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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Black is Beautiful

A friend of one of our contributers wants to hear your view on the following:

I am an Indian woman seriously involved with a black man. This is not a first for me dating outside my race but I find that I am more attracted to Black men. Being of "color" myself I see no problem with dating him but everyone else around me seems to especially black women. Along with the cutting eyes and sly remarks I feel as if we are back in the 60's when I'm out with my man. He is very handsome so that could have added fuel to the "fury". Now, I have black girlfriends and recently we had a conversation about dating outside the race. I heard some views that black women feel they are loosing their good black men to women of other races. But I say what does that have to do with who you love? Why be angry at the "other" woman of another race. Is race really the issue or am I being too cynical?

Sister's do we really care about black men dating women of other races? Do you think these women are full of shit and want us to envy the fact that they are with a brother? Brothers, are women of other races offering something that sistahs are not?


Knowitall said...

Personally I think black men date other races so they can run over these women and do whatever they want and not have anyone to answer to!!!!!!! If that's what a brotha wants then let him have it!!!! I really don't care about brotha's dating other races the problem I have is when brotha's try to act like a woman of another race is jus so raw because she's Mexican, or ect... Yeah it seems to me brotha's value a women of another race more than they do their own sistas!

Anonymous said...

Please tell her to get over it. Majority of the black men who date other races of women are usually burned from a long life of self conscience and insecurities from not being accepted when they were children or teens. Remember how we (all are guilty) would roast the heck out of our dark class mates. Dark skin got no love right along with the lames and nerds.

If you look at it, these are majority of the guys that date other races. They were never accepted by us anyway. So they jump at the first person that accepts them. Who is usually a head on collision.

So for them to think they are onto something is crazy. No idiot everyone tried to act like an adult now and not force you to sit with the LD kids during lunch.

Sometimes these are the people who are successful because they had no distractions as youth because no one wanted to be bothered with them.

To keep it real, the only reason someone from another race would even entertain their ass is because they now have some money.

Really what woman would date P. Diddy Wesly Snipes or anyone of their likes without money.

Please stop fooling yourself.

Anonymous said...

They don't get all the good men. Princess made some very funny but true points. You literally had to be that nigga in school to get any play. If not, your ass was treated as a nobody, LMAO!

To keep it real, the gay men got all of the good men....both parties in a gay male couple are usually highly educated, excellent jobs and have a zest for life. A typical straight black mans claim to fame is athleticism or rapping ability. No head smarts at all. Then they don't have shit established. No car, no credit, too many kids, no house, the white man won't let him get ahead...yada, yada, yada!

Why do we as black women even still want to be bothered with black men. Get a white man. They have their shit in order and are usually on the road to six figures, with a trust fund and a supportive family by 24. Works for me.

Anonymous said...

I agree to each it's own. I really think black women have grown tired of always wanting that "black love" and waiting on it to manifest getting run over and disrespected in the process. We want those who want us point blank. Yes we always yearn for our own, but if our own don't want us we are we to do? And times are different now, I live in a predominantly white environment and on a daily basis I see at least 3-4 (yes 3-4) interracial couples with a black woman and a white man. So black women are not really hung up on brothers who date outside the race anymore. We would rather have someone who is more on our level - educated, financially stable, family oriented and good credit ;)

Anonymous said...

Whoah Knowit all Bitter much? I think men date outside of their racce for the sheer physical attraction of it. I think it has little to do with ebing able to run over the woman as Bitter Betty (Knowitall) says. Just like us women love our puerto rican, dominican, and sometimes even white men. I have heard that women date outside of race because they (other races) tend to be more attentive to their needs more so than a black man. So maybe it is the same for men. Women of other races ARE more attentive then black women. They don;t have the "Uh Uh no this nigga don't think I'm finna..." syndrome. They do what THEY think is best for their relationship. This like all dilemmas should be solved by looking inward, instead of placing blame, cus guess what, the women of other races have fewer baby daddies and more husbands, so maybe black women should take notice and see what them bitches is doing?!

H2O said...

As a male in this rat race I can assure you that I have dated outside of my race NOT because i though I could get away with more or run over the person, it was because the way they TREATED me was completely different. Black women and men suffer from the get more for less syndrome. They want top notch treatment for bottom drawer activity. Black women tend to RULE out certain things because they don't want a nigga to feel like he got it like that, (which he will 9 tiems out of 10) whereas women of other races have no idea what "got it like that" even means. As for women, I have heard black women say, Ima find me a white man they treat you better, is that code for saying "I can run over this wimp" NO, they just get treated better. You don' tsee us complaining that white men get all of our women, wanna know why, because we go after what we want and work to keep it, if it can't be kept, it wasn't meant....

Anonymous said...

Black women are taking notice look at all the successful educated single black women with no kids!!! There are more and more of black women with jobs than brothers so to say to look inward we have! We looked in the schools, in the workforce and on the damn bus (keeping options open) and still we get no love from the brothers. Hell I think the brothers are the ones that need to look inward, like princess said most of the time that's their own "self conscience" and insecurities!

Knowitall said...

Actually Mrs.Hobbs I'm not bitter at all jus sproutn what I see and what I Know to be true.... I can accept your point of view also but can you accept Mine... I know plenty of black men who have told me themselves they date outside of their race so they can do what they wanna do k pumpkin!!!! And that's what them bitches doing that we ain't I already took notice of it!!!

Anonymous said...

Trust me FNGAWM!! we don't have all the good men, at least on a double date you and your good grilfriend can go to the powder room and not worry about th emen you left at the table switching phone numbers!!! Everything that glitters sho'll aint gold!!! Believe that. I mean its fine and dandy that the men in our line of work, have good jobs, why because we aint finna do no manual labor. We look nice why, because our relationships never last and we have to keep up appearances cus you never know when you gon be in divorce court again!! W ehave a zest for life, sure wanna know why, its because straight america tries its best to exclude us from everyday living!!! Its like black people, we MAKE IT DO WHAT IT DO because everyone has always told us we can't and won't amount to shit!! So to reiterate, its jsut as hard to find love over here as it is over there and for teh record I am black and the nigga I am sooo in love with is Puerto Rican, did I start loving him because I thought I could run over him, Hell Naw, HE WAS FUCKING GORGEOUS AND TREATS ME LIKE A KING, my black boyfriends pride and what they thought I was gonna act like afterwards prevented me from getting that special treatment from them...ladies TAKE THE HINT!!

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah "men are insecure", that is the single woman's national anthem aint it. Bitches get money, Hoes get dick, Ladies get love, find your category people.

Knowitall said...

H20 the same can be said of men a n@@@@ favorite line is "You ain't my girl I ain"t fenna be doing all that" Please black men want you to go out of your way to prove you can be a good woman without being their woman..... And honey let me tell you I am not about to give my all to a man who wants to give me nuttn in return and at the least won't even make me his girl!

Anonymous said...

well we know what category you fall under miz hobbs "HGD!"

H2O said...

Again speaking from the black man's point of view (since we are on the witness stand) I aint insecure about a damn thang. I date who I want, when I want, sometimes I go after folks who should be unattainable jsut to procve to myself taht I can snag any damn body!! If they happen to be white then that just means at the time I was searching for love a white person answered my call. The kinda love I wanted!! Not the kinda love YOU wanted to give me!! There is a difference. I have a good job, well educated and there are plenty of people making more money then me!! Guess what, REAL MEN, don't care about your money because we would rather have our own. As long as you have the ability to say "no" then your money means nothing to me!! Maybe I am old school in my thinking but a successful women is a COMPLIMENT to a successful man. Ladies and gents we are supposed to be a team, not in competition! I for one don't want no broke down ass hoe sitting at home waiting for me to come home to give her money to get her hair done. So by all means be a successful black woman, but do know this, I don't care for the corporate bitch, you can leave that bitch at the office just as I will leave the business mogul at the office too!! Alot of times our being proud of our accomplishments makes us lose our humble attitude. Which is by far more blessed by God then ANY attitude. When you get successful (Yeah i'm talkin to you too bruthas) remember that the person loving you could care less how much shit you take from people at the office. All we want is a loving force behind us....

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

C'mon Anonymous.....Preach!!!!

H2O said...

well those niggas know it all prolly already have a girl so sure hooch #2 aint finna get wifey treatment. I mean do you give yo kickin it "buddy" (in the Musiq soulchild sense) husband treatment. Ummm NOPE!!

Firefly said...

People are with whomever they are with for whatever reason and who should care? Is it hurting you that someone else is dating outside their race? How is affecting your lifestyle? Can you not eat? Sleep? Are you having a migraine every time you see an interracial couple? Are there more important things going on in the world?! Who cares about whose dating who!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

What is HGD?

Anonymous said...

well anon I'm married so I am a professional HGD. Its my job to get it because of the marriage, not just my hobby because I can't find a man to appreciate me. Don't hate ANON and airforce I'm perfectly satisfied in my union, and you?

Anonymous said...

Single women hiding behind the "men are insecure" testimony care firefly. That is another reason they can hide behind as to why no men are beating down their door, anything other than "maybe I'm not as bomb as I thought I was, lemme step back and re-evaluate" I mean it couldn't be YOU that is keeping yoursefl single right, becaue TO YOU, you're already the best of the best correct? I mean that is almost as bad as "the white man holding me back" retort. The only person keeping you from what you want is YOU!! As soon as you broke single bitches and you triflin no dream, no ambition having ass niggas realize that the better of you will be!! Tired asses!!

Anonymous said...

"Hoes Getting Dick" airforce but as she states she has gotten her degree so her status changes to "PHGD".

Anonymous said...

When I said insecure, I wasn't talking about the whole financial intimidation. I was speaking from the perspective of them being nobodies opposed to Jocks that everyone wanted during our school days. So that's why I used my reference as the dark skin men, nerds and LD students...they were all one in the same.

Firefly said...

Well if you think you da bomb and YOU okay with being the bomb by your damn self then continue to do "YOU BOO" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it every woman's dream to be a professional at it. I mean why work for the temporary service of dick retrieval, as opposed to being offered a 401K behind it. C'mon people raise your bar!!!

Anonymous said...

that insecure comment wasn't in response to what you said princess, You know Ima pray that a GOOD man comes knowitalls way. She is always on this, "men don't know how to take me" or "niggas just too insecure because I am succesful" or my all time favorite, "I don't take no shit so that is why niggas don't want to date me" type crap. Girl just come out and say it yousa bitch most of the time when it comes to guys, and it don;t matter how well a guy approaches you, you have a guard up already and the niggas you fuck with aint worth your time so you carry that attitude through everyday life. Guess what PEOPLE CAN SENSE YOUR BITTERNESS K melon!!!

Anonymous said...

don't be getting all "corporate bitch" on us now ms snobbs, remember you too work for somebody regardless of where your status bar is. Now when you become "ms Madame" where you running your own sh#@, then your "PHGD" status would really hold weight.

Anonymous said...

We are talking about the employment of getting dick. (marriage) correct? It would seem that if you are married then you work for the company and if you are dating you are with a temp service because your assignement could end at a moments notice. We are not speaking of the REAL employment so I will take your advice and offer some, learn how to decipher between what is real and what is metaphor. I'll give you a couple of minutes to catch up.

Anonymous said...

you walked right into that ANON, its better to be a fool and be silent then to speak and prove it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Miranda I haven't insulted you in a minute, you're tired

Anonymous said...

if I'm tired, you BP08 are asleep...

Anonymous said...

let's re-iterate what you said ms snobbs - working FOR the company (and yes we are talking about marriage here) not running the company. But in your case it does appear that you may be wearing the pants so who knows what may be beneath them. Maybe your title meaning should read "PHGD" (professional hoe "giving" dick).

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

H2O, why should I let go of my " I don't want him to feel like he got it like that attitude" when he's not giving me wifey treatment? I like a level playing field.

Everyone that I go on a date with doesn't get a kiss from me either....but those who do get a genuine one. You can tell whose trying to really get to know you from those who who wanna do my zoom zoom zoom and a boob boom.

Anonymous said...

So in that respect if I am sleep you are dead, you know the most permenant sleep there is. Again girl I see you have forgotten whos who in here. You'd be wise to continue your verbal attacks with ANON, we've already seen the results of you attacking me, I mean how many times you gon let the twin towers get bombed?

Anonymous said...

OOhhh good one ANON, mudslinging. So typical in your line of work

H2O said...

You shouldn't get rid of the attitude but relationships are not always a level playing field, especially when you go into the first date believing that the nigga int worth your time in the first place. Hold on to your "don't want him to feel like he got it like that" attitude and sooner or later it will be the only thing you are holding on to. My thing is this, I don't wan't folks to think they got it like that, but in the same token ANYTHING I do, is because I WANTED to not because "they got it like that" Just as I start something I can stop, I control me, no one else.

Anonymous said...

oh don't think for one bit that your status is all peaches and creme, who knows what you do to keep up your so called "union" at least in my line of work I can sling it, rather than cook it!

Anonymous said...

so tell me ANON if we are talking about marriage as a company, how would one run their own? Wouldn't that imply you being single, therefore unemployed? Your comments match your screen name hun

Anonymous said...

you cook it too ANON, that is why you still single, and what I do to hold my marriage in tact is nothing out of the ordinary, try razorblades to the wrists? This arguement isn't working for you

Anonymous said...

OH ANON, what did I just tell you!!! Stop arguing with Miranda, she's a moron and to be verbally murdered by her doesn't look to good on your resume

Anonymous said...

Anon, BP08, Miranda, you all are the prime example as to why people date outside of their race. TOO MUCH MOUTH!!! It aint got nothing to do with money, insecurities, the ability to run over the person. Don't no body want to hear all that shit!! Shut the fuck up sometimes then maybe you can keep a man

Anonymous said...

whoah wait a minute new booty, ANON#2, I know you just didn't enter this room trying to snap? How bout you shutting the fuck up for the rest of this combo, and return tomorrow for our discussion on "Transvestites on the Rise"

Anonymous said...

Uuuuh Combo, BP08, hungry are we? to better state what BP08 was trying to say is, who are you, and why msut your first comment be an insult. This is how this thing works, you read the post, give your feedback then wait for someone to insult your way of thinking, then lash out! We have a system here and its working pretty well.

Anonymous said...

who says I was single?? Marriage doesn't equate happiness ms snobbs before you get all snooty. Being a slave to the "company" doesn't make a successful union before you thinking you ms cleavers running the successful bake shop. And maybe you should check your own screen name (ms Evans sounds more appropriate).

Anonymous said...

I can see you three all being Frenemies. Anon you may wanna get a name so we can identify you. Are you the same Anon that spoke last week but got ran off the site? See, you need an identity because you make good points and from the looks of thigs you hold your own quite well and will prolly be back.

If you highlight name /URL you can be whomever you please and no one will know your tru identity.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Oh my God BP08, the other site contributers and I would be delighted to let you kick off tomorrows topic. LMMFAO!

Anonymous said...

agreed ANON #2! it's obvious if ms snobbs had a happy job she wouldn't be on here she'd be "doing" here job. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

I can't follow with anon 1 and anon2. Get yo'self a name.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Maury, Miranda Hobbs you Are the father!

Anonymous said...

so are you saying that everyone on here is unhappy if they are married.

"it's obvious if ms snobbs had a happy job she wouldn't be on here she'd be "doing" here job. Peace out!" What does that have to do with this site? You're a bigger idiot than I thought. And Anon#2 I'm very much a woman, more of a woman than your father will ever be, drag queen baby..

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

So H2O how do you explain the treatment, disrespect & neglect that one receives from the person whom they have genuinely treated with the utmost respect and interest? For some reason when people are real nice to someone they want to get to know, some folks (guys and girls) take that as the doormat queue.

Anonymous said...

would you nobody's (anons) find a name. How bout, Dumb and Dumber, or thing 1 and Thing 2? And I'd be delighted to kick off tomorrows convo, as long as both anon's are present for questioning...

So Anon #1, how old were you when you first discovered you were a woman trapped in a station wagons body?

Anon #2, how hard is it to find someone blind enough to believe that you are a woman?

H2O said...

Being a good person has little to do with being a nice person Airforce. You can have a good heart and still not take no shit!!! If you know that you have been GOOD to someone and they still insist on treating you like last years Calvin Klein boxer briefs, then be out! Why should someone change the way they treat you if you accept it?

Anonymous said...

?????. ???'? ????? ???????? ?? ???? "???? ??? ????"! ???? /???? ??? ????
???...LOL! ???? ????, ???, ???. ?? ???? ??? ??????.


Anonymous said...

Men love light skin. I dance for a living and the other girls shows are usually much better than mine. Their asses are bigger, skin is darker and breast are fuller but I make way more money.

H2O said...


In the words of Joey from friends "How you doin?"

Knowitall said...

Sorry I'm late bp o8 but I'm not bitter about anything!!!! Honey I can be a bitch but I know bitches that have a boyfriends and husbands that are way worse than I am so that aint it ok pumpkin!!!! It's not my fault that me men don't know what to say to me or know what to do around me!!! I'm actually very nice too these n@@@@@@ until they f@@@@ me over!!!!!!!!!! Like I said honey men are afraid of me ok!!!! They come out and tell me you make me nervous and I scared of you so you do the math honey!!!!

Anonymous said...

So you're a STRIPPER

Anonymous said...

thats game knowitall, sad but true, there are no men that are afraid of women. Now not wanting to be bothered is totally different from afraid

Anonymous said...

whew Sorry knowitall, my bad, I didn't know you was BEASTY like that!!! I'm doing the math K pineapple and when things are added up, maybe them girls that are bitches got me n cus they know how to turn the bitch off, its a very skilled task and takes years of practice to know when and where to indulge your bitchness. Some women get the bitch spirit and get carried away with its power, some women could use a lil bitch every now and then. There is a happy medium. So when self reflection was done, what did you come up with as the reason why all men are so scared of you? I remember a comedian once saying "all niggas aint bad, you just gotta figure out what it is about yo pussy that keeps attracting aint shit niggas. if you 30 still talking about niggas aint shit, then chances are its you boo boo" Hmmmmm.... nobody seemed to argue with him, but when I say it I get verbally bashed. I tell you about fame and fortune. Katt Williams could get on this blog site and say the same shit I did, and eeerrbody would be like "Uh Huh Katt you sho'll is right" but an average bitch like me says it, and poof the crowd is turned into a riot. Puppets!!

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon. I'm an exotic dancer.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hobbs

Anonymous said...

It was just a question. I was tryna to see if you was "Broad-way" or the Playa's Club.

H2O said...

Knowitall, I met you before and though you are beautiful I thought you was kinda mean too. Of course I didn't know you and passed judgement on you before I actually got to know you, but you was a lil stank when we got introduced at HOOTERS that time...lol But I know you and you are a sweetheart, however I do detect a lil "I'll stab yo ass" in your system....

Anonymous said...

Mr/Ms anonymous....

Knowitall said...

Look dat nigga if he didn't wanna be bothered he wouldn't have approached me this was on the first date he said that so you figure it out and what do you know ain't you gay!!!! Bp08 I know how to control my bitch I only use her to protect the nice me !!!!!!!!!!! I try my best to be nice to these niggas but they do not appreciate that at all actually they love me being a bitch so to speak!!! I have took a hard look at me and I'm aware of all my faults but I'm really a cool person!!!! You know those bitches that have boyfriends and husbands they are usually bitching all the time while they are with them!!!!!!!! H20 I jus look mean I was not stank at hooters I thought i was cool!!! lmmfao!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't me being gay make me MORE knowledgeable about dating men. I mean I am a MAN who dates MEN who would know more about the subject? Fuckin Tard, I see now why you are single. You just proved my point.

Newflash broad, men don't have to want to be bothered just because they approached you!!! Girl see that's the thing, look at how you just snapped out on folks that was trying to help yo single ass out? And you say you can control your bitch...

Knowitall said...


H2O said...

Hmmmm I don't know, Knowitall, you ahd a mug on, but you are a cutie pie and you kidna nice, but dat MUGFACE man...LMAO!!

Knowitall said...


Anonymous said...

Girl they LYING!!!!! OMG are you that dense? What would make a man afraid of a woman dear? Tell me what? Her mouth, girl please niggas going upside females heads 90 going north!! Her bank account, please lazy ass niggas loving females with money, now they can truly live out their pimp dreams!!!

I don't give a fuck who you scared in the past yo caps lock don't scare me boo. There is no need for yelling sweets, I'm just a man who happens to know how to turn on men, that's all. Take my advice or leave it...

Knowitall said...

Well thank you h20 it jus the way my mamma told me to look so crazy folks won't bother me lmmfao!!!!!!!

Knowitall said...


Anonymous said...

A man who dates men don't make me an expert on men behavior, dumbass where you been. Half the women on earth get there advice on how to treat their man from a gay man... including you quiet as its kept.

Number 2 the kinda men I get down with, are usually married to one of YOU!! Think about it slowmotion, what can a dyke tell you about what men want? NOTHING right, CUS SHE DATES WOMEN, now a MAN who dates MEN, would prolly know a little about what men want, being that he is a man... Slow!! But your attitude is shining through knowalil, again its no wonder why you are single. That mouth boi!!!!

Anonymous said...

No this clown didn't call me a nitwit and shes arguing with a nigga who like niggas telling me that he don't know nothing about what men want.

Girl lets hope this chat don't go global cus now EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE will see you. LMAO!!

I have dated men that made me nervous but MORONICS I didn't stay that way, after a while you get over it!!!

H2O said...

I feel you Knowitall, I look mean as hell too, but I think that is more along the fact that my mind is everywhere at once and most of the time it lands on some shit that don pissed me off...LMAO!!!

H2O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Knowitall said...

Well like I said I don't have a problem with being single cus when i get ready I will get me somebody who will love my mouth for all it's uses K pumpkin!!!! And ain't nuttn slow about me but my pump action ok!!!!! You are not an expert jus cus you are gay!!!!!!!!!! I know jus as much about men as you because I have dealt with a enough men to know what to do and what not to do the problem is they don't know how to treat me!!!

Knowitall said...

Look dat nigga i don't care what nobody thinks about me so you can post this on cnn if you wanna k pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!! I get most of my advice from older straight women that have been around the block a time or 2 ok

Anonymous said...

but are you a man, question, who can give you better advice on suckin a dick? A cumdrinkin ass broad, or a nigag who got one? How am I gon tell you about yo triangle when I aint got one? I like you tho Knowitall, you funny. So tell me, what do you like that you don't get from men? They ingnit? Tehy don't know how to hold you after ramshackin that triangle, no class? What is it? Maybe if we better define and fine tune what you are looking for it might help you to narrow down your selection.

Again its something about yo triangle that keeps attracting aint shit niggas. Get behind that issue

Knowitall said...

How Y all both can't know!!!!!!!!! lol Honey don't get me started on what I don't get from men!!! I can't even get pass the calling game with niggas!!!! They want me to call them all the time and I ain't on that if don't call me I take that you are not interested in me no matter how excited a nigga act when I do call if he ain't calling me we ain't going nowhere and if we do get pass the calling game then it's can i come over to watch a movie not can I take you on a date!!! What happened these niggas today are not like the ones I'm use to and I have not been able to adjust to their cheap, no good in bed asses!!!

Anonymous said...

Its not just niggas knowitall, aint noone the same as they used to. My mom was 13 years older than me like the females are today. Therefore they are too young to be actual parents to their sons and daughters, producing ignorant ass adults. All humankind has gon to the dogs. I look at the worlds youth now and am sooo disappointed with what THEY feel is GOOD LIVIN or BALLIN!! No goals, now desires, nothing, just smokin weed and baby makin!! The girls don't even look like girls no more, they cussin and holdin themselves more than niggas. The niggas aint trying to be the headof their household and bring home fat money, they want to sit around and play XBOX, smoke blunts and let you have it for being late with dinner.

Knowitall said...

You are soooooooooooooooooo right that's exactly why niggas act the way they do now!!!!!!! Because these females today man I can't believe the way women carry themselves nowadays they go for jus about anything!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one that thought civilization has gone all to hell!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

????, ??? ??? ????? ?? ??! ????? ???? ????????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? "????-????"!