Professor Grey is out today and will not be giving advice, however Professor X is here in his place and he is equally as qualified to handle any line of questioning you may have. His style is a bit more up close and personal then Professor Grey, so if you want the real deal with no sugar coating, and are not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let me help!!
Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality.There is no issue that cannot be resolved by a Zodiac Guru. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....
Friday, September 19, 2008
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Oh NO where is Professor Grey?!! I NEED HIM!!
Well I will try you out Prof X!
I am a Pisces male dating a Cancer woman. She is very involved with her career and never seems to have time for me. I have just recently broke up with her because I couldn't take it any longer. I realize that I made a hhuge mistake what should I do to get her back?
Gone Fishing
Sup Gon fishing
Look you Pisces people whine too damn much. You always trying to get things to go your way with no compromise, then you mes your happiness up for fear of it going sour when you are the one who is making it sour. So now you think you are about to dump her and go back to her just because you have correctly identified an emotion!! Please she is better off without your confusion. My advice, stay away from her and date yourself. Youa re the only one who will truly understand the silly shit that you embody!!!
Next Caller..
Hello Professor
Gemini married to a Libra male. We go through our ups and downs but basically we are a good couple. Right now we are seperated due to a physical altercation. I love him but I need to know if he is looking for someone else so I can move on.
What would be the best way to approach this conversation without another altercation?
Twin Cities
Twin Towers,
The Libra is a laid back social butterfly that hates confrontation. They are the sign of partenrship which means they LOVE To be paired up with someone!!
Chances are if you had a physical altercation with him your incessant nagging and fucked up attitude provoked him to go upside your head.
My advice, stop being such a bitch and let that man be the man you fell in love with amd stop trying to turn him into something you have created...
You is over the top today with your advice, what happened?!!
I have the utmost respect for Professor Grey, however his advice is a little soft ANON, the people need to know the truth as it is, and not as it should be.
No disrespect Professor Grey because you do know your shit. But these people need to know the real...
Next Caller...
Is it a moon for all these Pisces men to be so fucked up. The tide must be turning those fish in two directions.
I'd like to say that Prof. Grey, and Prof. X are good friends of mine. I'm enjoying X letting every body have it. Sometimes people should be told of the stupid shit they do, and Prof. Grey is a little to nice sometime. LET'EM HAVE IT BRO.
Thanks Professor Kaos
I agree whole heartedley!!
Fucking losers...
Next Caller
I aint THAT fucked up yall I just like what I like, but doesn't everyone?
Sure gone fishing everyone des like what they like, but those likes don't change from day to day and then end up being something completely different from where they started.
Astrologically your fish are swimming in 2 different directions. Now you take one step forward and one step back and tell me how far you get....
Pisces people are idiots that wait for the latest romance novel to tell them how to treat their mates. Pisces men are fickle liars who are destined to spend eternity alone and confused..
Do us all a favor and take a nap, don't wake up till your middle aged..
Next Caller
I likes this professor!!!!
All Pisces men are fucked up in the head, the only people that don't know it is......
Pisces men. Put your storytelling abilities to some use, go write a novel, that keep you away from us logic normal thinking people for a while. Or better yet, go Ice fishing and fall in.
Walk east until the top of your head gets wet...
in other words go find a lake and drown yourself...
@gone fishing
I am a cancer woman, and i once dated a pisces male, and i've read the responses to your question. And I find you all do put people through shit that makes no sense, only to realize later and try to get back. Sorry but they're right.
Then its settled...
sooo bp08 what do you have to say about the link that is posted with this blog, aren't you a Scorpio?
yes I am a scorpio, and I feel the same way you do about the grilled fish on todays blog. You are a Pisces right....
Enough said
Damn.....Just wanted to stop in to say hello.
A friend of mine ran down the street in his slacks and good "church shoes" beating up someone common hood over $8. Should we have an intervention for him, is there some else going on that we should be concerned about. He's a Scorpio by the way.
Oh Shit...LOL! No you didn't say church shoes..LMMFAO.
What, Maury who i punch? Who i punch? I've been punching erebody.
I been on punching tour.
Dear Professor
I am a Scorpio male that has fallen in love with a Libra female, are we compaitble?
No you shouldnt have an intervention you should mind your own business you have no idea what provokes people to do the things they do.
I'm sure your friend doesn't care about the $8 it was probably the principalities involved. If he were that concerened over a measley $8 bucks he prolly woulda changed his Kenneth Cole's before the chase, to avoid having to buy new ones....
Next Caller..
Sting or be stung
You being a Scorpio will not have the time or patience to entertain Libras ego and social status. You don't likE people enough to sit in the presence of someone trivial and who doesn't hold your heart. You are an asshole most times and the only people you fraternize with are bitches and other assholes to further solidy your own evil ass agenda.
Libra is a social butterfly and you will spend months trying to figure out why she feels the need to run her mouth to EVERYBODY..
This union will bring nothing but brusies for her and jail sentences for you. Leave now..
Celie a good friend told me you scales a wall and commited breaking and entering in your church shoes, no intervention was held then...
No need to get Persnickety Prof.
Till you do right by me.....
You talking a whole lotta shit for a nigga wheel chair bound. Are you a pisces too Pro.?
No, I'm not a Pisces those miserable cretans couldn't muster up enough confidence to say anything worth whiel listening to!!
I'm not wheelchair bound Im a psychic and an example of my power would be the fact that I make you think I can't walk, and that you are the God of Neptune's Waters....
(Damn I have got to get caller Id)
Next Caller
Dear professor x I sit back and watch people make stupid decisions with their lives all the damn time! These same people tell me I need to loosen up! I just don't believe in doing things that don't make since to me. I have the uncanny ability to see the end in the beginning! Yet why am I envious of these people who live their lives on a whim and a prayer while I evade and elude every bad decision I possible can. Why do I feel like everyone else is on fantasy island and I'm cast away with Mr.Wilson trying to build a raft to get where they are! So I ask you do I keep going the way I am or "loosen up" like they say! Oh by the way I am an Aquarius
You keep doubting my powers, i'm gone to drown your ass in the shower.
Im a water sign as well Poseidon, waters only strengthen me....
YOU DO YOU Cast away..
everything is not for everybody. That is what is wrong with the world today. Everybody trying to do what they see the next man doing. You are you and tehy are they, what works for them may not work for you. If you feel like you shouldn't be doing something chances are you shouldn't.
AN aquarius is the water bearing air sign. Tell your air to shut the hell up because its the water in you that keeps you grounded and safe. Occasionally its fine to lossen up, but I'm sure if you have a bunch of loose friends you are the one they come to for support when their loose ass agenda blows up in their face.
My advice do you and only you, therefore if something works out for the best, you can ccredit YOURSELF, and if it goes wrong the only person you have to blame is YOU.
This will give you complete control over YOUR LIFE!!
Fuck yo loose ass friends...
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