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Monday, August 4, 2008

Stranger In My house

You and your boo are experiencing technical difficulties. You've tried to reinvest in the relationship for the kid's sake, but the outcome is the equivalent of standing in quick sand...you're getting nowhere fast. Sex happens but neither of you are mentally there, the friendship you once knew has ended and all you do is agree to disagree making your situation a true life sleeping with the enemy. Do you sacrifice your sanity for the kids that are involved or do you leave before the bitterness and regret officially sets in? If no kids are involved, do you stay out of loyalty and honor the promises made or do you free yourself from this mental hell?


Anonymous said...

cheaper to keep her my ass. pay that house note and do for your children. life to short for some crazy bitch to have you himmed up for the rest of your life.

H2O said...

Well to me sometimes staying together is NOT what is best for the kids. Kids can see your pain, they may not understand what is going on persay, but they are smarter than you think. Pretty soon your disgust will rub off on them, heaven forbid its in their formative years. Sometimes doing what's best for you infact IS what is best for the kids!! A Stressful marriage is NOT ALWAYS better than a peaceful divorce

Anonymous said...

Well I say it depends on how much you have invested in the relationship. If you really love him/her then why not try to work it out for the children the family unit is very important and people should try harder to keep it together. If you don't have kids involved it may not be as easy as you think to just up and leave you always remember how good he/she was to you when you first met them and most often you are waiting for those days to return but if after enough patience the bad out weighs the good then set out to find someone else.

Anonymous said...

I say stay around and make the muther fucker miserable! especially if that nigga been cheatn on yo ass!

Anonymous said...

Me and my child's father stayed together for the kid and do regret that now. Talk about 2 years of sef inflicted punishment. Like Anon said do life if too short. When the kids are grown, then what?

Anonymous said...

Hey there ol' ball and chain aka dreamgirl. Glad to see me and the eveil stepsisters didn't scare you away. Now don't get mad, cuss us out and run this time when we come get you...LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Me and my babydaddy are still together too! We don't always get along and it seems the fighting get worse and worse but I think we still love each other deep down inside so both of us my be too afraid to leave.

Anonymous said...

Well aloha to you to atari! I could never be afraid of a band of "skalleewages fresh off the bus from stank-iona"

Anonymous said...

Dream girl its a good thing that you have such optimism in your day to day thinking however a family unit is NOT defined by a man, a woman, and a child. If you have a strong family backbone, your single mother can make you feel loved and respected much more than your father who never is around anyway. (Speaking from personal experience)

Truth : you do remember how good they treated you when you first met.

Reality: Who someone WAS does not excuse who they become!!

Im sure Anna Mae Bullock loved the way Ike treated her when they first met until her face and his were properly introduced.

Anonymous said...

Well bp08 a family unit is better defined if all parties are involved. How much better do you think you would have turned out if you had loving father in your life? Although you may not want to admit it a lot of the issues that women have with men are because a lot of their father were not around. You are right that does not excuse who they become and that's why I said "but if after enough patience the bad out weighs the good then set out to find someone else."

Anonymous said...

dreamgirl, I speak on behalf of the evil sisters. Please see the name that preceeds your last comment. Have a good one!

Knowitall said...

I am not the one for mental anguish!!!!!!! BABY if you hate me and I hate you puh-lease go on about yo damn business!!!!!!! The only way I'ma stay is if I need to use the negro for some type of advancement and once I get there I outte 5g!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you couldn't be afraid dreamgirl, thats like being afraid of your own reflection. Whether fresh off the bus, or being chauffered there we have all been to Stankonia before, some of us,
bp08 and Atari just seemed to have purchased time share there!!

Anonymous said...

Uhm Knownotthatmuch could you please break that down in lame person's terms so those of us who don't speak ghetto can relate?

Knowitall said...

Well dreaaaaamgirl why don't you ask that hoeass boyfriend of yours what it means I know he speaks all kinds of languages judging by all the hoes he f@@@@ wit k pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well dreamgirl this is where most of the confusion about single parenting comes into play. My father, was in my life, every weekened in fact, which is why we were and still are VERY CLOSE. He and my mom didnt' get along therefore to alleviate us (me and siblings) hearing them argue all damn day, (which your argument suggests is better) they took the method that was healthiest for all parties involved.

So to answer your question, I think I would have turned out the exact same. I mean ultimately its my decision on whether I will turn out as treasure and not as trash, my dad living with us and arguing with my mom wouldn't have changed the success I have achieved today in one bit....

I have told you time and time again Wilma Flintstone, a family unit is just that. There is no such thing as an allstar cast, family is what you have as family, not what people like you say it should be. Are you seriously trying to persuade the audience that a cheating abusive father is better to keep around for the sake of the look the taste and feel of a family unit. Those kids at the university shootings all had your suggested family unit didn't they? No further questions your honor....

Anonymous said...

umm dreamgirl, that's what got your ass chased up out of here the other day, you speak ghetto and you speak it quite well, don't on a face for the sake of this blog, we can see right through you...

$5 million dollar attitude with a $5 personality.... NEXT!!

Anonymous said...

Well Miranda I have only went around stank-iona that is a place for the lonely and self loathing! Things I can't and never will be!

Anonymous said...

and Miranda shut your d*ckhole my time share was well spent in stankonia, I never heard of the place until dreamgirl advertised her vacation spot all over last weeks blog. Its a calm place, no judgements, no phony people, just folks living and doing them!! They live happily ever after in stankonia, only thing is no one ever wants to rep their city when they are from there. But they are quick as hell to down the place. Right dream girl, your family reunion is still held there right?

Anonymous said...

Well bp08 I don't really know you but you don't seem that will rounded to me maybe having your father around everyday would have taken you to the next level the best level. Miranda as far as my personality it's much like a fine piece of art only those with the eye for it can really appreciate it if you have never been to an art gallery than you wouldn't know a monet if it slapped you on the face!

Anonymous said...

That is the only upside to living the life that I do, there are hardly ever any kids to make you pick a mans well being over your own.....

You can say its for the kids all you like, but at the end of the day, you are stil unhappy. But, through all of the black eyes and bruises at least the kids got a daddy to come home too right?

Knowitall said...

@ Dreaamgirl Now see here hefa don't come on her startn up all early and what not ain't nobody said nuttn to yo patti duke persona ass!!!!! (I imagine you proally dress the same too)

Anonymous said...

BRB my man needs me!

Anonymous said...

"Well bp08 I don't really know you but you don't seem that will rounded to me"

I don't know what "will rounded" means dreamgirl apparently your suggested family unit did nothing for your vocabulary...

But if you are speaking of well rounded perhaps you should take a gander at webster to find the true meaning of that statement. Well rounded means "the ability to adapt to more than one way of life or thinking and/or being exposed to said differences." Now who would be the well rounded one, the one defending one way of life, traditional family unit even if the man is slapping the shit outta the mom, or the person who can see success in either way.

Dreamgirl be a door and not a door knob!

People have a habit of proving my points with their responses, please put some thought into yours...thanks

Anonymous said...

And your defense is "I'm a Monet" This is too easy,

from far away Monets are beautiful but up close its a big ole mess!!

I personally like Kandinski's the perfect blend of chaos and control painted on both sides.

Your $2 intellects and $1 sophistications have no power here...

Anonymous said...

Oh dreamgirl, the highests of intellects and the most well informed of ladies still fall short of one thing. Have you ever seen a Monet? Apparently not because I don't know anyone who wants to look beautiful in the distance but then frightful in the up close and personal. But then again that is what you get thinking that you were talking to your man, his dumb ass woulda been insulted by your Claude Monet response. I am however filled with joy that you would pick that type of painting to compare yourself to. It makes my job of insulting you much easier when you do it for me.

If you must know, I like Henri Matisse's works, abstract, yet still pleasing to the eye.

Anonymous said...

you set your self up for that dreamgirl!!!

The step sisters are not just ignorant, and bitchy, I'll give it to them, they have class!! They all are very well educated worldy women. so them "mu IQ is bigger than yours" responsese aint gon fly too long, as you can see from the last one you tried to pull!! A Monet!! HA!!! To think you thought you had said something didn't you?! LMAO!!

Commeting on a blog... free

responding to a comment on a blog..free

finding out someone has a low IQ but has been pretending to be worldly and sophisticated...priceless LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well sorry about that had to tend to my man if any of you had one you wouldn't be on here all damn day! But enough about you manless sideline whores. I really don't care what you two would have to say about me because look at both you sad souls that mask you insecurities behind your intellect. Even though the Monet is not pleasing up close it is still held at the highest value possible so everything that's beautiful is not always expensive and as for you dat nigga who apparently wants to be wants to be dat lady don't you have someone you need to suck or beat off!

Anonymous said...

And yes I took the low road well me and my man have some business to take care of so I'll have to talk to you guys a little bit later. (We are closing on our house today) So if I'm ever going around stank-onia than I'll give you skallees a yeall chow 4 now!

Anonymous said...

I think that you should never continue in a relationship that does not nourish or up lift you! The soul needs to be free if you have negative energy around you all the time you feel trapped and unhappy. I advise no one to stay in a relationship for the sake of children or loyalty. You will eventually find the person that is designed for your soul.

Anonymous said...

well me and mine are at work, all damn day...

Knowitall said...

Well Miranda and bp08 it looks like you finally slaughtered that dreamgirl hefa !!!!!!!!!!! Goldstar for you two!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!

Knowitall said...

Here we go wit this sappy a@@ dwbh chick!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though the Monet is not pleasing up close it is still held at the highest value possible so everything that's beautiful is not always expensive

Again dream girl, what the hell did you just say, you just argued then refuted your point all in one sentence, you seem to be of Libra decent.. they are the only people that can say that they are right, then wrong, at the same time all while saying you are wrong..

No one said anything about it being expensive, and from what YOU jsut said it isn't the most expensive, so now we have you at ugly and cheap, according to YOU!!

Just stop

Anonymous said...

she'll be back knowitall, air signs never give up, now the trick for her is to not sound too much like herself so we won't figure out who she really is...

Although I can smell her true indentity, through the computer screen, that mix of hooker spit, semi intelligent retorts and semen samples don't fool me.....

Anonymous said...

The point is bp08 even though it doesn't look great it's tell worth more than you and anyone who knows net worth will ever be! A Monet is a classic and super expensive not matter how it may look now I have to go we will continue this a little bit later.

Anonymous said...

HA!!! LMAO @ dreamgirl!!

Girl your homo jokes don't phase me, I've been called a fag by a better class of person. One specifically who knows exactly what a Monet painting is and not just the name that they heard from someone in passing!!!

#1 Girl i'm more man than your grandmother was, even though her mustache was thicker than mine

#2 You'll never be the woman your father is, and I'm on my way to your moms house to beat her tranvestite lookin ass off, I see where your masculine looks come from..

#3 You can't even match wits with the evil stepsisters, what makes you think you can with their combative verbal skilled teacher?

You are as fish should always be served, grilled to perfection...

Knowitall said...

Dwbh I can't say I don't agree with you more that's right "free your mind" like envouge said don't stay where you are not wanted and don't wanna be! Damn!!!!!!! bp08 and dat nigga yall jus killed it lol lmmafo!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the point is your defending the fact that you are ugly and cheap, but worth more on the inside right... Got it, but let us not forget that you are ugly and cheap, once we stomach that, then we can move forward to your insides!

Judging by your posts, you are easily manipulated into conversation, then strung along like a personal puppet. You as a target are easy to attack dreamgirl. You are a verbal pawn! THIS WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR DOWNFALL!! You constantly underestimate your opponents which almost always places you in last place. You thought that your Monet response was enough, but then when you were forced to realize the truth about it, now you trying to justify your meaning? This case is dismissed and you are you. Class has ended....

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

A piece of mind and my sanity are more important to me than staying in an unhealthy realtionship for a kid or a promise. Replacing an undeserving person is so easy and far more rewarding when the emotions and happiness are uninterrupted and recprocated.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...


Anonymous said...

its easy, she's an idiot, and I play those like chess pieces. It's amazing how smart you think you are until you run across someone who is as smart. See Dreamgirl is the kinda person who hides behind labels, semi-knwoledge of finer things in life, and a $10 vocabulary. All in all, shes a payless pump, trapped in a J. Choo personality. Those kinda women we spot immediately. "We" usually befriend them, because "we" can see potential but we can also see the void, where true class should reside.

She's out of her league, she aint even went nowhere, what she is doing right now is trying her hardest to come back with something half as intelligent as what I said that can't be ripped to shreds and used against her. Good Luck, I am a Jedi Knight at this shit...

Knowitall said...

Agreed af1 that's what I say my patience is so short for someone who cannot treat me right as soon as the relationship goes south so do I.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Ooh bitch that aint fair give that horsey back his hair. Okay, I'm not going to start that today. Sorry!

Knowitall said...

I thought I was the only one who watched star wars I can't wait for attack of the clones to come out!!!!!!!!!!

Knowitall said...

Put 25 to the side and bang it on the low gel and weave! lol !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

See Dreamgirl still thinking Knowitall, watch she gon comeback in here and say something and it will be worth about as much as a portrait of her nude...

which incidentally looks much like a Monet... LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no Knowitall, I too understand why Anniken went to the Dark Side...

cus he was married to a bitch named Dreamgirl he used the force to get the fuck away from her though...

fuckin tart....

Knowitall said...

lmmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody said I was officially a dork (af1) because I like star wars

Knowitall said...

Although I must say I will stay in a bad relationship for vengeance and vindication! I feel like I need to reek havoc on a nigga's life then I will stick around for a lil while!

Anonymous said...

aint nothing wrong with liking something other than 106 & Park..LOL

you're only a dork to people who don't like it, which is how all trends are. To each his own, speaking of where are they, haven't heard them in a while!!

Anonymous said...

hey watch it Nancy boy I like 106 & Park!!

Firefly said...

Dang I see it's attack of the "Clones" going on up in here! LOL!

Knowitall said...

Well I'm jus glad see I'm in good company cuz I thought I was the only one! 106 and park and that hot no mo with out aj and free I hate roxy and I absolutely hate terrence goofy a@@!!!!!!!! That's my favorite word nancy boy lol !!!!!!!!

Firefly said...

I know many people who stay in the relationship for the sake of the kids and the sake of saying "I still have my family together" when really if you lived with them behind closed doors it ain't as pretty as the big house with the white picket fence may look on the outside. Don't let that green grass fool ya, you step over and you may step in a pile of doody!

Knowitall said...

That's exactly what I say firefly why do people make their relationships seem so peaches and cream and it's really an f5 hurricane going on in their backyard! Image is not everything to me!

Anonymous said...

tell me something why do people always seem to think by commenting as to insult my sexuality is gonna somehow hurt my feelings?

Bp08 calling me Nancy boy doesn't hurt by feelings but I bet caling you Boy Nancy htis you where it hurts doesn't it?

Friggin bulldaggers always giving "us" too much...

H2O said...

Not doody.. LMAO!!!!

Glad you could join us Firefly...

Knowitall said...

Well dat nigga I feel ya people think calling me a bitter b@@@@ bothers me but it really doesn't lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Your English teacher and spelling instructors should have hit you where it hurt... Calling is spelled with 2 "L's" and "htis" shows your dyslexia..

Try Again

Anonymous said...

Looks more like "cyber bitches gone wild" if you ask me.

Knowitall said...

The baddest one hit my hand first!!!!!!!!!

Firefly said...

Naw, they're clones of each other they (BP08, M. Hobbs, KIA, DG) just don't know it yet, hehe.

Knowitall said...

I don't think I as polished and the rest of the bunch though firefly I like to think I have a ruff edge to me!

Firefly said...

Yes doody h20! LOL! Seriously when you see couples together and they are riding in their Landrover driving up to their nice house it's not all that rosy. I know a few women who husbands cheat, and they know it but they stay either cause they don't want to be alone (and it's really not about the kids, it never really is), or they don't want to leave the lifestyle they live. What's really sad though is they can't be women of their own cause they loose themselves in the relationship if they stay and know they shouldn't.

Firefly said...

Oh trust knowitall you keep it up with the "chit" talkers ( pun intended) pretty soon they'll rub off on ya so much and you'll be polished as a ball point pin!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Fuck relationships and love. They are over rated. At the end of the day who cares.

Anonymous said...

how dare you call me a clone of Miranda Firefly, see I thought we were cool...LOL

And anonymous please find a superhero secret indentity, I can't stand not putting a name to someone who has just called me a cyberbitch...lol

H2O said...

oh AF1 how I do wish Atari would've said that....

Anonymous said...

I am most definitely the baddest bitch Knowitall,

Dream girl is a clown
Miranda is a human urinal
Dat Nigga is a Nancy Boy

I mean shall I go on

Anonymous said...

awww do I sense some bitterness coming from u af1?

Knowitall said...

U might be a lil bad bp08!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes me too H2O shes the mean girl of the crew, whats wrong Airforce? Having a bad day

Knowitall said...

AF1 that's usually my line!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

knowitall girl you don't know the half of it...

"all my life I had to fight..." Oh sorry yall oprah had posessed me!!

Knowitall said...

Lmmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! I love color purple

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

No Anon, I'm not bitter just a little outdone at the hoops that most people jump through for the name of "Love". I'm not mad because you have to sacrifice shit to make a relationship work. The catch is the people who seem to sacrifice the most are the ones who bring the least amount of bullshit to the table. That's all.

Knowitall said...

Uh oh af1 sounds a lil angry lol !!!!!! keep going on like this and i'ma have to induct you in the bb club lmmfao!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AIRFORCE!!! Contain yourself boo....

Anonymous said...

Airforc1 please don't be discouraged! Anything worth having you may have to work hard for including relationships. It's kind of like learning to ride a bike when you fall down you have to get up and try again it will be worth the ride.

Firefly said...

IDK dwbh...when it comes to some relationships if you the only one working hard to try and keep it together it may be best to just let it go. Both parties have to work at it cause if you the only one that keeps falling down on that bike (or keep getting pushed off by the other party) might not be a good idea to get back on it!

Anonymous said...

Firefly I should I been a little clearer I meant on relationships period if one relationship doesn't work out then don't be afraid to try again with someone else because once you find the person that is sent along to love you it will have been worth it.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I don't want to seem like I'm running for VP of the Bitter Bitches Bureau, but it's disturbing to hear all the relationship horror stories. I know they require work but damn no one seems estatic.That is discouraging to me. I don't want to rush to be in misery. JUST SHOOT ME ALREADY....LOL!