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Friday, August 1, 2008

TCA's (Talkinchit Awards) & Astrologically Speaking

Today along with Astrologically Speaking Professor grey would like to host the first monthly TCA (Talkingchit Awards) Ceremony. The authors of Talkinchit.com Airforce One, Firefly and H2O have sent in their picks for our monthly awards and the winners are as follows.
Airforce One would like to thank and congratulate Miranda Hobbs for the Cut Throat Comeback Award. In the heat of verbal battle Miranda is a force to be reckoned with. You take no prisoners when insulted and respond immediately with tact and class when your opinions are trifled with. You and your comebacks are witty, full of humor and get right to the point. Bloggers beware as she is not one easily dominated by verbal assassination! Congrats Miranda. Also Airforce would like to bless Knowitall with the "Harvest Award" for overusing the word pumpkin! Knowitall you have the unique ability to use that word like the period to the sentence in the insults you deliver. Once a blogger has been hit with the word pumpkin in a response from you, KNOW that you have been served!! So on behalf of Talkinchit.com please accept you awards with our deepest gratitude.

H2O would like to thank and congratulate Mello for winning the Purple Heart of Bravery Award! When typing comments on a blog you always run the risk of offending someone, disagreeing and arguing, and things of that nature. I would like to present the Purple Heart award to Mello, for consistently giving opinions against the masses. This blog's ratio of female to male is 3 to 1 and Mello you have shown exemplary skills in not only voicing your opinion, but making sure it is non-offensive to our female audience. When the chips are down for the men, you step up to the plate and hit a home run each time and for that you deserve this award. So on behalf of Talkingchit.com please accept this award with our deepest gratitude.

Firefly would like to thank and congratulate the Anonymous bloggers! Whomever you are you come in and turn the conversation from a boring discussion about snooty affairs, into an all out opinion and insult fest! Real comedy has a hint of truth and your wisecracks and comebacks are the taboo of Blogcity!! You say what everyone is thinking and get the creative juices flowing in our bloggers. Whenever the conversation seems tapped out, one hit from you and we have at least 30 more comments. You are the comic relief and for that I thank you. Keep up the good work and whether your comments are good, bad or even ugly we still welcome them as you are a valued member of our chat community!! On Behalf of Talkinchit.com please accept this award with our deepest gratitude.

Now without further adieu, Professor Grey is back to host another day of Astrologically Speaking. Got a problem with a friend, associate or lover. State your claim here and let our Astrology Guru lend a hand. Remember if God made us from the salt of the earth, how can we not be connected to the other planets? Today's title link goes out to my Libras! They were most dominant in last Fridays post and this video is from an artist who is a Libra herself. She basically embodies all that is Libra in the words of this song. Click the title and enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous could not be here today due to a restriction of contract so we happily accept this award on their behalf.

Anonymous said...

First I would like to thank God for without him no sentences could be formed!! I would like to thank my mom and dad for actually having common sense to genetically pass on to me! Last but not least I would like to thank Bitchplease08! Without her this award could not be possible!! Thanks bitch!

Knowitall said...



H2O said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Professor,

I am a 24 year old Gemini male and I just met a 39 year old Scorpio male. Yes you heard me right. We are both males and if you have a problem with that please let me know. But, anyway, I think about him all the time and I want to know if this relationship can work or not? Are we right for each other?

Sincerely The Twin

Anonymous said...

Well Twin,

First and foremost let me start off by saying I am not now or have I ever been homophobic. This earth contains ALL walks of life, and nothing that one man does will ever define me. Even though this is a simple Blog site I take each blogger very seriously and have GREAT pride in the advice that I give. It comes from the heart and not the mind so therefore I can be genuine in what I feel without the jaded thoughts of society.

As for you and your Scorpio mate..eh...well... I am not one to doubt the power of love, nor am I one to say that something is impossible, but this union would qualify if I was. The Scorpio man is everything that you are not. He is private, reserved, not really that friendly and cannot stand idle chatter without a deeper routed connection or feeling behind it. He does not care to know about everything there is to know and prefers to master certain things as opposed to being a jack of all trades. Your scorpio male will find your light-hearted attitude towards relationships annoying and will classify you as superficial. You will think his seriousness is way too deep and most often believe that he is overreacting. This union will fizzle as soon as you leave the bedroom. If you can maintain a friendship before it gets too serious you will have one of the fiercest allies known to man, however if your twins start to be "too social" your scorpion will do two things, dismiss you or dismiss you. I offer the truth and sometimes it may not be what we want but it is necessary. Hope is not lost as these are the genetics of the both of you. Human nature can make miracles happen though!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to say a speach, so I will keep it short, I would like to send a shout out to my Parents, my daughter, my agent, publises, uncle chucky, the twins from last night (they cost me enough), umm all the guys & girls from the hood (put your x-pills in the air) lil snap-snap, and Big Tims baby Momma for hooking me up the other day when he was @ work...umm (the music coming on) Okay...thanks & my album is coming out in May 2012...copp that..peace!