. Aquarius and I don't continue our friendship?

I hear that it's less pressure when people don't define their relationships. Is this why we are both mutually fond of each other? Can "no definition" be healthy in any relationship?

Anonymous said...

That depends on you Libra. See the thing with you and Aquarius is you BOTH understand the need to explore and learn and create. Virgo is earth, and as stated in the oping post, they walk down one path and stick to it. They don't delve into the unknown because they think that "if I aint done it, then it must be wrong" That couldn't be farther from the truth, ALL THINGS EVOLVE even situations and events. Your Aquairus mate will feed you airy attitude and serve it right back to you. Air needs that constant vigor to keep them moving. Like the element, how well does a breeze feel on a hot stagnant summer day? It a breath of fresh air. It is welcomed and appreciated which is why you too get along so well, you all are both a breath of fresh air to each other. Don't even JUDGE your present on your past. Even if you Aquarius is a fool, he is not the same fool as your ex-virgo. That is the beauty in the complications that we call human nature. Everyone is different. I have a relationship going right now that is the most fulfilling union I have ever had, and we hardly EVER see each other. But what I need most out of a relationship I get!! See the trick to these things is, getting what YOU need from your partner. Smother love does NOT prove that you care, it proves taht you are boringand your entire life revolves around me. It's not a bad thing, its just not for everyone. You see when you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with their packaging, if they start to lose their individuality and start to live and breathe YOU, then who are you dating, another complete person, or a clone of you? the ONLY way you can be damaged is when you go into a relationship un-prepared. IN ANY SENSE!! The good thing about not defining a relationship is the fact that it is ALWAYS a good time, you can't be let down, because you aren't expecting anything so everything you get becomes a plus instead of everything you are not getting becoming a minus. The only bad thing is you may always be confused at what you guys mean to each other if no guidelines are set. But you both are Air so how do you put stipulations or restrictions on the wind? That is called a tornado...

Anonymous said...

I see the libras are up in here today. Look I'm single but I date a lot of good guys. I can be all wrapped up into them until they tell me that they want to have a committed relationship or drop the "l" bomb. When they do I instantly lose interest. What is wrong with me. I'm 31 with no kids. Why am I the hood version of teh runaway bride or better yet girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

BTW Im a libra.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its your fear of being hurt or maybe commitment as air is very hard to contain. Have you ever been in love before? Was it good to you, were you good to it? Love is a spirit if you don't treat it right, it will not treat you right!! Will answer more on Monday