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Friday, August 22, 2008

Astrologically Speaking


Professor Grey is back to heal the world through the magical science called Astrology. Have a relationship issue, a co-worker or boss got you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let me help!!

Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Zodiac Guru. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....


Anonymous said...

Hi Professor

I am a Leo woman and my boss is an Aquarius woman. She gets on my damn nerves and she is very backstabbing and always seems to have something negative to say about me. What can I do to keep from punching this bitch in the mouth, cus that is whats gonna happen...very soon!!

Anonymous said...

Whoah Lioness, Please do not punch your boss in the face. There are better ways to defeat an enemy than through physical force.

Your Leo personality forces you to take charge and be a leader!! This may make your boss ancy as she feels threatened by your leadership skills. Aquarians are very "different" people. They are the water bearing air sign. This means they have all the characteristics of air, fun loving, free spirited, and very social, but all of the emotions of water, vengeful, compassionate, emotional, and envious.

You must first correct you, before you correct anyone else. NEVER give her a reason to have anything negative to say. Do your job and do it well!! This will cut down on her negative comments and she will be forced to make things up if she wants to continue to bash you. When this point arises gather as much information as you can on her, how you have been treated, how your work atmostphere has been affected, and take the necessary steps to uncover any discrimination issues!

This shows professionalism and also lets your boss know that you will not go gently into that good night...

Anonymous said...

Sup Prof

I am a Cancer male who has been with my Virgo female for 2 years, here recently we had a baby and although things are good, they are not as family oriented as they should be. We just had a baby about 2 months ago, and she was a difficult delivery which was very stressful for both of us. The Dr. said that she(my girl) needs alot of rest and needs to not be too stressed about anything so that she can recover.

My girl has taken this to an all time high, cus everytime I say something to her about ANYTHING she goes into the "don't stress me out" bullsh*t! I am not trying to stress her out, I love her, but damn there are things we need to talk about and I can't seem to get her to communicate with her retreating..

Help my nig...

Crabby dan a M*f*cka!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Crabby,

Unfortunately you as Cancer will ALWAYS have an issue that you need to discuss. This is not a good or a bad thing it just is!! Cancers have an incessant need to communicate, discuss, pick apart, complain, so on and so forth. (No offense but honesty is the best policy)

You have to learn to give her time. As Virgo she will not be pushed into anything and will start to resent you if you FORCE anything. The things that you want to discuss, are they life or death or are they something that is on your mind and you want to get off of your chest? If it's the latter then those things can wait. If your wife had a difficult pregancy and delivery then she may be experiencing different emotions that you know nothing about. For the childs sake you have to give her time to heal, calmly tell her there are some things on your mind and when she is feeling up to it, you would like to talk with her.

Also as Virgo she is very critical and the if things that you want to discuss are about her and her ways, then you may need to prepare for battle. Just know going in, you have choices in what you say and how you say them.

My advice... don't expect someone to change the way they are acting in a relationship that they are comfortable in. If you are having issues, you need to make changes as the only person you have jurisdiction over is you....

Anonymous said...

Hi professor

my friend told me you were really good at this so I am gonna try you out. I am a Gemini girl and I am engaged to a Sagittarius male. I love him and he loves me, this is unchallenged. I however have a problem with his "slow, let the chips fall where they may" attitude about life. There are decisions that need to be made about things in our life and he takes entirely too long to address them. I have made comments spoke to him and everything but he still acts like a damn retard sometimes!!

Prime example. He has a child with another woman, and when she can't get in contact with him she calls me. Normally I wouldn't oppose this kinda thing, but she is very rude and dry on teh phone and she sounds as if she has a problem with the fact that I answered my phone instead of him! Its my damn phone. Me and the Ex have even come to blows before because of her mouth. I had to knock the broad off one. But I keep telling him that I am upset that she even has my damn cell number but for the childs sake I allow it. What else can I do?

The Twin Towers

Anonymous said...

Dear Twin Towers,

If I were you I'd address the issue to him in a firm manner. Do not fly off of the handle as Gemini is known for but tell him if he does not handle the situation that you will get someone to handle it for him. What I mean by this is you will get your number changed and he will have to deal with it in his own manner. With Sagittarius, all of life is a game to them. With Gemini it is a learning process. Everything is a lesson.

To have succesful convo with someone born under the Sag sign, you must grab their mind and hold it until you are finshed, othewise they will drift. Sit him down, quiet the room and talk directly to him and into his eyes. You are guaranteed results. If that doesn't work tell him you are gonna start having your people call him when they can't get in contact with him. See how long he lets that ride....

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian woman who pays tithes, attends church 3 nights a week and tries to walk the righteous path. Several months back I was introduced to a guy that really swept me off of my feet. Well I just recently found out that he is married with a family. I was devastaed because it's been a long time since I let a man get close to me. I tried to leave but I began to yearn and long for him. I called him and told him I was sorry for trying to leave. WTF is wrong with me. This isn't how I was raised and it goes against my beliefs. I know that the Devil tempts you but honestly professor I'm addicted to him. I feel like how am I supposed to breath with no air if he's not around. I don't want to hurt his family but I enjoy him sooo much. Were there signs? No, and I still try to figure out what kind of wife gives her husband late hour / overnight passes. I've never been to his home only because I never thought about going. He lives in Waukeegan and I'm in the city, work in the loop and studying for my Masters. So it's very convenient for him to visit me in the city.

Please don't judge me because I am weak right now and my conscience isn't clear. I am struggling with this. IS there any advice on how to shake my situation?

Anonymous said...

You homewrecker leave him alone! I have a husband and I don't want anyone messing with him!

Anonymous said...

Newsflash: THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN WRECK YOUR HOME IS YOUR HUSBAND. Women kill me always going after teh other woman. I can understand that you're upset but that lady doen't owe you a damn thing. Keep your man on a shorter leash if you're worried ANONYMOUS #2.

I don't think she asked for your input anyway.

Anonymous said...

And I didn't ask you for yours if tramps like her stayed away from married men they would have no one to cheat with say NO! Get your own man!

Anonymous said...

#1 Let me address the ANON #2 This is not your time to shine, please keep your comments about my readers to yourself. If you want to insult someone, start your own blog, and have at it, but not on here and definitely not on today. You calling her a homewrecker helps no one, your situation is not hers, so for you to say you have a husband means little to nothing. I'm sure you don't allow your husband to repeatedly spend the night out, correct? Am I understood?


Now ANON #1 You have to trust that God has a plan for you. Being a Christian means more than being able to recite a bible verse at will. You have to breathe it, live it, and be it.

If this man is married, it matters not what kind of pass his wife gives him as that is his and her cross to bare. Marriage is a Holy Union. Meaning a ceremony to celebrate love under God's plan! You cannot interfere with that. Karmically speaking there will be nothing good coming to you or him if you continue.

I understand your addiction but as with any addiction you will have to overcome your wants. If he has a wife and is cheating with you, why are you in such a rush to take her place? HE CHEATS!!! Is that the future you want for yourself? Do you WANT to lay awake every night and think about all the times when you were with him and he was still married, then he's late coming home one day, are you ready for that paranoia? Instant gratification is not love. Think of your feelings in the long run. in your situation you didn't know he was married, now you do, act accordingly. If he leaves his wife for you, will you be sick with worry when he is late coming home, not answering his cell etc? It's not worth the hassle...

Anonymous said...

How could you be silly enough to fall in love with someone who has a wife!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I just get so upset about cheating husbands I lose control I'm sorry professor grey! I just thought for a minute what if it was my husband sorry again sorry!

Anonymous said...

sorry professor but I know you are much too dignified to address this the way it should be addressed so let me!!

Anon yo dumb ass didn't even read correctly. Teh woman didn't know he was married, until AFTER she fell for him, she didn't go after a married man he deceived her so a little understanding is needed!!

don't bring yo silly ass in here with this bullshit you had all week to play the fuckin village idiot today is about helping. Tune in next week for "Bitches with too much mouth Mondays"

dont do it bitch, do dont it!!

Anonymous said...

...And another thing ANONYMOUS, married men are usually the biggest WHORES around town anyway. Don't nobody gotta chase behind they ass. They do the pursuing. He deceived her, hell I've been deceived on numerous occassions to have a silly woman like yourself come at me when YOUR HUSBAND neglected to mention that you even exist. So maybe if you keep at home in order opposed to wrecking it with a fatty diet, faulty wardrobe, less trips to the beauty shop and lack of sex you wouldn't have to woryy about why he's sniffing around my back door. You done pissed me the fuck off. Get your shit in order. You're lack of care for yourself (contentment)wrecks your home. When is the last time you danced for him or wore something sexy. YOu bitches gotta keep your man interested or he'll find someone who will.

Anonymous said...

Undertandable ANON we all have been there before.. stay encouraged..

Anonymous said...

How rude I said I was sorry but once she found out she should have left him alone! And I said sorry ok!

Anonymous said...

Thats quite enough Arm Charm...(wink)

Anonymous said...

Arm charm you must deal with married men let me just tell you they never leave!

Anonymous said...

that is quite enough from you too ANON

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I caught a flashback. A wife so disrespectfully confronted me and I knew nothing about her. Her disrespect and ignorance made me deal with her husband, of whom I had no interest in, much longer out of spite.

Im done!!!

Anonymous said...

well ANON#1 came here for help so let the Professor do his job ANON #2 don't nobody come to yo job and slap dicks out yo mouth do they?!!

Anonymous said...

Bitchplease ANON, and Armcharm may I remind you that your PERSONAL issues were not in need of my assistance. That means they have no place here.

Whew, who do I write to when I have a problem?

Anonymous said...

Deal with married men knowingly, no! But they are lurking and you just never know who you have until someone jumps out of the woodwork accusing you of being a homewrecker. Who's concerned with Mr. Your Husband leaving..not me cause I don't date cheaters. BUt just like you told me that they never leave. I'm going to tell you they never stop cheating either. unhappily ever after.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but they only are infatuated with you for the moment but they love their wives forever even if they cheat! You are the one unhappily ever after with no man of your own once again I'm sorry to everyone I've upset for offended!

Anonymous said...

Is the you you're referring to me. Because I could've sworn I just told you I don't deal with married men. Isn't it ashamed that women like me have to turn someone down who should be respecting you and the sanctity of your marriage. That's not cute or anything to be proud of. If my husband cheats Im going to commit a Left Eye / Lorenna Bobbit. That's it that's all.

Anonymous said...

Never say what you are gonna do until it happens to you!

Anonymous said...

Unidentified Talking Person AKA ANON why are we debating. We are both saying the same thing. You and I both don't approve of cheaters. The only difference is you blame the woman I blame the man you know the person whose fault it really is.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be married to experience being cheated on. I've been down that road several times. Each one resulted in the same outcome, me leaving their ass alone. Again, I don't do cheaters and if you've forgiven him 3 times already he's going to do it 1 million times more.

Anonymous said...

Hi professor I am a leo and my boyfriend is an aries and although I love him he drives me crazy! I really love him and I'm afraid I appear very needy to him at time and I don't wanna push him away because of that but I just can't seem to read him or figure him out for lack of better words! Please help

Anonymous said...

you stress a good point arm charm, women do go after the other woman before they go after their man you know the one that promised to love honor and respect them under God's eyes!!

You know that mode of thinking goes back to the Salem witch hunts and the burning of women at the stake. Originally witches were women who were caught sleeping with married men, the women of the town then got together and burned the woman with the thought of "she musta been a witch to get a married man to sleep with her" It's a shame that women today still have the same mentality of the women in the 1600's...

look how far you guys have come mentally

Anonymous said...

And that is one to grown on profess!

Anonymous said...

Aries men...

Aahhh you gotta love to hate them. If anyone can do it you can.

You the Leo are Royalty, you are the Queen of the zodiac. You demand nothing but royal treatment. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so they also demand a certain amount of respect. An Aries man will drive you crazy, they WANT to!

They are HEAD STRONG people and always want things to go their way. Do not bump heads with a Ram Leo you will burst your head wide open!! That will do more harm to you than good. Your job as the Lion is to outsmart him. You see Rams are not hunters they are warriors there is a big difference. They can handle themselves in the heat of battle quite well. Very quick on their toes, verbally and mentally. But hey do not think past step one, because their arrogance is their achilles heel. They never feel like they should have to. Your job is to KNOW your opponent. To figure out an Aries is to not give them any energy. Let the sun in your Leo zodiac shine regardless of him. Aries men are attracted to power and independence. The more he feels you are your own individual the more attracted and submissive he becomes.

Try this, the next time you want to know something about him, ask him in a way that strokes his ego and stimulates his mind. Put it to him in this manner

"I have a friend and she is going through this with her man, I respect your opinion and one of the things that really attracted me to you is your intelligence so I wanted to ask your opinion...."

Then proceed to get the answers you seek. The Aries man will be so caught up in your flattery,respect for his input and the fact that you think he is smart he will give you an honest and unbiased answer without even knowing he is the subject matter.

Anonymous said...

Hi professor grey I am an Aquarius can you please tell me my strengths and weakness in relationships according to my sign.

Anonymous said...

Aquarius you are a tricky creature to depict because of your dual nature. Being a water bearing air sign, you encompass all of the air and water traits put together which sometimes leaves you confused about you OWN feelings.

As air you are fun loving, light hearted and an easy spirited social butterfly. As water you are reserved, critical and intensely emotional. Have you ever been somewhere then all of the sudden you didn't feel like being there and your personality just shut off and you wanted to be alone? That is the air and water fighting to the surface.

For relationships you must NOT let your emotions play tricks with your head!! Emotions cancel out logic and being part water will have you contemplating, calculating and sometimes imagining a war that has never been brought to the table. Being part air will make you jump to conclusions, make quick decisions that you sometimes will later regret. You must learn within yourself what is real and what is fantasy.

You need to find a patient mate, that will understand your emotional outbreaks and your stand offish moments. One who understands that sometimes you just want to be alone and will not feel threatened when you want to be out just NOT WITH THEM!! Try to steer clear of Clingy, overly emotional mates such as Cancer, their persona will only bore you as the air in you needs to party. Try to avoid people who are not compassionate and empathetic also such as Aries and Leo because there are times when you NEED to be understood and fire tends to feel most emotions are a sign of weakness. My advice, find you an evolved Pisces or Scorpio, one that has gotten over traditional fears and jealousies. Or a steadfast earth sign, (Taurus, or Capricorn) as they will be a grounding to your psyche when your air sends you off the deep end.

Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

That was so deep! That's me I get on my own nerves all the damn time lol!

Anonymous said...

Glad to help...

I get on my own nerves too LOL!!!