This is an Air Force and H2O Collab!!
You are a woman on your way home from bible study filled with the spirit and exuding the light of Him all through you. You get closer and closer to your car, and you feel a strike across your head. You fall to the ground and see a masked man on top of you. He strikes you in the face and puts his hand over your mouth telling you "bitch if you scream I'm gonna kill you right here!" Your silence is only drowned out by your fear, and as you lay there helpless on the ground, you think to yourself "why me?" as you feel your skirt being ripped from your body. He enters you, over and over he thrusts his manhood inside of you until he is done. He then jumps up, zips up and then he's up, off into the night!! You struggle to regain your composure, and you go home, tired, confused, and very, very disrespected. You go to the doctor the next day to make sure everything is okay and you find out that you are pregnant!! What choices do you have when you religion teaches you that abortion is a sin? Do you have the baby and be reminded of the rape everytime you look into the child's eyes or do you go against all you have learned religiously for the sake of your own personal sanity? Men if this was your wife what would you suggest she do?Men would you allow your wife to bare the baby of a creep to satisfy your religious beliefs? Keep in mind you BOTH share the same religious beliefs, even if you don't you love her enough to respect hers. What do you do?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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Abortion god will forgive you! I could not raise a child by a man who has violated my body my mind and innocence(ok maybe not so much)! I just think if I had the child I wouldn't treat it with the same nurturing as I would a child I may have had by a man that I possibly loved.
Is he cute?
Lmmfao @ arm charm he has on a mask no one knows!!!!!!!!
That was a joke...but on a serious note I would have the baby. Now that I am older my perspective is so much different and appreciative now than it was in my college years. I respect LIFE as well as the lives of others. The baby is innocent altough their making was criminal. I would possibly give him/her up for adoption but then it depends. Right now, no matter the circumstance I would let the child live.
But aren't you afraid your child will grow up and take after his father are you really willing to unleash another sociopath on society? You really don't know how disturbed this man really was!
I know this has nothing to do with the topic idea and I don't want to spend alot of time on this issue so I will be brief.
I was not on-line yesterday so I didn't get a chance to participate in the discussion. But I did read the comments today and I must say the discussion was very intersting. I especially liked the part where Knowitall summoned me away "from the booty I was about to embelish upon."
Listen eyesore, you don't shout my life out that way understood? You don't know me, I don't know you, true we do discuss our lives on here as some of our topics really hit home, but that is for US as the commenters to do, not for you to do to try to get a laugh. I thought the comment was cheap, tacky and in poor taste much like your choice in men friends.
If you felt the need to be insulting then you should have continued your conversation with Miranda because she was the one tearing into your ass like your perverted father used to do. I have never disrespected you in ANY way. I am online on this chat ALOT of times before I notice a comment from you, but do I say "I wonder where knowitall is, I summon your mouth away from the dicks and cheeseburgers you are about to inhale?" (You did say you liked food and sex correct?) No I don't! I don't know who you are but you and your nasty dispostion has run lesser beings away from this blog site on more than one occassion. You are WELCOMED and WANTED on this blog site but you are not needed. You are an insignificant part of this blog REMEMBER THAT! You are a commenter just like the rest of us! You have NO power so stay in a little girls place. I don't know if you are one of the authors friends, or a person who found out about this blog through word of mouth but I feel sorry for everyone within six degrees of you because you embody the worst attributes in human nature. I could care less about people discussing my sexuality because I PUT IT OUT THERE FROM DAY ONE!! But YOU on the other hand are going to be respectful before you find out just how well DAT NIGGA handles ignorance.
You are VERY unfunny and your comments lack intelligence and character. It's no wonder you are alone and miserbale because as a woman your mouth is almost as terrible as your view on life. You boast and brag about how you "don't have any kids because you make smart choices." Please girl, anybody who has passed highschool Psyche 101 can tell that the reason that you have no kids is because you have killed them. You're not careful you are a murderer. A murderer of unborn kids due to your obtuse triangle being bent out of shape, and a murderer of the English Language judging by your grammar and diction.
As Miranda was serving you insults yesterday what prompted you to disrepsect me? Don't get it twisted knowitall, I am gay, but I have never wished that I was a woman, I love my BIG DICK and wouldn't trade it in for the world!! Which is why I am not dumb enough to wonder why my niggas (them same niggas that don't call you back after they hit that bowl of mashed potatoes you call your pussy) don't ask me to put on a condom or vice versa. I control my sex not my partners. I wanted to address this because I don't have conversations twice, I don't disrepect you, YOU for sure better stop disrespecting me.
"when he is banging one of his DL bruthas"
Watch yo mouth bitch...
John Cox, 2008 Republican
Presidential Candidate:
"Conceived in rape, John was
brought into this world by a
mother who refused to abort her
pre-born possible future
Angelina Jolie's adopted daughter
Zahara "Result of Rape." Link to
Faith Daniels -- talk show host of
the TV show Dateline, A Closer
Look, and Today (among others).
She describes coming to terms
with the fact that her conception
resulted from rape in a People
Magazine article.
Fredrick Douglass -- former slave
and abolitionist. He details his
conception by rape in his writing,
Narrative of the Life of Fredrick
Douglass, available online at
Jesse Jackson -- Reverend whose
mother was 16 when he was
conceived and whose father was
a 30-year old next door neighbor
who was already married
Tracy Carter Jennieve -- daughter
of actress Nell Carter, who was
conceived when Nell was raped at
16 years old.
Well Dat nigga I really don't care what you say or think! You are not need on this blog site either and if you put your self out there from day one then what is the problem I only had a question to ask You? For you to come on here and go at me like this is crazy but I really don't care what you or anyone else on here thinks or has to say about me! So if anyone else has a problem with me let me know but I will tell you I really don't give a f@@@ and I will show up and show out everyday no matter what anybody says or thinks about me! It's funny how everyone else can say whatever they want but when I say something it's taken to the 10th power fuck that nigga it ain't my fault you are a low life booty pirate than preys on other woman's husbands and boyfriends!!! So fuck whoever don't like what I have to say or what I think now!!!
But that is the thing that relates so close to the title ANON nature versus nurture. Do you believe raising a child in the right surroundings the right way can override the chromosomes of a sociapath that were enstilled in him at birth?
If it were me I would abort. How do I explain who his father was, what would that do to him growing up? What does that do mentally to you growing him or her up? As a man, if it were my wife, I don;t think Iw ould be able to stand watching her develop over a 9 month period to have a child of a rapist? That would probably drive me crazy...
No offense to anyone who maybe gay!!! Oh and dat nigga don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for the next lady husband or boyfriend you embellish on cock sucker!!!
I've said what I have to say bitch don't hate me, all the women's husbands still call me, maybe if you get them teeth together like Miranda suggested your boyfriend would call you back...
The only thing lowlife about me is the fact that a hubd home bitch such as yourself has introduced yourself to me.
Its obvious you will show up and show out everyday because welfare recipients haev nothing better to do...
Be easy slut you have been warned..
Knowitall you still talking shit, damn, you bring the property value down of every building you enter...
you are a very disrespectful person knowitall lemme guess you must be fat...
fat people always love to eat and lay around and have sex...
I've had an abortion in college because I was afraid to tell my parents, unmarried, worried about what people in school would know all of the wrong reasons which I thought were right. I felt absoulutely horrible afterwards and I still think about the angel that could've been among us.
Now 12 years and 0 kids later I have been diagnosed with a condition where the possibity of me even having a kid are slim to none.
As far as traits bad traits being passed on, I mean screwed up people have babies everyday. I am the child of a habitual robber/murderer and I have never stolen anything in my life and I respect life so much to the fact that I don't even kill insects.
You are the lowest form of life dat nigga I bear no malice for you either I haven't taken anything you've said personal on here because like I told manrand knowitll is just an on-line personality(F@@@ you tea bags miranda) so say what you will it doesn't bother me keep going!!!! I wish did receive welfare but they gave it all to your fat back ass mama before I got there!
Anon the only thing fat about me is my cooch!!! I am absolutely divine!
everyone at some point or another have made comments about each other - some in a funny fashion some not. The key is to do it in a "respectable" fashion. If you find yourself attacking and disrespecting a person views or a person period for no reason at all, then you deserved to get disrespected in return.
Not today people this topic will stay on course period! You know its sad i have been to other blog sites and none of them display the filth that this one does. More times than not, people I have reached through this blog have decided not to come back because of this madness if you guys don't care about that, then know that I do, and will delete every response you post if it displays negativity. Taking shots at each other is fine but when you start going for personal business that is something else.
Dat Nigga you got out your response about what she said, let it go. If you are above it all then act like it!
Miranda shut the hell up on this crap if you don't have anything to say about the topic keep quiet
Knowitall stop insulting my guests, the only people who get on here at go at it are bitchplease and Miranda and even they are not disrespectful to each other and there is a difference because they KNOW each other and have been friends for years!!!
keep it up, and its very nice to know how you really feel about gay men, saying "no disrespect to gays" means nothing after continually being disrespectful. Dat nigga doesn't talk about your sex life and private affairs why are you shouting his out?
Right arm charm, I posted a list of people who were conceived as a result of rape and they are doing quite well. God doesn't make mistakes!
And that's not a problem you can say whatever you like to me I don't care!!!!! That's the thing say what you want about me I don't care!!!! It's you all that's extra sensitive I have been called an idiot illiterate dumb ass and everything else but as soon as I say something o boy hit the deck!!!
swollen does always mean fat, put that nasty shit on ice knowitall..
you were called illiterate because you can't fucking spell!!
you were called an idiot because you have to be let have it several times before you realize your throat has been cut..
any more issues I can help you diseased gumline with?
Well if that's how you feel that's fine! If you feel something I say is disrespectful let me know or delete it like you said!
yeah cuz when you say something knowitall bitch and hoe has to fly out of yo mouth...I wouldn't want to be in your face to see what else may fly out!
in my idea I would have the child, if I was a true woman of God, that would be an unfortunate event, but my faith would assure me that there is a reason for everything. That is what faith is, having complete trust of the unknown...
Miranda your perfidious ignominious insults abrade faster than the souls of the those gotta have it Reebok you still sporting from 1988!! See I had an Epiphany you are an enigma sent to attest to my verbal endurance and I will evade elude out wit out last survive you
Anon go jump off the 55th floor of the sears tower and and land on a honda1
look yall, she figured out how to use, LMAO!!!!!
You didn't that why you don't know what none of it means low budget no name tramp just like those clothes you are sporting!!!
I will do that knowitall, we have guests in here and your attitude reflects on the person who invited you.
I have had people come up to me asking who you are and although I know you are cool sometimes your comments don't reflect that. Sometimes you are very disrespectful of others. But that is to be expected when someone is NEW at reading.
See to be an effective "dozens player" less is more.. You don't have to swear, you don't have to even be disrespectful all you have to do is be! I aint mad, but you pissed off Dat Nigga and we all know you don't care but being a mature adult is not caring about what you say its being cognizant of what you are saying. You are correct when you say that everyone gets on here and talks about each other, we all do, but no personal issues have ever been put to the test. Airforce and you know each other well, she has never once got you on anything you have gone through personally but she has still let you have it a couple of times and you have done the same for her. There is just a difference in being crafty and being cutty....
Sorry forgot the 's on that's I sure miranda's gonna point that out!
like yo flattened fat ass did? Uh un, I like my donk nice and round not hard and square like that deuce and quarter you sporting.
First I would like to welcome Anonymous to the site. Thanks for commenting. To keep confusion down and still remain anonymous(we get several Anons during the day) please select the Name/URL field and join us as anyone you would like to be. Enjoy.
I need to make something clear about the disrespect issue that has surfaced. Talking Chit does display a content warning on the opening page that you must agree to before entering. We welcome all opinions and understand that disagreements among bloggers aill arise. Nevertheless, I and the other two founders would like see Talking Chit go beyond our 2 month mark that we've recently hit (yippie). I am not here to control anyone's mouth or change the nature of Talking Chit but I do want new commenters to re-visit and be encouraged to join and tell the TC family and invite their friends. Again we no one can judge anyone on this site. Your comments and opinions are what makes TC what it is.
girl its a shame that all them $10 words came from that garbage disposal you call a mouth...
Smile I dare you...
No need knowitall, I'm so effective in insulting you that I can now make you let yourself have it.
Reading you means never having to say a word...
Look I said it was a character now if you don't like that character than I can adjust it!!!! NO to fret!
"You didn't that why you don't know what none of it means"??????????
I guess you don't "know" what "you" mean either! LMAO!
I smiling just like those cock roaches that's on your counter eating them crumbs you left this morning!!!
ladies and gents we have a new late b@@@ anon I already corrected myself read above your comment! Slow Joe
Right AF1, we would love to expand TC and have people from all backgrounds visit and share ideas, views and comments that can maybe be helpful to another visitor or just add a different perspective on things.
so do you guys think you will be forgiven for putting your needs (abortion because of rape) before His will?
Well that's understandable
Yes....we all will be forgiven for any sin if we repent. God grants grace and mercy. That's what's so awesowe about him.
I don't know, that's a tough one cuz that child can carry sum of his traits. that DNA is strong!
That is a hard one especially for me because I am not a woman so from an emotional standpoint I am not sure what women go through because or as a result of rape.
I never thought that men should be the determining factor in whether a woman should be allowed to get an abortion. That is absurd!! The idea of someone deciding the fate your pregnancy for you is ridiculous.
i believe that if the woman absolutely believes that her psyche is not strong enough to endure raising that child then she should be allowed to take the necessary steps to prevent yet another unwanted child coming into the world. There are too many kids today, that are not receiving the love that they should from parents who actually consented on having sex, much less was raped and impregnated. This in turns produces loveless adults, thus the cycle continues..
Where will it end?
Good point Dat Nigga any others?
Firefly what do you think? My spiritual background is strong and I am very conflicted on this issue.
I have an aunt that is Jehovah Witness, they don't believe in abortion I am curious to know how she would answer to this
Thank you sooo much for choosing a name originalanon.
This decision is very tough when you're trying to do whats right for you, the unborn child, your husband and last but not least the Lord.
originalanon do you think that you can teach the child to NOT indulge in the traits of his rapist father? If so think about this. The majority of homosexual kids have staright parents who raised them straight (like me) but they still turned out to be gay because it was in them so is there a way to suppress what is already in the child?
Lets hope so because my mom was a bitch on wheels...
Oh damn I guess I proved your point huh Dat Nigga? Hence my name!! LMAO!!
So Miranda, Airforce, knowitall, Firefly what do you guys believe in more Nature or Nurture?
I would ask God. God would be the best answer for anything. I have never been in this situation so I can't say for sure how I would feel about it, but I figure in my irrational human emotion I would be scared, confused, hurt and very conflicted. But as I stated God will be the answer in this. For example I did have a friend who did get raped by her ex and she got pregnant. She is a Jehovah's Witness as well and she knew in her heart she couldn't abort the baby. But she prayed and prayed that God help her in the situation. Well about three months into the pregnancy she had a miscarriage. She said she was sad and hurt and it was an emotionally rollercoaster but I guess that was the answer she needed.
I think you can try and raise the child to the best of your ability but that child is going to have his or her own personality and characteristics but it don't mean that that child won't have traits of the mother and father too! Is it safe to say that no one is born bad?
I don't know i probably wouldn't keepit.
There will be a Cessna in the picture that will grow and mature into a fine Leer Jet. I love the kids. My mom was dogged by my father and my mom's father dogged my grandmother. They could've climbed up on the table as an easy solution but they didn't and as a result I am here and I'm loving and enjoying every minute of my life.
Never thought about it that way Airforce...
okay so how would you address this convo
"Mom who is my father, everyone else has a mom and a dad, why do I have only a mom?"
"well, your father was a man who raped me and took off, I never really go to meet him"
that somehow don't seem right...
No honey your father was a great war hero who died while doing his tour of duty in Iraq. We don't haev any photos or Marine keepsakes because they were burned in the fire at the old house that we lived in when you were a baby.
you're gonna make an excellent mother Airforce..
Dang why did I almost call you by your real name, that is how real that sentiment was....
Taking it from the top (meaning this is based on the story specifically) under these conditions "religion" would not require you to have this child or condemn you for aborting it. Even under Roe V. Wade, which challenged abortion, stated that under situations of rape, incest, or compromising of women life.
...abortion would be an acceptable action IF you chose to do so.
But does Roe vs Wade trump what your religious beliefs have drilled into your sub-conscious?
If the religion that you have been a part of your entire life has said this is wrong, how does a court ruling over ride that?
Did you not read my entire passage? I spoke on "religion" and "Law" I already answer that question?
I'm sort of up in the air on this situation, but Great answers AF1!
...Religion and law a like doesn't not oppose abortion under the conditions I previously stated. "What if's" are of no consequence?
I'm sorry Mello but there aren't any clauses in the bible that says "unless" you're raped you can abort. That is teh US judicial system. Murder is murder is murder is murder as well as a sin.
Hi Pooh's're on pretty early today. Glad you could join us.
I know this has nothing to do with the topic at hand but I would like to publicly apologize to anyone who has ever been offended by anything I've ever said. Someone brought it to my attention that everyone is not as thick skinned as I am and I guess I should take that into consideration when I say things but I never thought people would take everything so literally I know I don't I guess I'm just a different type of person. I don't anyone on here to think I hate gay people because I don't have any problems with them I feel they should have every benefit straight people should have and most importantly I don't want to hold back the growth of this blog because after all one my friends is an author and I wish her well in everything she does. So after today knowitall will be retired!
Yes I read your entire passage and yes you spoke on it, but there was no bible passage supporting what you said so it sounded like Mello's opinion. Although you make a good argument here, the bible is not changing for Rowe vs Wade, Brown vs Topeka or any other court case...
Don't RETIRE knowitall, My flame broiled ass (and do understand I can say this about ME but if someone else does its going down) aint going nowhere and you shoudln't either. We all make mistakes and no one ever knows that they are being offensive until they are told. Its cool, I'm cool, you cool, we cool....
Naw she carries a negative quality that will be held over her for as long as she's on here.
....and so does Bitchplease but she's still here.
Every child deserves a chance no matter how they are conceived out of love lust or accident. I firmly believe that with enough love and nurturing any situation can be turned around even a child being born out of a rape.
Maybe knowitall needs some love and nurturing herself! lol :)
Now wait a min what did I have to do with anything....
I'm not disrespectful, I speak the truth, Miranda does shop at Aldis for bras and panties....
Look here boo(dwbh) knowitall ain't gone into retirement yet!
K pumpkin!!!
lmao @ knowitall and armcharm
See girl (bitchplease) there you go LOL!!
So seriously knowitall I read some of the things you were saying like how you really don't care what people say or think about you? What has happened to you to make you feel that way all jokes aside?
AF1 is doesnt say it directly, like it doesnt say a lot of things directly, however, if you know God & the bible. There is no way on Gods green earth He would condemn you for aborting a child that was conc. in rape! Ask a Pastor that and I guar. that ALL of them will back my statement!
I swear the Authors love us Some Don't Worry Be Happy. Your name was brought up in yesterday's convo. You are so optimistic and positve. You're like the Joel Osteen of the blog and from the looks of things TC can surely use that. Thanks!
I cannot sit here and put a broad stroke over the abortion conc. in rape! I have a 10yr old daughter, if someone hurts my little-girl, I should make my baby carry, another baby on top of the emotion hell she going to go through in the process of dealing with what just happen to her! Thats insane! and there is nothing, nothing Godly about that...I stand on that!
No problem! I don't mind spreading the light of love that lives inside me with others it make the world a truly better place!
@Mello, that is an opinion. An opinion of man. Of course some preachers may say abort the baby...why? Because it doesn't look right. And it's their personal preference.
If you get one of those preacher's who see's every obstacle as a test from God they WILL tell you not to murder God's creation under NO circumstance.
If that's the case we should abort all bastard children and trick babies. If that's teh case wouldn't hardly or maybe none of us be able to participate in TC topic. I no I wouldn't...LOL!
...I would rather have my daughter have the surgery to remove what happen, either way is unthinkable, nevertheless, that part can be nipped in the bud in one fail swoop...I hate the thought of this.
Negative Mello,
It is not up to you to decide who lives or dies its His decision...
Ask a pastor, who did you ask Rev Wright?!! We are not negating the fact of your forgiveness but just because you are forgiven doesn't mean a wrong was not committed, otherwise how could you be forgiven in the first place if no wrong was done?
Well Dr.Phil(dwbh) It all started when I was about 7rys old I asked my mama and auntie for a Malibu Barbie and a Barbie corvette for x-mas. Do you know they got me a ballerina barbie and a barbie station wagon. I knew right then life was gonna be disappointing!!!!!!
No seriously People talked about you before you were born they are gonna talk about you as long as you live and breathe whether you re doing good or evil and they are definitely gonna talk about you after you are long gone so they key is not to let err thang eerrrbody say about you affect you!
AF1 Have a little girl of your own and mark my words your opinion will change. Its not a gender opinion its a parental one! Think about it...your little girl, your child. I don't care how spiritual any of us are...there is no way no one in there right mind would put their child through that type of hell based on OUR own opinion, which tend to change a lot over time and age!
@ Mello
What Would Jesus Do?
Certainly not abort the kid. You know that. Hell he was the only one who took time out to talk to a prostitute (Mary Magdelena) and soften the heart of Saul the Chriatain slayer and changed him to of God's most obedient who wrote books in the bible. You can't tell me that he is cool with you killing an innocent baby. He'll forgive you if you do though.
It doesn't specifically say that Mello?
Did we miss the commandment that says "thou shall not kill..."
Kill means exactly that, there were no stipulations in the 10 commandments
"thou shall not kill, but if you were raped its okay..."
the defense rests
(I like when you say that H20)
I can't fathom the idea of being raped and reminded of the nightmare everytime I see my precious baby. I don't know what my daughter would want to do if she was in the situation. But as for me, YES I would keep my kid. I would have to step out on faith and put it in God's hands.
Um nigga what, your written form of tourette syndrome is kinda confusing.. what happened did I miss something?
Nigga What, I'm so sorry but I missed your point. WHere are you not going to the clinic or to have the baby.
Welcome Nigga what!!!
Awwwwwwwww that is disappointing and people are going to talk about you but you have to live and let love in. Learn to let things go and learn to love people no matter what they may say about you. You are right people will talk but the key is to hold your head up high and keep going! You are in control of your destiny not the na sayers! I wish nothing but love and peace for you my friend! :)
Uhm thanx Dr.Phil(dwbh) but I don't remember saying I had any problems with my self-esteem but I will accept yo love and peace k pumpkin!!!!
Its not what people call you, its what you answer to that matters....
See you guys at the retirement home!!!!
So since knowitall decided to be nice and respectful you ANON feel that you are gonna take her place.
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