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Friday, August 8, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

You all know the drill, Professor Grey is here to help if you let me. I'm Listening.....


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Due to a disagreement among authors Talking Chit is being canceled.

email us at talkingchit@google.com to be informed about the new home for out chit talking blog.


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Sorry for the inconvenience but please send an email to talkingchit@google.com. Feel free to include topics that you would like to see discussed. Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

A disagreement among authors. So just because you all disagreed we all have to pay the price for that. H2O, Airforce One and Firefly, through this blog you all have saved marriages, settled disputes and best of all given people are way to vent frustrations that would have otherwise got us into serious trouble. I hope you guys find a solution, I love this blog!!!

Hey Professor!!!!

Anonymous said...

who had the disagreement, H2O what did you do to these two ladies!!??

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, I am the aunt of one of the authors. I am on here daily but have not had the time or am I quick witted enough to make comment. I will say this though. I think what you are doing is innovative, entertaining and at the very least stress relieving. Sometimes I get on here after a bad day at work and read your comments and CRACK THE HELL UP! Bitchplease and Miranda are the best!! I hope you guys can find resolution...

H2O said...

I didn't do anything ANON, the original disagreement was my fault, I apologized for it and that was that or so I thought?

We will be okay, this kinda thing happens when 3 great minds come together..

AiR FoRcE 1 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Knowitall said...

Can't we all jus get along! This such a positive outlet for people to release stress and make it through a hard day of bull-shit @ work come on guys jus talk it out!

Anonymous said...

Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.

Anonymous said...

well i wish the authors would have wrote in to Professor Grey!!

Anonymous said...

too many Indians not enough chiefs....

H2O said...

we're fine, actually we should've posted the emails that were sent back and forth to you guys, yall would TRIP!!!

You think Miranda and bitchplease go at it!! PUHLEASE!! They aint got nothing on us AUTHORS!!!

Knowitall said...

My verbal assault skills has sharpened since I've been on talking chit everyday c'mon I need this!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Lets post 'em H2O it's about to get shut down anyway.

Anonymous said...

no one here is Indian ANON shut you broke ass up!!

And Knowitall I hope I had something to do with your verbal assault skills being sharpened. Insulting Miranda as well as people you don't know takes skill!!

H2O said...

no its not Air Force, this is not the end of Talkinchit, trust me...

God will not allow an avenue like this to be destroyed by human emotion

Anonymous said...

I agree knowitall, I mean I have to hand it to bitchplease she really knows how to get her point across quickly, and precisely, she has shut me down on several occassions, the ghetto must be full of smart mouth hoes like her...

Anonymous said...

The ghetto?!!!

Bitch I'm on my way upstairs Florida, yo no neck having ass aint finna just talk about me!!

Wilona don't play that shit!! LOL

Knowitall said...


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

It's not over but we have to make preparations for if we all try to come back home and the doors are locked. We can keep the same destination but instead we can be talking mo chit or talkingchit2.

We are not leaving just relocating.

Anonymous said...

we are not going anywhere, these "creative" differences arise all the time. It haas just beena bad day for all, especially for me so if I can keep a smile on my face then everyone should be able too. Again I have a friend that is upset right now that "she" cannot be a part of this blog, I won't DARE give her the satisfaction of thinking we couldn't hold it together.

The Trininy H2O , Firefly and Airforce One is as one. PERIOD..

Professor Grey has spoken..

Anonymous said...

In the darkest hour of discontent
realize this blog was Heaven Sent
combat the feelings surrounding you
rejoice in creativity all up and through.

This haven of thought is larger than life
constantly counseling a man and his wife
For today is the day the Lord hath Made
and tonight hopefully I'll get laid..

Blessed be...

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Well sense we doing mantras and spells I got one too.

Now I lay me down to sleep / I pray for knowitall a man to keep.

If he should stray be she wakes / I pray knowitall will not be my non romantic date

H2O said...

you damn fool!!!! Knowitall don't let the evils of Airforce one suck you in!!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon yall don't do this...I'm with "Aunt" this is TRULY a stress reliever when you deal with so much bs during a long days work. Man, first the fat boyz break up, now this?!! lol! I'll continue to pray that you all will come together and work it out.

Peace n luv!

Anonymous said...

what movie was that from poohs girl.....

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I think that's from Martin BP

Knowitall said...

WEll hello pot(af1) I'm kettle while yo a@@ praying for me a man make sure he send you 1 first skalleewage!!!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I love you too. See you tonight..LOL!!!!

H2O said...

I wish I was in the middle of yall... er um I mean with yall

Anonymous said...

I too have become an avid reader of this blog and consider myself a fan ever since my friend (Firefly)
put me on. Hearing that this might end was like hearing my Caramel Macchiato was being discontinued from Starbucks! I need me daily dose, LOL! I would hate to see what was created and from reading others comments an entertaining outlet come to end. You guys really do have something here that I'm sure if it keeps up can be a top, very helpful blog. Keep doing what you all are doing cause I gotta hear my "Bitchplease" every now and then, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sorry BP, work consumed me, but I originally heard it on Boomerang, when Eddie Murphy's character (Marcus) broke up with Robin Given's character (forgot her name) and Chris Rock made the comment...

Firefly said...

Sometimes emotions have projective power over thoughts. Our first "read" of a new situation is always centered in our emotions, feelings, and attitudes – as such our emotions are laying the groundwork for the thinking that is to come…

…When we express our thoughts to another person we must concentrate our attention to choose words that express sequentially the various attributes of thought we wish to communicate. The listener must likewise concentrate his attention to select the appropriate meanings from among many possible interpretations. Sometimes a listener may not concentrate their attention to the “appropriate” meaning or the interpretation from the expresser – we read about it all the time here in Talking Chit that’s what keeps it interesting yet may send some off the handle! Talking Chit is not going anywhere! We just had one that flew over the cuckoo’s nest, LOL! Reading all of your comments have re-iterated and confirmed what this blog was intended for and for that we are thankful to have made you laugh, (hopefully not cry!) get angry, reflect, find solace, change views and/or most importantly provide an outlet for you to just “talk chit”.

Anonymous said...

yes and besides all that, If we can stand to hear Miranda's tired ass then we can deal with anything!! Thanks for the shout out ANON, I can;t believe you people like me, I tried my hardest to be unlikeable!! LMAO!!