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Friday, September 26, 2008

Astrologically Speaking


Talking Chit has gotten alot of feed back about A/S. Some love and treasure the warm advice of Professor Grey, others appreciated the cold bitter truth that Professor Xtra gives. Today we have both, two Professors, two points of view, one purpose, to help!!

Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....


Anonymous said...

Hi I am a Taurus female dating a Libra male. We have been together for a long time, but he never seems to be interested in at quiet evening at home. Is it just me or does he really not want to be with me and want to be in the streets all the time? Even when he stays in, he always has to have a bunch of people around. Is he afraid to spend alone time with me?

What gives?

Anonymous said...

Well Ms Bullfighter, the Libra is a social creature, it is not that he doesn't like to spend time alone with you, they crave the lights, the camera nad the action. He is the sign of air and invention, always traveling always searching always doing. You the Taurus are a steadfast earth sign. Your home is you sanctuary, you enjoy it, you love it, you live it! You msut find new and exciting ways for you two to enjoy each other and not fall victim to routine. This will bore your Libra mate, and he will search for and eventually find some excitement. Try hanging out with him in the streets and see where that takes you, you might just have a good time!!

Anonymous said...

Ms Bullfighter.

Stop whining and get your lazy ass up outta the house for a change. Sitting at home is boring and just because you are afraid of the outside world, and have no controol over anything in it, doesn't mean you should force someone to live in the sheltered mind that you do! Stop trying to control everything and leave things up to the natural grand design. if you left your Queendom once in a while you may find that there is more to life than having your subjects worship you. You're boring, you do the same thing everyday and are perfectly happy with that, either find some way to break out of your rut, or find someone who enjoys being in there with you. But a Libra aint the answer if you choose the rut life..

next Caller

Anonymous said...

I am a Libra woman that has a longterm-longdistance "friendship" with an Aquarius male. I spent time with him this weekend, which I think/thought went just fine. But for the past three days his conversation has been mainly brief texts, which we don't do. I'm ready to say peace but my friends say I'm over reacting and to give it time. WTF!!!

Anonymous said...

well Libra you are the only one who knows you. If you are fed up with a particlar type of behavior then you must take the necessary steps to change said behavior. You aquarius male is a tricky being. His air constantly fights with his water at all times, leaving him dazed and confused mot of the times. Although Libra's hate confrontation, they do not run from it, aquarians are not as likely. They would rather wait a storm out, rather than grab and umbrella and get to steppin!

Is the distance between you two healthy? are you guys committed to this relationship? Do you guys plan to move toward living in the same environs? If the answer to any of these questions are no, then it may be time for you to mentally let him go, and focus on your own happiness. BY that I mean, you don;t have to cut all communication, but you don't have to suffer when the communication is not a factor either.

Anonymous said...

Libra Girl,

Most times you fly off the handle without completely thinking a situation through. Your crazy all the time when it comes to affaris of the heart!! Air has no idea how to deal with emotions, youre either a gentle breeze or a tornado. Get it together whacko!! Tell this fool how you feel and if he is not receptive, dump his dumb ass, there is no sense in crying over spilled milk in a house you can't see!!

Say the serentity prayer and keep it pushin!!

Go out and find someone in your own area code, that way if you miss the nigga at least you can run into him by accident! Or run over him by accident, which ever works best!!

Next Caller...

Anonymous said...

Hello Profs

I have written to you (Professor Grey) before about my Scorpio man. I am a Pisces female, and sometimes call it intuition or just gut feeling, I feel like my guy is cheating on me. I never catch him, but I still feel like something is wrong! What do I do with these feelings because I am reacting to them and cannot control myself. I shut down, cut him out of my life, when I really have no real proof that he is doing anything! How do I cope?

Anonymous said...

Well Wanda,

Like the first time we spoke, the only advice I can give you is to figure out what may be causing you to feel this way if you have never caught him doing anything? Were you always this self conscious? Is he doing anything that makes you feel like he is not to be trusted?

Sometimes with water signs we get carried away in our own minds and what we feel is just that, what WE feel and not necessarily what IS..

do some detective work if you really can't shake the feeling, and if you come up with nothing then chances are it probably is just that. Nothing...

Anonymous said...

Find your own site Tru religion, you don't offer any advice on my time understand. You have been deleted and will continue to be. You had all week to make an appearance don't do it on my day.. Thanks!

Now Wanda

stop imagining things. The Pisces Race is a really sneaky one. If you always think your man is cheating and you have never had reason to, then maybe its because of your own infidelities. You know how easy it is for you to cheat so you figure what you are doing is being done to you.

You call it intuition I call it imagination! If you weren't such a closeted slut you may not feel like everyone else was..


Anonymous said...

Professor X you are way harsh!!

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts doesn't it? I cannot understand why you would insist on being unhappy. Its like you are not happy until you are unhappy!! That's insane, YOU ARE INSANE!!!

Here you are wondering if a man who has shown NO signs of cheating is cheating. He doesn't give you the impression he is, and you even said it yourself you are "reacting to it and don't know why" so what if rejects your insanity plea routine, and finds someone to appreciate the love he has shown you, you feel justified and then you sit back and say "see I knew it"

NEGATIVE... YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF YOUR OWN MISERY!! Anytime you are reacting to something that has never happened or had no signs of happening you are a retard.

See the thing with water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) is that they are SOOO intuitive they are damn near psychic but that does not mean that every silly idea that flashes in their head deserves energy!! Stop trying to be unhappy and be happy. Love the man, because if its one thing I KNOW about Scorpios, they are not about to give up a happy home for a one night stand, but if the home aint happy, they will find a new mortgage to pay...

Anonymous said...

You were a little harsh X...

Anonymous said...


I only say what YOU are thinking. Pisces girl is a maniac and if she keeps reacting to something that never happened she will be certified as mentally ill and the white coats will surround, sedate and slap her repeatedly

Anonymous said...

LMFAO!!! Professor X you are truly the best!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon...

I speak the truth an unfortunately don't have the ability to serve you an apple pie with a razor blade filling.

You get it one way with me... straightfoward!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up Grey with you could stand to stop acting so mildmannered.

Anonymous said...

there are one too many Professors in here today..

Hows that Kaos...

Anonymous said...

You tell him Professor Kaos, grow some balls already Grey!!!