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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Black by Popular Demand

Firefly and H2O collab!!

As history has shown us, the term the "White House" has meant more than just the color of the walls. For the first time in the history of the United States there is a chance for a man of color to lead this nation into "better days." One might think this is the best thing ever for African American citizens, however some of our brethren and even sisteren seem to be afraid of Obama, with thoughts of him being to good to be true. In the immortal words of Dick Gregory, "When Bill Clinton was in office, you all 'said Oh that man has got some black in him, or he is really black under that skin' then along comes Obama and he is not black enough?!" People my grandmother told me something when I was a tiny bit of the person I am today. She said " a man's soul can be directly connected to the woman he marries!" If there is any doubt on how black Obama really is, please pause for station identification and take a gander at his soulmate!!

If one more black person say they are afraid for Barack Obama or they won't vote for him because of "fear" I'm going to scream! Let's get to the real problem and issue: When something is going good it seems that human nature kicks in and tells some of us it's too good to be true. I say let it ring true and true all the way to the White House! Will you let fear place us into another 4 years of the same "perfection" that we have already been subject to?


H2O said...

Obama could have been Chinese!! As long as Bush Jr doesn't get re-elected!! It is a definite plus that he is black though. Gives me hope that I can do anything!!!

His wife is from the South side of Chicago!!! That is enough right there...

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make what color he is if his stand on politics is what WE ALL WANT. I cannot understand why our people always have to put a label on something. No one cared if Gore and Kerry were black when he ran against Bush, so why does it matter now?

Vote Obama '08 period enough said!!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I am so proud to see a family as accomplished and distinguished as the Obama's are on their way to the White House. I've always known that the Huxtables Finale wasn't the end of America seeing a black family that is socking it to they ass. Not sayign that upper middle class black familes don't exist but then with shows like Springer and 10 o' clock news interview-ees you do kind of forget that "WE TOO SING AMERICA" and aren't just for entertainment purposes only. We can't worry about the ones who aren't voting for Obama out of fear because those are the ones who never vote anyway.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right air force. My thing is this. People are saying that they are afraid taht he will get assasinated if elected. This somehow translates into "I'm not gonna vote for him" I'm sorry, but isn't an African American President for a month better than none at all. Not saying or agreeing that he will be assasinated but let's face it, he has secret service to protect him, who do we have protecting "us"?!

Anonymous said...

Assassination, is that what these clowns are thinking. If no one aint offed Bush's inbred ass then why do they think Obama will be killed. This is not the 50's. More than you would imagine people have overcome. We are going to always have rednecks and there is nothing you can do about it. Only reason MLK was shot is because Jesse Jackson set him up. Know your history people.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson set up MLK? Really? I didn't know that!!

Anonymous said...

Nether did I ANON....

Anonymous said...

Miranda you are mixed right, your white side prolly just kept you from being interested in black history, that's all...

Anonymous said...

AF1 you made me think about when I was a teenager and the Cosby show first hit the air. Everyone and including blacks kelpt saying the show wont last a year but low and behold the show lasted eight years. So why can't Obama get his 8 years. I'm so tired of our people and the rest of the world thinking we can't do go things. Why can't people except the fact that we are all not all basketball playes, rapers, thugs, hoes, singers and pimps. We are just like other race. We have some very while educated people that can do go on and do bigger and better things without forgetting that we are BLACK!

Anonymous said...

Ask one of the elders about how he carried on after the shooting. He claims that he was on the balcony when King was shot, he was actually in the room. Once the shot was fired and King was on the ground he then came onto the porch (famous picture in the histroy books) and did interviews up until the next day with the blood stained shirt on and the shameless self promoter he is claimed to have been right there. Pleeze!!!

Anonymous said...

I think folk who adhere to that theory is just looking for a reason to not put forth the effort. Back in the day polling officials used to put cases of rut gut on the corners of the black neighborhoods on election day in an effort to deter voters with pints of White Port.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Jesse Jackson-----Interesting.

I'm not going to say that Jesse did or didn't have anything to do with the assasination of Dr. King but fact has it that Jesse is a front man. There is evidence of that today. Yet, He has proven to us that he is proactive and sensitive to black issues.

Operation PUSH (Jesse's Org.) was created after the assasination of King. Originally, King, Jesse and Rev. Abernathy of Georgia were pretty hot in the streets with the advancement of colored people by the way of an organization called the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The very first "Black Expo" kicked off in Chicago in 1970 I think. it was an unprecedented success.

Watch how this ties in...

According to what I've read and heard....Jesse felt he was next in line for the Civil Rights Throne and Rev. Abrenathy who was King's successor within SCLC was officially next. Jesse took all the proceeds from the Black Expo that were supposed to go to SCLC and created Operation PUSH...his project.

This isn't my opinion it's in books.

Take from that what you want.

Anonymous said...

Talk about cutting balls off, Damn. This does make me look at Jessee in a different light now. He is always first on the scene and last to leave.

Anonymous said...

black folks just don't know something good even if it slapped them upside the head. We so used to being in the shadows that when that light does shine on us we ducking and dodging cause we think it's the police light!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...


Anonymous said...

I'm serious though, I keep hearing too how "I'm not voting for Obama cause I don't want to see him shot". Get the hell up outta here with that mess. Yousa a damn fool for saying some stupid shit likethat. But the sad part is is that more people think like that. That goodness we only make up 13 percent of the population

Anonymous said...

I'm serious though, I keep hearing too how "I'm not voting for Obama cause I don't want to see him shot". Get the hell up outta here with that mess. Yousa a damn fool for saying some stupid shit likethat. But the sad part is is that more people think like that. That goodness we only make up 13 percent of the population

Anonymous said...

I love obama and it's not a black and white thing as Obama says its an american thing!

Obama 08"!

Anonymous said...

sumthings funny going on wit the site yall...

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela once said "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." I think that's absolutely correct we are afraid to stand up make a difference and show all other races we are not the stereo typical Afro-Americans that they think us to be!

H2O said...


H2O said...

What ANON is happening to the site?

Anonymous said...

I have that speech "WSOC" I LOVED that part and the part that says "who are we NOT to be!"

Anonymous said...

I never like Jesse Jackson, to me he never represented "us" all that well...

His eyes have always looked to me as if he was the kinda person that would embody the true meaning of Uncle Tom..

Anonymous said...

error messages pop up when I'm trying to post so therefore my post came up twice
but I think it's fine now.

Anonymous said...

I just have 1 question, why do Uncle Jesse and Grandpa Sharpton think they speak for all blacks?

Anonymous said...

Well you know Tavis Smiley and Cornelius West also have a problem with Obama too!

H2O said...

because ignorance gets publicity unfortunately. I have no idea why these country bastards think that they are the voice of the black community. Hell My kids could speak better than these fools!!

H2O said...

brainwashed.... WSOC!!

Anonymous said...

And those were too guys that I really admired until I heard what they had to say about Obama! I was like damn that's crazy I thought they would be happy to see something like this happening in today's world after all they have seen and been through during the early days!

H2O said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah it's like that field and house negro mentality. While the house negro is getting all the good left overs cause they in the masters house, using the house shower and playing house, the field negroes build up this animosity cuz they out in the field and can't get in the house. Doesn't that seem like the same thing with Obama (being the house negro) and Jesse and Sharpton?

Anonymous said...

exactly anon!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

What going on with Tavis and Cornelius?

Anonymous said...

They are not for Obama! They don't believe he's gonna change anything!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Well he has 8 years of Republican mess to clean up once he gets in office...that would be the case for any Any Dem.

H2O said...

and what, Lil Bush is (McCain) if not Obama then who, they can't possibly want America to vote McCain in!!

Anonymous said...

Basically that is my view as well H2O! I mean if they are not for Obama then they are for McCain... plain and simple!!

Anonymous said...

They feel it's just a lot of hype surrounding him and if he does get in he ain't gonna do nothing!

H2O said...

okay so then my question would be "what do you propose we do, vote McCain?"

I undertand not backing him if you feel that he won't do anything but what do you think his opposing team is gonna do.

Again not voting Obama is essentially voting McCain....

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Did they ever say that they had a solution or reason behind their madness? I haven't heard anything about it but I'm goint to look for it. H2O you know I have no problem with addressing people when it comes to My B*Rock.

H2O said...

oh yes I know, we have aradio DJ up here that is still bleeding from the email you sent!! LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

Nope no solution just don't think he's gonna get in there and do nothing!

H2O said...

well in the words of my Granny

"complaining about a problem without a solution ready is just empty words spouted from a negative point of view..."