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Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Off with his Nuts!"

"Hopping John" Jesse has not learned from the "hymietown" days has he? He has mouthed off again! (Click title post to view video). What is it with him and his negative feelings towards Senator-Soon-to-be-the-first-Black-President-of-the-U.S. Obama? Is hate so embedded within him that caused him to make such a crude statement as this? Or is it deeply rooted in blacks in general that we can't stand to see one of "us" make it past us?

And just when we thought Imus was done here comes JJ! If it's not one of "them" is one of our own!


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I really can't say that i didn't expect this kind of behavior from Jesse. He has been the voice for black people for so long that Obama's sudden rise to stardom has him full of envy. Too bad for Jesse because this is not going to leave a pleasant view of him with blacks. maybe he'll be the spokesperson for Asians...LOL!

Firefly said...

Okay two questions come to mind:
First, How in the world that a public experienced TV figure such as Jesse forget that his mic was on?
Second, what is it about Obama that gets him so riled up? Does Jesse believe that should be "him" in Obama's position? This right here, is a prime example of why JJ is not in Obama's position!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Of course he feels that it should be him. C'mon noone thought that we would have see a black person come this close to the White House in our lifetime. Jesse knew that he would be the only person to go down in history for his shot at the it.

It's not about him anymore. JJ failed to reach out to the masses. Okay you're black but your platform can't always be about black people in a diverse country like America.

He shot himself in the foot.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson is full of $hit. He knew damn well that your mic is live until you take it off. If he wanted to make comments like that he should've waited until he was in the comfort of his own home. But getting back to the issue how could he come off saying that Obama's speeches can come off as speaking down to black people and that he is dogging what more important. He needs to get real. Him and Al gets on my last nerve. They don't get involved until the media have something to say. I don't see Jessie trying to help blacks in the Chi to keep there homes. I don't see him going to bat for the many black men who are imprison that are innocent. I don't see him in the community help until something go down. Jessie Jr. was right in what he said about his father. Apology my ass he needs to stand in it.

Knowitall said...

All I can say is that JJ really disappointed me with this one.... Now I forgave him for the child out of wed-lock but saying something like that about Obama is unforgiveable..... He must really be jelous.....I think the crabs in the barrel statement is sooooooo true!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime one of us makes it to the top somebody's trying to pull you back down!!!! Get a grip JJ Obama's going to the top!!!!!!!!!!

H2O said...

Jesse just mad that America rejected him in the 80's when he ran for president. What did he expect, he's not polished, not refined, and with the separation of church and state how could he even believe he would be a viable candidate? I have listened to ALOT of Obama's speeches. I don't feel like he was talking down to blacks, I think that is who he was talking TO, because that is where most of the abandonment lies within the black community! If anything he was going in a sort of "call to arms' direction. One thing my mom always told me is, "if you don't give people ammunition they cannot shoot you" If you don't abandon your kids or if you become a valueable part of their life, black people, you can't feel like the speech is for you!! I am black so please don't think this is by anyway a racial remark. I cannot speak on any other ethnic backgrounds abandonement issues because I am not of their ethnicity!! I don't know why all these REVs don't sit down and practice what they preech!! "Cut his nuts off!" Are you kidding!! You couldn't have said that over the phone man!! Damn!!!

Anonymous said...

Jesse is an idiot. Green is definitely not his color. Don't these people see that they are not really helping, if this is a so called "dream come true", every BLACK face in America should be singing Obama's praises not tearing him down!!!! Rev Wright, Rev Jackson, whats' up with the Revs!!!!!????

Anonymous said...

Boy I tell you that DNA is strong when I say the black family was divided and it has carried over for centuries. It started back with Dubois and Booker T. But at least they went at their differences with a little more decency. I just hope and pray we don't have another "Malcom" repeat and it would be somebody in Jesse's camp that would be behind the trigger.

DGSMOOTH said...


Firefly said...

Unfortunately so "dgs". They can't find nothing really negative on the man (Obama), he fits the bill and wears it well, and he's for the people so naturally people love him. Anyone who poses as a threat to some becomes that person's target. People who wish they could be him (Jesse) or have what he has, naturally feels threaten by him.

Anonymous said...

So maybe people do talk a little reckless about others. It's hurting Jesse that his dumb ass got caught while doing so.

Anonymous said...

see black on black ignorance. no wonder y u people can't get along & excel in this country. salve days are over so what & who u gonna blame now? u all r your own worst enemy!

Firefly said...

Jesse was hurting before he even made that crassly comment. He just should hide under a rock in the "hood" that he so lacks in assisting.

Firefly said...

No "anonymous" ignorance bears no color (let's use you as an example). Ignorance is as ignorance does - and says. We are excelling in this country...Obama, duh? The basis for this topic/discussion. So before you go on a racist rant look around in this country (if you are even a citizen here) and see for yourself.

Knowitall said...

Of course you(Anonymous) would feel we are our own worst enemy you are on the outside looking in!!! you only know what the news shows you!!!!!!!! Don't act like people of other races don't try to bring each other down Let a ceo position become open a big corporation whitie would kill each other to get it!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay Okay I've been silent all day because I just wanted to see how long it would take for somoene to post something that would spark my arrival!! As you all know by now I am what you call blog security, the clean up woman if you will. Anon how many stupid cells held communion in your brain before leaving your comment? What did you really expect to gain? Can we blame your ignorance on your color, chemical imbalancing, tourette syndrome or in-breeding perhaps? To get on here and waste your energy posting this non-sense is proof that not only are you bored in your everyday life, but you are too ignorant to even know it. I agree firefly, it bears no color, because thanks to Anon's comment ignorance appeared in the blog in black AND white!! Disappear until you can find a name for yourself. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I feel all of ya'll. I was like why can't people just shut up already!I know we have freedom of speech, and yadayadayada...but could we at least let the man make history on his & our behalf and then come in w/ the commentary at least? Its like as soon as we get over one oops from our people, then here comes another, then know Jesse (some one, I have always looked up to?) It makes us look bad as a hold you know? SILENCE IS GOLDEN!!! Maybe he is jealous because of his lack of support in the 80's, but we have to realize the 80's was an entire different error...a time where society wasn't ready for a black President so left wing (for lack of a better word)Jesse is more radical than Barack & unpredictable, something we cannot afford in the white house EVER!

Firefly said...

As someone mentioned it is Booker T and DEB all over again - just different times and different era. But you looked up to Jesse???(JK) we seem to just escape the crabs in the barrel syndrome where one is on his way to making it out, then here comes crabby Craig with his big claw chopping away at the legs, trying to get out first. But jealousy, fear and insecurities can be more deadly "weapons". Because out of those emotions comes irrational thinking and actions.

Anonymous said...

Firefly & BP08, I luv your comeback for anon--anon, get over it! You, like Jesse, are not ready for change. I feel Jesse is upset because he too, is one of the black men that Obama speaks about, having an illegitimate child and not being there to take care of it. Those types of comments coming from a Rev. is absurd! Jesse can continue to think and live in his old school ways, but its time for the new school to take over--like Sam Cooke said "change gon' come!" R u ready??!!

Anonymous said...

"baby bye" in the words of Barack, "YES WE ARE!" And as for ANON, he/she better get with the program - even the KKK supports Obama!