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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Loose Lucy

One of the blogs faithful readers is having a bit of a dilemma. She has a good man at home....loving, respectful, nice looking and has a good job. Well according to her, he doesn't have enough swagger so she creeped with a buddy of his who does. She is pregnant but it's been bothering her lately because the odds of it being her side dip's kid are very high. She doesn't know if she should tell her man (who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his 1st child) soon to soften the blow in the future or ride it out and see who the kid looks like as he gets older?

The young lady understands that she is willingly walking the green mile and welcomes good advice as well as harsh opinions. She feels nothing can be worse than her fiance's wrath...if she tells him.


Firefly said...

Well first of all "loose lucy" should have protected her goosy nookie then maybe her chances of being in this predicament would have been slim to none. But if she was adult enough to "dip" to fulfill what she thought she was missing she should be mature enough to take responsibility for her actions and fessup.

Anonymous said...

As a man with a host of female friends, I have to say that this woman needs to be tarred and feathered. Here it is all I hear is "aint no good men out here" or "men are so full of shit" and then this tackhead goes and cheats on her good man with a nigga with more swagger who aint puttin up with her emotional bullshit, aint catering to her needs, aint doing shit but laying the pipe and she feels she has a dilemma. She needs to face the damn music, tell yo good man with the good job, "as much as women complain about there being a shortage of good men out here, I found one, and I cheated on you, not with a faceless man I met, but with one of your boys and the kid I am pregnant with may be his" Once she gets up off of the floor, (LOL) she can tell all the angry women of this site that "there are good men out here, we just don't know what to do with one when we find one..." Tramp....

Anonymous said...

No, although the situation is fucked up, I think that she should wait and do the face test. If she discloses this to him now, she runs the risk of him alienating her during this pregnancy. She needs to be mentally and physically well to carry this child...stress is unhealthy.

There is a chance of the kid being his. So wait to see who the kid looks like.

Why would y'all call her loose lucy?

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I'm sorry if I offended you Princess, but we we're working on a deadline and this just fit. No offense! What would you like me to call it. I'll gladly change the topic title? BTW you have 5 min to give me a good one, if not LL stays.

H2O said...

She is already going through stress of the UNLNOWN, at least if she tells him, she can move forward with whatever decision he makes...

Anonymous said...

A. she coulda wore condoms! B. She coulda just stayed faithful and C. She's called a loose lucy because she was being loose which is what got her in the situation in the first place!! I agree with Dat Nigga, she needs to be slapped. With the shortage of good men out here, you go and do that?! Then you expect sympathy, there are all kinds of precautions that could have been taken. "Puhlease, just cut it out!!!" I hear you Rihanna!!

Anonymous said...

Wait to see what the kid looks like? Oh no princess, that reasoning is what gets half thse dumb ass women slapped upside the head. The sheer worry of "what is he gonns say or do" can be alleviated if she just comes clean,then she can know that she is either forgiven or forgotten...

Knowitall said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm this is very sticky!!!! I proally would tell them it's a toss up between the two of them and see what happens because sometimes men can surprise you.... They proally both gonna be mad at first but they might come around...

Anonymous said...

But what happens when the kid starts to look like no one, which has happened before? Does she jsut pretend as if its his and keep moving?

Firefly said...

"And don't tell him you sorry cause you're not!" LOL! Yeah this is a no brainer. Cause if the baby turns out to not be his then the chit would really hit the fan and she won't be emotionally stable enough to take care of the new born baby! And let's just say the baby is hers and the dip gets mad and tells her guy? Think she would be able to live happily ever after?

H2O said...

If a man loves you, he will eventaully understand, you WILL however be in constant worry because you have just issued your man a "get out of jail free" card with a pussy coupon attached

Anonymous said...

She knows that she's pregnant. There is no need to lay on the preventive mearsures now. The issue is bigger than that.

What she needs now is to have a stress free pregnancy. I would rather her tell him when she's has the baby.

Besides if he's that good of a man he won't abandon her now when she needs him most. "Mistakes Happen"...and that should be the topic's title.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Is everyone okay with the topic being changed to "Mistakes Happen"?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Anonymous, nice girls finish last. As long as he's looks like somebodyin her family she can always say that those are some distant genes...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Mistakes happen, like WE are that understanding when a man dips off and gets another woman pregnant!! Aint no woman on this earth gon tell HER man "go and be with the jump down you impregnated, so she can have a stress free pregnancy!" Stress is not something that can be helped by covering up on the outside. It's a state of mind. internally, even if he doesn't know, she will still be stressed about the fact that it might not be his and "what is he gonna do when he finds out!!" Then to have him love her and be that much more supportive while she's pregnant and leave her fool ass once the baby arrives will do waht for her stress level and emotional state? At least if she tells him, they can move forward towards forgiveness. Waiting until the child gets here to tell him is not gonna do anything but make him more mad, and lessen the chance of him actually being there when it REALLY matters, during the child rearing years. Pregnacy is stressful, I agree Princess, but raising a child alone because you couldn't get your panties to yourself is even more stressful, especially, when the OTHER MAN is a FRIEND of the main man. Tell him, get it over with. We can talk all day about the preventative measures because it needs to be talked about. you never know it may be another Loose Lucy in the background reading these comments who, because of our stressing the fact that "she shoulda strapped up" will not make the same mistake!!

H2O said...

The topic has been posted and we have already commented, to change it now is unnecessary as well as time consuming. Where were all these opinions when our deadline was late? Loose Lucy is fine, and if anyone is offended by it, OUTSIDE of the original Lucy, then check your mileage....

Anonymous said...

Wow Miranda, you sound as if you are speaking from personal experience, were you a Loose Lucy in your former life?

Anonymous said...

Lucy gon end up singing Jazmine Sullivan in a minute " i need you, I need you!!" LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

The possible BD is her man's friend. Dude is going to fuck around and be in jail before the baby arrives for murder in the first degree. Okay Lucy needs her sanity but she's also going to need means of support when the baby is here. People find out thier kids ain't theirs everyday. Nothing is different with this situation. Ride it out.

Anonymous said...

Eprunicus...who is Jazmine Sullivan? Is she even from this music era. Geez? LOL!

H2O said...

"When you want him so bad and you gotta get him back say OOOOH, cus it won't get no better till you are together say OOOOH, if you believe in your love and you can't give him up say OOOH, if theres nothing you won't do, to get back with your boo say OOOH..." C'mon Jazmine!!!

Anonymous said...

actually she has brand new song that just hit the radio just recently, what part of the world do you reside, maybe new music hasn't reached you yet? Jazmine Sullivan "I need You bad" She sounds a little like Lauren Hill! Get into it!

Anonymous said...

Princess you must be single with no kids, cus that is the only type of woman who would respond that way

Anonymous said...

I've disclosed on numerous occasions that I am single with no kids. Although, dilemma's like Lucy's are why I can't get on I still don't feel that she should be so sudden to drop a bomb of such caliper.

Anonymous said...

exactly. People take it from someone who has been there, TELL HIM NOW!!

Anonymous said...

How many months pregnant is she?

Anonymous said...

I'm caught up now. I am familiar with her work just didn't know her name...way to go Myspace.

Let's get back to the topic.

In the day of Drew Peterson, OJ Simpson and any other man who has killed their wife, you may want to know what your man is capable of before you tell him you may be pregnant by his friend.

Anonymous said...

you should probably KNOW that already, princess, especially since they live together! So to find out what your man is capable of AFTER you give birth is better than finding out while you're pregnant. Either way if murder is in the future, she's dead. At least if she tells him before hand, it will be LESS tramamtic to him. i can hear hims saying now, "bitch you let go through all this shit and the kid might not even be mine!!!" She's as good as strangled then!! Have we not learned anything from Jerry Springer and Maury Povich?

Anonymous said...

Well good for you Princess, you might want to get caught up first before you lash out

Anonymous said...

Based on the dr.'s graph and ultrasound im very early 2nd trimester. 13 - 15 weeks. They gave me like a two week margin of error.

Anonymous said...

Uhm Miranda...if any of the murdered wives knew they were going to be murdered do you think they would've stayed. C'mon now.

Eprunicus...i wasn't lashing just asking. No need for your panties to be in a bunch.

In the words of knowitall K punkin!

Anonymous said...

No one really knows anyone Miranda, look at all these people who lead normal lives, and then you find out they got a basement full of dead bodies. I bet your husband doesn't know that you had a baby out of wedlock. You just never really know people. If she is gonna tell him before the baby gets here, she shoudl tell her family that she is gonna tell him, that way they can be in constant contact to assure that she is okay. If she is gonna wait till afterwards, tell her family to get a big life insurance policy on her!

Anonymous said...

Besides, the peopel on Jerry Springer are coached and frantic that they "rode a plane"

Anonymous said...

oh Im sorry princess, well I retract my last statement and I'll say "knowledge is power"

Anonymous said...

Here here BP...out to lunch. I'll return shortly.

Anonymous said...

In order to obtain knowledge one must seek it buy asking and researching. Both of which I did. I asked you a question and then I got my ass on Myspace.

Anonymous said...

umm Princess, I think you misunderstood what I meant when I said "they should already know" Let me use smaller words then. I meant that you should already know what kind of man you have, you should know if your man is the type of man who will strangle your dumb ass for stepping out on him, or if he is the get mad storm out and remember that he loves you kinda man. That statement was separate from the whole if "murder is in the future then she is dead" remark. Princess please read with comprehension

Anonymous said...

yes but knowledge without understanding and retention is useless, you asked "who is Jazmine Sullivan? Is she even from this music era. Geez? LOL!" which again I'm not sure what you meant, because she is probably on the radio NOW. The part that got you served was the "is she even from this music era?" not the "Who is Jazmine Sullivan?" K Lemonlime?

Anonymous said...

okay both of you useless time stamps gon back up off of Princess. The one with the cheap shoes and the other with the cheap feet aint got no double team action!! EP Scorp, youssa a new booty, and you might want to be respectful. Miranda girl just shut up and drive another one of Rihanna's hits!!

You two can fight over which insult pertains to whom, it doesn't matter they both work for both of you! Princess might have better things to do than watch 106 & park all damn day like you EP, and she may have a better way of doing things since she is single Miranda...

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I agree. Either way this man is going to be crushed. Follow these safety tips:

1. Jot down all of his ID and credit card numbers. This will be used to track him down if he flees after killing you.

2. Know the address of his family members. He may use these places to hide out after he kills you.

3. Have your young strong male family memebers present when you tell him, or do it at a police station.

4. Keep mace handy.

5. Check your brakelines for leaks. He can cut them and it'll look like an honest accident.

6. Don't let him make your food or drinks. He may poison you. Arsenic is tasteless and odorless and will show up as organ failure on your autopsy.

IF I think of anymore I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

let her lay in the bed(s) she made! she's a grown a$$ woman who did what she wanted without thinking. Either way she has to suffer the consequences. She should have thought about the aftermath before the bomb started sticking, I mean ticking.

H2O said...

also watch for missing light bulbs, a grinded up light buulb can kill you slowly

Anonymous said...

FINALLY a realist, 2eachisown you said a mouthful!!

H2O said...

Uhhh Stalked much AF1? LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

I mean really, why is this even a discussion??? Let grown folks do what they do dumb or decent! Now I can see if she was protecting herself and the condom broke but damn she went in the fire with gasoline panties on she knew she had a 99.9% chance of getting burned!

Anonymous said...

BP08 see you own screen name which happens to match what men say when you ask them out on a date

Anonymous said...

The concersation was started because apparently Lucy was confused on how she should proceed 2Eachitsown. I do agree however that she didn't need any advice on whether or not she should sleep with the man or not so don't write in to Dear Abby now....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is my advice. I would tell the friend first, thsi way you have some support system going. Chances are teh guy is not going to be too eager to tell his guy that he may have impregnated his girl. Then wait till the baby arrives, get a DNA test on the friend and the baby and move from there. If it turns out to be her man's baby there was no need for alarm. It's dishonest but at least this way everyone has a level head and the child's welfare is most important. As the female it will become her duty to maintain the guys friendship otherwise she runs the risk of being outed in an angry attack on the main boyfriend, from the friend...

H2O said...

Share Mello?

Anonymous said...

..and then they ask us why we date out of our race? No body in their right mind wants to commit to a generation of women that seem to do the same thing, over and over again. On top of that these same women are the ones asking "why black me date white women" "why I can't find a man" give me a f*&%& brake!!! You got a better chance buying stock in United Airlines then having a successful marriage w/ some of the sisters nowadays…big ups to my sisters that can get it right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Estelle Getty (Ma from teh Golden Girls)died...

Anonymous said...

let the church say AMEN disappointed, let the church say AMEN!!

H2O said...

sorry the anonymous was me, I just used to watch the Golden Girls and was floored by the news, back to our regular programming

Knowitall said...

Look disappointed men are not innocent in all relationships ok!!! These black men out here today do the same thing or worse so don't act like it jus the sistas fault why marriages and relationships don't work out!!! No one cares if black men date outside of their race!!!!

Anonymous said...

he didn't say that knowitall, he was just saying, this was one of the reasons why men do what they do. What's really strange is when there is a MAN bashing topic, your comments are all up and through but when there is a topic when women are the ones who fucked up, you give us one maybe 2 comments. What's wrong kitty cat got your tongue?

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Wait a minute disappointed and Dat nigga, before you do a chest bump let me rep 4 the chicks with their shit in order. You date outside your race because you want to. I come across lots of professional women with their shit in order everyday. The problem is the Pro-women dont look like video vixens with the coke bottle curves and the R&B weave...you know the one's that you guys are quick to approach and when they perform the same sexual rodeo show with your boys then y'all come back and slam all black women. THOSE ARE HOES, CALL THEM OUT ACCORDINGLY.

If that's the case I can say that all black men are locked up drug dealing thugs. A dude asked in the Black Is Beautiful topic II "why are we so bound to our black men if they're not bound to us". Ladies why are we so bound. It's time to let them go. I can;t keep defendng the good in good black women if all these dudes compare us to are bust downs.

Anonymous said...

The man in THIS specific relationship is innocent, so lets crucify his girl like we would if the situation was reversed and he went outside the relationship to get another chick prego!! C'mon all you mean ass women out there, I KNOW you got some "dirty sluts" or "gutter snipe ass hoe" remarks or SOMETHING!! Don't save it all for the men who cheat, be a well rounded individual at least, and if you all are all about honesty then stand the fuck up. This chat be ful of disgruntled women when the man is on the witness stand, now that its one of your own I don't hear nobody letting this bitch have it. It kills me how this was even spun, "mistakes happen" when the woman is the problem and "no good ass niggas who don't know how to treat a real woman" when the man is at fault. Gimme a fucking break....

Anonymous said...

no need to rep for the chicks who got their shit in order, AF1, we speak about them all the damn time!!! Every damn day the men of this sight have to hear "Men don't know how to approach a real woman", "men are insecure when a woman has her shit in order", men are this that and the other. WELL TODAY ladies and gents the topic is about the bitch who couldn't keep her panties to herself, so lets stick to the topic at hand anc continue to let her ass have it like we would any nigga who was in the hot seat.

H2O said...

you can say what you like, I definitely see biasness going on here. As one of the MEN of this sight, I can say that yes, we do date outside of our race because we want to, and part of the reason we want to is because of the topic at hand. We all have (the men) female friends and we all hear the kinds of things that females are capable of. NO ONE is saying that the men are always right! But isn't it funny how quickly a topic about a slut can turn into a proud womans rant on why niggas still aint shit? Miss me with all that.

Anonymous said...

Dat Nigga got you there Air Force, this is a topic about a woman who did wrong and I don't see that much commentary like there is when the man is the idiot in question. You making us look bad. Honestly I have been screaming let the bitch get what she deserves from the beginning, along with Firefly, but unfortunately we are just 2 females against a choir of angry broads. I bet some of you women even think that somehow the man of THIS specific situation deserved this don't you. Tell the truth shame the devil.

Knowitall said...

Look dat nigga The cat don't got my tongue I can only speak on what I know!!!!!!!!! I know no good as niggas ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been in this situation before and don't plan on it happening (no offense loose lucy) So I don't know what to tell her like I said.... me personally I would tell both of them it's a toss up stay or leave!!! If I'm woman enough to get myself in the situation I'm woman enough to get myself out k pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"If that's the case I can say that all black men are locked up drug dealing thugs."

Essentailly isn't that what you are saying when you say "men don't know how to approach/treat you" or my personal favorite "men are insecure when it comes to a woman with a head on her shoulders?" Your friend probably has a head on her shoulders, doesn't take away from the fact that she was being a hoe, I know I know, the view looks different from behind a pointed finger, but it feels kinda weird being POINTED at huh? Again the shoe is on the other foot now, so I can see why its so hard to swallow the jagged little pill...

Anonymous said...

doesn't the fact that YOU KNOW NO GOOD ASS NIGGAS seem to bother you? What is it about your being that attracts no good ass niggas, If I have to ask you that on mo time man!!!

Knowitall said...

Look dat nigga No good niggas come in all forms and shapes and sizes I don't know why they are attracted to me maybe they love pretty smart black women so they can try to take them under!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

~She's not my freind.

~If I do come across a guy that doesn't know how to treat me, I dismiss HIM instead of bashing all guys.

~My advice to her was how to stay alive. I also said that she is one of the ones that fucks it up for good women.

~I don't know why no one is attacking her. Hell she needs the advice, not me. I just get tired of getting penalized for a Pop Tart.


Anonymous said...

Well if it were me, that would be my first concern knowitall getting behind the issue of why ALL of the men that are no good seem to be attracted to me, I mean I have had my share of no good ass niggas and bitches, it was because I was hooking up with them for the wrong reasons. Like SWAGGER over common sense and decency. A partner of your choice shouldn't be chosen to enhance your own self image, you should do that!! I mean triflin hoes come in all shapes and forms as well, those are the kind who usually end up with the good men that you are searching for. 9 times outta 10 a good man can be turned into a no good ass nigga by a triflin bitch, so by the time they get to you, they are already corrupt, just like you are when you go into a relationship feeling like the nigga is gon dog you out anyways...

Anonymous said...

No one is attacking her because to attack her is yo attack yourself.

Anonymous said...

to* attack yourself

Knowitall said...

Dat nigga I discontinue communication with any man that is not on my level intellectually!!!! I do like for a man to have lil swagger you can't jus be some super lame as negro with your nose up in the air... I like down to earth intelligent black men that still know how to have a good time and don't take themselves too seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think everyman wants to dog me out but they all do want me to sweat the grease off they black asses !!!

Anonymous said...

...what knowitall said. Who wants Carlton when you can have the Fresh Prince.

Anonymous said...

no one wants a Carlton thats why all of you all are single still trying to find your Fresh Prince

Knowitall said...

You must be a Carlton lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Miranda...are you fucking kidding me, smaller words. If that's the case why is it that her goofy ass man don't know that he's about to wife a slut bag who is obvioulsy bored to death with him and possibly prego by his boy. You can live with a person for years and they will still be a stranger.

...And to you Eprunicus, I asked was she from this era beacuse the verse that was posted and the name didn't seem like anything that I heard recently. I thought maybe she was a oldie but goodie like Etta James. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

and niggas like down to earth ass broads with their nose facing front as opposed to up in the air. Niggas want girls who know how to pick their battles and not be a MEGA bitch about every little thing so they can be paid attention too when there is a real issues as opposed to being ignored because you BTICHIN YET AGAIN!! BE WHAT YOU SEEK!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right Eprunicus, because I could never do an L7 = square. Revenge of the nerds will never live here.

Anonymous said...

Aww princess your age, intelligence and your IQ is showing with every comment you post....

we done with that segment of the chat, back to this trick ass bitch who don't know who her baby daddy is..

Anonymous said...

and neither will a HUSBAND with your attitude...

L7 funny, elementary but funny

Anonymous said...

I can proudly admit that my foot isn't in the grave.

Anonymous said...

these days age has nothing to do with the time you are alloted here in this earth, you can be TAKEN OUT, before old age hits

Knowitall said...

Dat nigga that's exactly why I can't find a man because I am what I seek out!!!!!!!!! I can swing in any circle participate in any conversation go to a block club or play and I'm still very down to earth and I don't have my nose in the air but seeing that I'm not the average girl w/a bunch of kids no education and no motivation my standards are a lil bit higher k pumpkin!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

your foot is not in the grave, but it is freshly out of high school graduation tights LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah I hear you melon...

still you seem to project negativity in this chat, and this is only 1/3 of your personality, so I can imagine how you are in person, argumentative, very negative, a real downer, maybe this is why no good ass niggas seem to gravitate towards you, maybe they feel its a trophy to get you because you are sooo hard to deal with...

Anonymous said...

That's true but he called me young as to insult me.

H2O said...

Where the hell is Firefly?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was an insult so much as an observation. Your comments seem full of "let me prove this point to you" as opposed to "here it is" That is where the age factor resides, not a bad thing but definitely noticeable

Firefly said...

Look the chick done dipped and got double dipped in return. Her need for satisfaction resulted in this reaction. This isn't about the man, it was HER persuasion that got her into this. Women have more power with the P and ladies you know it if you don't then maybe you are the ones crying about "ain't chit niggas". Learn how to control your P and use it to YOUR benefit. Stop thinking what's between your legs is enough to get and keep a man! It's not! It's how you use it! Cause once you start to give it away on the man's dispense and disposal then you wanna blame him for disposing you once he's finished with your ass! Some guys are dumber than doorknobs when it comes P. Learn how to turn the doorknob to open when you want to come in and to close when you wanna leave!

Knowitall said...

Acutally that nigga I not a downer at all!!!!!!! I'm one the coolest broads you ever wanna hang wit!!! You only feel my passion when I speak on subjects that are close in nature to me.... I'm a breath of fresh air all the time k pumpkin!!!

Anonymous said...

Eprunicus you or your age does nothing for me. The subject at hand is Lucy. Not the fact that I'm in my 20's. Can you remeber those days?

I'm young...and I know it. When I around your age my perspective will change. It's called growth.

I haven't experienced everything that you have condisering I'm possibly a fraction of your age.

You were young ONCE.

Knowitall said...

I hear what you are saying firefly.... I know good and well how to control my Tsunami!!!! I only deal with men on my terms!!!! That's why I can firmly say I will never be in that situation because if I dip off I'm gonna use protection~~

Anonymous said...


Im 26, CLASS OF 99 BABY!! just a little better versed and more experienced then my age bracket would suggest. You can pick your face up along with your comments off the floor now

Anonymous said...


Im 26, CLASS OF 99 BABY!! just a little better versed and more experienced then my age bracket would suggest. You can pick your face up along with your comments off the floor now

Anonymous said...

aww Princess, this just isn't your day is it?

Knowitall you are kinda bitter, if you are a breath of fresh air, then I'd rather suffocate.

Dat Nigga, you just mad cus all you get are no good niggas and you can't even get pregnant by them so you have no leverage.

Airforce 1 stop being sucha bitch no one cares about females with their shit together, we KNOW all about it!

Bitchplease dont even get me started on your coach class flying ass...

Anonymous said...

Good for you Carlton. That explains why you continue to go back and forth with me. Lighten up, it's not your BM were discussing or is it?

Anonymous said...

Girl Please... I aint thinking about Eprunicus. With a name like his I'm sure he's on the white girl band wagon.

Knowitall said...

Beat it Hobbs!!!!!!!!!!! go ahead and suffocate then!!!!!!!

Firefly said...

And that's cool knowitall to deal with men on your terms but it's how you dealing with him on your terms He doesn't have to know it's on your terms. For example, if you don't feel like being bothered or you tired of him only calling you in the middle of the night, (only wanting some) don't go off on him telling him "that's all you want or call me for!" Either don't answer your phone, or politely tell him you have an early meeting that you must be well rested for. See on your terms and he has no clue. A man who loves women is gonna wanna get it whenever they can. Because honestly folks when you talking about a man and a woman this is what it really boils down to. You can talk all that lovey dovey chit all you want. Thus the spark for this topic. Home girl wasn't getting the goods the way she wanted so she sought elsewhere and here WE are :)

Knowitall said...

Firefly you damn well ain't no nigga tryna here you got a meeting in the morning all he gonna say is "You can leave from here in the morning c'mon baby you know i wanna see you" Dat nigga gonna keep begging until you finally tell him look no @@@$$@$#%#%$#!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Baby Bye, I don't need to get pregnant by men you human urinal, why would I want that, you have enough trouble holding on to your man and you CAN get pregnant. I prolly don schooled your man on how to make you happy. Check his cell phone!!

Anonymous said...

Miranda, to even take time talking about how low class you are would be an insult to our readers in the most repetitious of manners! The only reason why you are even allowed on this site is because we need the idiot point of view to counteract the common sense. You are a chewtoy and your mom still dresses you funny.

Anonymous said...

Not not my BM, I like women with class and common sense, like Airforce 1 and firefly. Soooo Princess because I am educated and know one or two Latin Terms I gotta be on the white girl band wagon?

Now your ignorance is showing? Damn girl how many personality disorders you gon show me today?

Anonymous said...

You don't have to like me Goofus Poofus (5th grade term). I don't like nerds so what's your point.

Anonymous said...

Miranda is that you sitting in front of me here in the "having a bad day" club? Classic!

Anonymous said...

aww Princess, "I don't like nerds" self hatred too? Damn girl!!

Firefly said...

Well knowitall if you "know" he that type of nigga, I suggest you take the "don't answer phone" approach. And again, whose P is it anyway's his or yours?

Anonymous said...

No but I should be sitting behind you in the having a bad hair day club! Behind you because you need repair much faster than I do princess

H2O said...

the pussy is MINE all MINE firefly

Anonymous said...

okay Miranda I don told you to lay off of folks in here, don't nobody care that you played in 16 candles with yo washed up ass!!

Molly Ringworm, come up missing here!!

Knowitall said...

LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! @ H20 LOL... Firefly it's mine but all that be nice and trick him into thinking this sh@@ is annoying!!!!!

Anonymous said...

your name aint in my guys cell phone Dat Nigga, he don't like female impersonators

Anonymous said...

No, but you should enroll in my make- up for dummies class cause that rouge isn't working for you toots!

Anonymous said...

Oh my name is in there I just told him to put it in there under a phone number you know he has. Like his sisters alternate phone number. So anytime I call it will show his sisters name and depending on the number he will know it is me or his sister for real. Im not even worried about giving you that tidbit of information because I MASTER this, I got alot more tricks up my sleeve, but none bigger than you trick ass bitch....

Anonymous said...

that would be the blind leading the blind Princess no one wears fire engine red lipstick anymore

Anonymous said...

No, I actually welcome my nerdish ways. That's why when I have fun I do just that. I leave the seriousness to my school work and career beginnings and bring the Chit here. Too bad you're sensitive.

Anonymous said...

apparently your man does like female impersonators, why else would he wed a ogre such as yourself?

Umm telephone call for (Man)tasia Berrino on line one.

Anonymous said...

Im not as sensitive as those fire engine red lips Ms Hobbs just spoke of...

Your clueless and not the fine as hell kind like Alicia Silverstone and Stacy Dash

Anonymous said...

That's where you're wrong and my youthfulness comes in. Fire engine red lips and leopard print is all the rave right now. You'll find it on the fresh faces of Rihanna, Beyonce and Ashanti.

NEWSFLASH Your late ass Purple/brown smokers lips went out in the 90's with SWV.

Anonymous said...

Okay Goofus I really wish you would go and inhale Carban Monoxide and leave me the fuck alone.

Anonymous said...

Mir(man)da are you still there

Anonymous said...

Fresh faces is the operative word Princess

Anonymous said...

but doesn't the red engine lips have to match your skin tone, I've seen your myspace page, not the best...

Anonymous said...

Myspace???? Try Facebook!

Anonymous said...

Goofus, I was thinking about asking the authors to do a topic on how to tell your man that his dick is small...How did your girl tell you?

Man-digo Hobbs, how did your man tell you?

Anonymous said...

122 comments & counting before 5pm WOW...

Anonymous said...

why not do a topic on how to speak with your mouth full? Princess you start off the class.

H2O said...

That is quite an accomplishment Mello LOL

Anonymous said...

1) Big ups to my brothers in here that stood up for us!

2) Big ups to the sisters that, & I quote "got their shit together"

3) Kick Rocks to the bitter men bashers, that blame the rest of us men for the men they chose, that we don't even know!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes Sa(MAN)tha Jones, er um, Miranda how did your man tell you your dick was too small?

Anonymous said...

..if you don't believe they [the bitter women] are in here? What till you read the responds.

Knowitall said...

Mello the same could be said for men that choose the wrong women and then blame us and then date outside of their race!!!!!!

H2O said...

Mello we should shut the chat down after your comments my nicca. YOU put the P in period after that statement!!!! It was hard man, you know these women when they get focused on a man bash rant, aint no stoppin them, till Dat Nigga showed up, and what's really weird is he is gay, and had more to say in defense of men then anyone else!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the bitter women president speaks!!! See knowitall no one else felt the need to stick up for the BB's (bitter bitches) but you? Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Um I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity employer thank you very much!!

Knowitall said...

Because what's good for the goose is also good for the gander!!!! The very same things yall say about us can apply to u niggas too!!! Dat nigga I'll take that bb presidento title thanks k pumpkin!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

...I'm just say'n though...lol

Anonymous said...

Own what & who you are and keep it move'n, stop complaining and blaming!!! At the end of the day who cares? you are the one that has to wake up in that body W/ THAT MIND day after day..not the rest of the world...

Firefly said...

That's right J.R. nobody knows and do you better than YOU. And You have to live with you all the time not just some of the time!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Goofus I'll do a show and tell type of demo using you and (Man)dingo Hobbs as my performance dummies

Meadester said...

@disappointed, How do you know that either she or her husband was Black? I don't see any mention of race in this post.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Hi Meadster-

We've had a two day topic on brothers who date outside their race (Black is Beautiful 1 & 2) That was just a little bit of carried over hostility from the other days. That's it.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst thing you can ever do to anyone is take their choices away from them. by lucy not coming clean with what she did, she will being doing exactly that. your playing roulette this man future and that is going to build resentment, and that is precuser to hatred. if is such a good dude as you say he is, im sure he has a plan for his is life and if he feels that you trap him in a lie just becuase you wanted to get pussy wet the gloves are coming off. GIVE THAT MAN A CHOICE TELL HIM NOW.