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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fatal Attraction

Carrie Bradshaw and Air Force 1 Collabo

Relationships...we've all had them. Some ended civilly and others, a catastrophe. Maybe you've had a crazy ex or maybe you were the crazy ex.

*Psychos, how far do you go to get your ex back when you feel if I can't have you no one else will.

*Victims, how will you or do you convince your new love interest to hang in there with you in spite of all the drama from your ex?

*Both Parties -you can't understand why innocent people are dying everyday but the one who has or is trying to hurt you continues to breathe.

* New Love interest - How many times do you allow your personal property (usually a car) to be tampered with before you've had enough.

Everyone has STARRED in at least one of the aforementioned roles for your own personal Lifetime Mini Series Drama "How could you do this to me" and inquiring bloggers wants to know. Tell us how you survived.


Anonymous said...

What kills me is girls don't know they role. just because you let me hit dont mean you mu girl. there is never a break up just the reality that i don't want it from you no more. so stop calling me asking me why i did this to you. and dont fuck with the one that i really want.

Anonymous said...

Well luckily I have never Glen Closed anybody I usually cut it off before it gets to that point because when it comes to emotions I don't handle them very well and I loooooose controoooooooooool! But I have been Glen Closed a couple of times myself ignoring them is what worked for me no matter how many times that mofo called I pressed that ignore button diligently. And when he rode down my block and tried to talk to me I kept it moving like he was Casper the friendly ghost! And after about a month he finally got the picture that he should just beat it! It never has gone any further than somebody calling me a couple thousand times and maybe showing up over my crib unannounced. I have been blessed in that none have ever tried to actually to do harm to me. Fatal attractions need energy to feed off of and if you don't give it to them they will eventually fizzle out! Never let them know they are getting to you even if they really are!

Anonymous said...

Three weeks ago when I saw them at Cafe M. He was smiling and holding her hand and I finally got it. They're happy slash we're over.

As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going.”

Anonymous said...

They say Pride is a sin, but they also say that you must turn negative energy into a positive force and that is what my pride does.

I am so determined not to let YOU know that anything you have done has affected me that it will and has deterred me from doing a WHOLE lot of acts of retribution.

If I am the one who was let go, I do all my fighting for you at divorce court. After the divorce is set in stone, boo you are forgotten. Absence makes the heart grow fonder is not the case with me, I opt for the out of sight, out of mind motif!!

If I am the one who has decided that this can no longer be, then a simple look "I wish you would pull it Marcus I got 5 brothers just waiting" oh sorry I got posessed by Angela from the "Why did I get Married" movie but there are ways to keep yourself from being stalked.

Teh right to bare arms being one of them..

Anonymous said...

I just got hit up by an ex of mine, i didn't even respond. Ignoring someone is the best revenge, that's why they do it to us. A good friend of mine told her ex when he spoke, "sorry sir i don't have any spare change" and kept it moving.

Anonymous said...

Poseidon!! I like that name!!

you weren't supposed to tell anyone that, I told you that in confidence...

but it felt really good to be strong enough to say that and mean it!!

I didn't have any spare change though so I wasn't lying....

Anonymous said...

Well Anon you need to let them skee-00's know what the dealo is in the first place and that will minimize the amount of why you do this to me calls!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Too much pride to act a fool and/or beg. Get it set in your mind to never let anybody see you sweat and everything will work out fine. Only one guy has ever heard me cry and it wasn't even over him. The only reason that happened is because I was drunk as hell....LOL!

Anonymous said...

EXACTYLY.. make it known that they are life size skin condomn and that is it and you won't have that problem...

Anonymous said...

well I have cried over guys before and even to them, on the day of the divorce, but as the fates would have it, liek the phoenix I rose from the ashes and the bitch they tried coming back to was not the same bitch they left....

This sounds like a topic for my father on Fridays!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been the crzy ex before ONLY because I wasn't made aware that I WAS an ex. This one guy I was dating had the nerve to tell his new bitch that I was lovesick or something and I just "couldn't handle the break up"

are you fucking kidding me, had I KNOWN that the relationship was over I probably wouldn't have offered that much energy. Here it is I have been labeled a stalker and I thought I was saving my marriage!!!


Anonymous said...

See the confusion comes in when you don't lay down the rules how can anybody know their role if you don't tell them what their role is!

Anonymous said...

don't you hate that Miranda I know I do but not as much as I hate your choice in wardrobe...


Anonymous said...

“When a relationship dies do we ever really give up the ghost or are we forever haunted by the spirits of relationships past.”

Anonymous said...

God of the Water.

Anonymous said...

I’ve starred in a couple of these films myself. I’ve been the victim of a psychopath. This MF was crazy after I left him. He would follow me and $hit. I had just started dating my ex-husband at the time when this MF totally went off the deep end. He spray painted my car, slashed my tires, he would sit outside my job and every where me and my guy would go he would show up. I decided to talk to his mom to see if she could straighten him out and he ended up locking me in the house. I thought I was going to have to slit a MF neck to get out. I didn’t kill him but I did give his ass a concussion and a broke knee cap. And when his punk a$$ got out of the hospital I had my sheriff friends pay him a visit with shot guns drawn to let him know if he keeps bothering me they will make his disappear. His vain a$$ got the msg. Hell love is a battle field some times.

Anonymous said...

“What ultimately defines a relationship is another relationship.”

Anonymous said...

I've been the pyscho bitch several time. In fact i had to stop wearing my bluetooth, cause that dam blue light flickering almost got me caught hiding in the bushes. I'm like Miranda, if you tell me it's over and leave me alone i'll leave, but don't be playing with my emotions as if we can work it out, and you're not going any where and don't mean, then it's yo ass.

Anonymous said...

"The best way to get over a man is to
get under a new" Samantha Jones

Anonymous said...

“I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies. Two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together - like chocolate and peanut butter.”

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

OOOh MIranda I had a similar situation happen to me. It was the year 2003 and my boo at the time boo "NO MORE" pronounced NO MO told this micro braid having, rainbow clothes wearing, swallowed a chevy tahoe shaped bearing, five kid having bitch that I was a stalker. The night of the E2tragedy I walked up to her while she was with him and said, "you see me...right?". To this day NO Mo still goes out of his way to see how I'm doing. I politely told him if you don't hear about me on the news assume that I'm alright. The nerve of these niggas.

Anonymous said...

When i caught my ex- with his new one, he told him i was a stalker too. He left out i had just left his bed that morning, and was just stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Mz Nikki you must got that good good, to have a nigga spray painting cars and shit!!! LOL

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Right Carrie....That's why I had to introduce myself to the girl because the phone just doesn't accurately convey my need nopt stalk no nigga appeal. She felt me that night.

In the words of Jay don't get mad at me I don't chase em I replace em with another one.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with men if they only told the truth everything would be alright but I guess they think we will just break down if they tell us they want somebody else! Let me know what's up so I can stop wasting my time and energy on yo ugly azz and find me somebody new sucka!

Anonymous said...

Soulmate. Two little words, one big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart. And your dreamhouse. All you have to do is find them. So, where is this person? And if you love someone and it didn’t work out, does that mean they weren’t your soulmate? Were they just a runner-up contestant in this gameshow called happily ever after?

Anonymous said...

This is for all the men, who feel they can't tel us they want to break up.

All I'm saying is that there's no good way to break up with someone.
Carrie : Well, it's funny you should mention that Billy, because, actually, there is. You can have the guts and the courtesy to tell a woman, to her face, that you no longer want to see her. Call me crazy but, I think that, you can make a point of ending your relationship in a manner that does not include an e-mail, a doorman, or a missing persons report. I think you could all get over your fear of looking like the bad guy and actually have the uncomfortable break-up conversation Because, here's what; Avoiding that is what makes you the bad guy. And just so you know, Alan;
Andrew : Andrew...
Carrie : Uh huh. Most women aren't angry, irrational psychos. We just want an ending to a relationship that... That is thoughtful and decent and honours what we had together. So my point, Billy, is this; There is a good way to break-up with someone, And it doesn't include a post-it.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Carrie! get they azz right together!

Anonymous said...

The Dime Dive has arrived. I don't play no games with these niggas. You lead me on I'm going in like Lynn Whitfield on A Thin Line hard.

I'm don't want your car windows or your tires. If you are a GD I'm telling the Vice Lords that you trying to set them up and vice versa.

If you have a good job I'm going to leave an 8 ball in your car or in your home window seal and call the police as a concerned neighbor who believes that drug traffic is going on at your place and tell them where I think you keep your stash.

If Americas most wanted is looking for a criminal I am calling the 1-800 number and telling John Walsh that I think the suspect is hiding at your house.

I swear you DO NOT want it with me. Ring the alarm // cause I been through this too long// and Ill be damned if I see another chick on your arm.

Anonymous said...

Even if a nucca do lead me on or play me I refuse to give him any of my energy! After I cuss his triffln azz out I let it go because doing anything other than that will suggest to him that I still love/like him. Don't give a loser excess energy save it for a man who deserves it!

Anonymous said...


Carrie : People say 'Everything happens for a reason.' These people are usually women. And these women are usually sorting through a break-up. It seems that men can get out of a relationship without even a 'Goodbye,' But, apparently, women have to either get married or learn something.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the real question for the day girls and guys.

How do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system and love does not, as promised, conquer all?

Anonymous said...

I wish I was interested enough to exact revenge, I'm a scorpio so if I cared enough my revenge would be brutal. Maybe that is God's way o protecting me because he KNOWS i will end up in jail.

Mystery tips won't make me feel no better, I'D WANT YOU TO KNOW I LET YOU HAVE IT!!

Thank you Lord for knowing my heart and changing my mind...

Anonymous said...

Yea that is a good question because I can honestly say I don't believe in love anymore I honestly believe I'm gonna have to get wit a man who's madly in love with me and learn to love him!

Anonymous said...

Please its HIS loss if he chose someone else over me. I will go so far as to invite all my friends to your house just so we can compare the look taste and feel of me to your new piece...

"Look yall thsi is what he called himself replacing me with..."

After we all die from laughter I'll go home, to further plot how to not care about you even less...

Anonymous said...

I believe in love, I just don't believe in it for me.

I think I'm destined to live alone and grow old in a house full of cats and a witch sister....

Anonymous said...

I think it will be me my shoes and a 101 dalmatians all named after my ex-boyfriends!

Anonymous said...

Well i'm a beaming beauty and my ex married Rasputia from Norbit.
And i'm not exagerating.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i don't have much hope for living happily ever after with a man. Just me and my sisters at the manor, that's why i'm looking for a house now.

Anonymous said...

What women don't understand is it's not about looks, success, education, how good yo stuff stuff/head is money.It's about how you make that man feel!

Anonymous said...

My milkshake still brings all the boys to the yard.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but do they drink it belch and leave or do drink a little now and save some for later?

Anonymous said...

They coming to the yard, but that junkyard dog (my heart) keeps chasing them away.

Anonymous said...

I just sit around and wait for them to do the slightest thing wrong so I can say "I knew yo azz wasn't sh**!"

Anonymous said...

I don't ask my friends for opinions on men any more either because "One woman's Titanic is another woman's Love Boat."

Anonymous said...

I do believe in soulmates, but I don't believe you have to search for them, if there is a cosmic power that has aligned your soul to another's, then I am sure there is a cosmic taxi that will place them in your life.

The trick is, recognizing them when they get out of the taxi...

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't know why tehy try to come back because once I'm done with you. My thing is if I could not be your everything then I'll be nothing to you at all. So basiclly Anon they're still dehydrated.

Anonymous said...

"Men are like the New York Times crossword puzzle: tricky, complicated and you're never really sure you got the right answer."

Anonymous said...

and that is best ANON!!

Besides I have friends who's husbands beat them, cheat on them repeatedly, verbally abuse them so on and so forth.

Why would I want your advice on men...

Anonymous said...

Once I'm done - I'm done

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Welcome Anonymous #1 and #2. I assume that its two of you. Anyway just to keep down the confusion you can select the Name/URL field right above Anon and create an identity that you want to be addressed by. Enjoy!!!

H2O said...

Carrie all the answers you seek are in next weeks paper. By then there is a new crossword and you notice that whether you had the right answers or not, your answers still fit the situation just fine...

Trust yourself, after all you have known you longer than anyone you know outside of family...

Anonymous said...

That's right anon hear your friends but do what's best for you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a problem with taking advice from those in distressed relationships. Even a fool can teach you something.

Anonymous said...

you know we really should put something about how to become someone else other than anonymous in the title post..

I mean really the day to day tutorials are getting on my nerves...

Anonymous said...

Yeah a fool can teach me how not to be a fool!

Anonymous said...

Carrie you have too much time on your hands. Seriously!!! Don't you quote not another one of your famous sayings LOL!

Anonymous said...


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

It's fine BP. They are new to the site and once they're familiar with how everythin works I'm sure they'll select a name that compliments their inner self or they might just get CARRI-ED away....LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl, don't be hatin on my quotes, I'm learning a lot from myself by them

Anonymous said...

You know it kills me how everybody think they so fine and that your Ex will realize what they missed. NEWSFLASH they aint thinking about your ass. If they were they'd still be there. Stop kidding yall selves with all these mantras and sayings as if it eases your heart. Thats you just trying to trick yourself into thinking they care. THEY DONT> DO like Madea and make yourself feel better by tearing some shit up.

Anonymous said...

I will do whatever it takes to get my man back, the bitch shouldn't have ever fucked withm e if he didn't mean forever!!

Who did I fuck Maury!!

Anonymous said...

You string me along for two years and you marry some 25 year old girl after five months.

Anonymous said...

my exes care, thats why they still calling and leaving anonymous notes in my mailbox..

They THOUGHT they didn't care, tried to make me feel like they didnt care, but then they seen me in that pussycat doll video and they realized that they did in fact wished their girlfriend was hot like me...

Anonymous said...

Let me get something to eat.
Cause i'm gettin mad thinking about these bitches. Ke-Ke I don't know who you fucked, but i know who i'm gone fuck up when i get off work.

Anonymous said...

that last message from anon was me Medium Kim,

Anonymous said...

Um, airforce, Carrie's hungry.

Anonymous said...

LOL@ BP08! Girl you a mess!

H2O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H2O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

you know its true Firefly, when you got it good you got it good.

Not all the time do people realize that the reason why they feel the need to leave a relationship is because they cannot fuck you in the head, but they soon came to realize that no one will love them better than me..

The reason why I expect so much, is because I give so much!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with arm charm let the $hit go!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I don't expect shit out of anybody. That way I'm never disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Well I think we all have to realize that men and women are humans and that means ultimately we make mistakes and we disappoint people all the time no matter what they have done for us. If we can keep this in mind and give people margin for error ours lives and relationships will be better.

Anonymous said...

well good for you, AF1 I'm gonna expect at least half of what I give. I think that is fair.... and when I get tired of accepting half you gon step that shit up. If not then it aint meant. Anyone who won't take the necessary steps to ensure a healthy relationship aint my type no way. Now I aint saying I'm gonna start request dinner out once a week, get my hair done, get my nails done all that shit. just love me... period, anyone who needs help with that shouldn't be worth your time...

I can't imagine sitting there putting energy into a relationship, doing everything I can to make it work to not expect anything? Maybe that is why it is so easy for me to let go because I have done everything I possibly can in the marriage in the first place, so by the time the divorce rolls around I'm too damn tired to even care...

at least this way, I'm jail free, sin free and worry free...

works for me..

Anonymous said...

I agree bp08 f I have taken the time to ensure your happiness then the least you can do is reciprocate! That's all I want is someone who appreciates the way they are being treated and can return the damn favor geez it's not that damn hard!

Anonymous said...

and if they dont then you shoot their knee caps off DD08!!

I tell a bitch ass nigga in the gate, if you and lickin this you aint hittin this!!


Anonymous said...

Lmmfao @ KE KE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm at the point where I just tell these nucca don't ask me to do nothing for yo azz that you don't do for me!

Anonymous said...

Honey, don't ask me for Bus Fare.

Anonymous said...

dont need to ride the bus is more like it!!

Anonymous said...

When will waiting for "the one"... be done?

Anonymous said...

You know what pisses me off, is that i feel like the powers that be are just playing a big game. I'm a charmed one, and sometimes inherit my sisters empathic abilities. Now i know some of you think i'm crazy, but i can actually, literally, physically, feel when this man is concentrating on me. I've felt it all week, and lo an behold i get a message. Today, i was bent over i felt his concentration so much. I have to admit, i think the asshole was my soulmate, but if they left, why do they keep trying to come back.

Anonymous said...

Well Carrie you remember that episode when you met that darling older woman in the a cafe and she state "I had a good man once but I left him thinking something better would come along but he never did" and she was about 99 looking like she had one foot in grave and another on a banana peel!

Anonymous said...

You know Piper the whole thing with men is that they ultimately don't know what they want themselves so they are confused they know you are a good catch and they should keep you but they keep thinking if they settle down with you they may miss out on something better and by the time they realize you are the best then it's too late!

Anonymous said...

Carrie: You do this every time! *Every* time! What? Do you have some sort of radar? Carrie might be happy - it's time to sweep in and shit all over it?
Big: What? No, no, I came here to tell you something. I made a mistake. You and I...
Carrie: You and I - *nothing*! You can not do this to me again! You can not jerk me around!
Big: Carrie, listen to me. It is different this time...
Carrie: Oh, it's never different! It's six years of *never* being different! This is it! I am done! Don't call me ever again! Forget you know my number! In fact, forget you know my name! And you can drive up this street all you want - because I don't live here any more!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

At the end of the day each person must do whats best for them in order to make it through an eclipse of the heart. As for me BP I am a reflection of what I see. I start everyone off with high regards and allow them to knock themselves down to where they want to be in my life. If I notice that your pattern i'll adjust, I'll adjust. No need for me to ask you why you don;t do this or that anymore. Thats what I mean when I say my expectations are low. I read signs and take hints very well.

Anonymous said...

A woman's love can move mountains!

Anonymous said...

Oh Air force you have to be yourself during a relationship no matter what a man is doing. You being a reflection is not being true to your self. If you really like a guy and want to treat him like a king even though he may not be doing the same for you it's ok just do it believe me even if he never loves you you will be rewarded in the end! Someone will come a long and love you better than ever before and free you from every man that never loved you!

Anonymous said...

Woooooooooooooooooooooowow Ms.York I wish I could adapt that method of thinking because I'm all about the even Steven how you treat me is the way I treat you!

Anonymous said...

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

@Charlotte only thing I can see happening to me from mot taking heed to signs that my relationship is falling by the wayside is me ending up with a lot of anger and resentment not a reward. Vivienne Green has a song called "Mad" that explains what I never want to be.

Only I can protect my heart.

Anonymous said...

agreed unfortunately I don't take hints all that well, probably because I don't give them, nothing is more irritating than not being understood.

to alleviate that, I tell you what the hell is going on, there by leaving no confusion...

How can you confuse what I mean when I say "nigga get yo broke ass outta my life.."

Anonymous said...


"I need someone who loves me for me exactly the way I am I'm a flawed human being so are you so let's just try to make the best of who we are already and become greatness together!"

Anonymous said...

I will not be the first one to speak. And if he never calls me again, I'll always think of him fondly. As an asshole.
to all my ex's

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh no my friend(air1) that is not the way to go at all it's just like learning to ride your trikie(bike) if you fall off just get back up dust your self off and try again. Each man is a new possibility for a new romance! And most importantly a new learning experience!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Omg Carrie you are truly f-a-b-o-l-o-u-s! That is absolutely correct!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Piper I disagree if I left sh** up to chance I would've been azzed out every rip!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Ok Charlotte how would you handle this. You've been dating this guy for a year and you two speak several times a day and surely at 11:00. The calls lessen to once a day and thats in the afternoon only. Do you call him a million times and ask whats the problem or do you follow suit. I choose option number two. There is no need for me to ask you whats different because all you're going to do is lie. The writing is on the wall. Something else has his attention.....bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Worrying about it, and stressing on it only gives you worry lines, and who's gone want you then.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Exactly Piper, thats why I follow act accordingly and keep it moving. I'm not keeping nothing that doesn;t want to be kept.

Anonymous said...

The problem with women is that we always make assumptions instead of asking if you want to talk to him at 11pm call him. Ask him is there something going on you usually call me about this time? If it who you want and you feel that person wants you go for it!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better my self but I think she was talking to me sorry!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sorry honey I couldn't help it!

Anonymous said...

No, i'm not gone call, cause if he don't answer then you gone worry about why he not answering what he doing, i prefer a good night sleep.
I'm not gone worry about it.

Anonymous said...

So Piper you are saying I should just see what's going to happen even though I see which direction we are heading in!

Anonymous said...

Are we talking about with a man or finding a man, i'm talking about finding one. Granted if you see some bullshit when you with him, bitch jump on the dam polar express get the fuck out.

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Yeah, I think I'll take the good night's sleep also.

Anonymous said...

B08, if you send me some mo mutha fuckin shit like that shit on You Tube u gone make me loose my mutha fuckin job. Shiittttt

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm so you are saying when I meet a man just let the chips fall where they may lie! Don't put a lot of thought into it just see how it goes huh?

Anonymous said...

I thought we were talking about fatal attractions!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Glen,
I wanta finish off with talkin about fuckin a muthafucka up.
Mutha fucka talkin about i was stalkin them, who i fuck, who i fuck, yo punk ass muthafa Tony,
yo punk ass.

Anonymous said...

Glen I honestly try to disconnect my self from the situation before it's get's that far because I'm not very emotional but when I am you betta hit the deck because it's all coming out! So in the best interest of health for my mate I just cut it off cause I may f*** around and kill a mofo!

Anonymous said...

lmmfao @ E cartman. I jsut had to show you who Ke Ke was!!

AF1 "who I fuck Maury, Who I don fucked"


Anonymous said...

Man y'all talking about fatals man ya boy could tell you some stories about these damn females that a make your shit turn green. Peep this I meet this broad right I tell her ass from the jump I gots a breezy at home so we gonna have to keep it low so I hit the bitch or whateva and it wasn't all that great so it wasn't something I felt like I need to do again mind you I hit the bitch at a hotel so she wouldn't know where me and my girl stay and I never called her ass again. She called me like a million times I swear but I never picked up. Man why one day I came home and this bitch was sitting in my front room with my girl! Man now that's a Fatal attraction for yo ass right there when my girl left out the room I grabbed that bitch by the hair and told her if she don't get the fuck out my crib I would follow her home and kill her and she betta not eva show her face around her again!

Anonymous said...

I'd be in jail ISH!! I would straight be in jail!! What did your girl say she came for?

Anonymous said...

we go crazy over good wood im so hood. If you dick me right your girl gotta go...LOL!

Anonymous said...

That hoe talking about she wanted to borrow some sugar to bake a cake she live down the street! Man that hoe almost made me catch a case I almost shittd my self when I seen that bitch!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

My Ex Cadillac Tracy was a str8 go clown. We were broken up and he still used to park in front of my house and chase anybody who thought they were paying me a visit away. Wasn't nothing I could do and the neighborhood police were on his payroll.

Anonymous said...

Arm Charm it ain't my fault! But if I tell you what the business is in the first place you should be cool it's no need for you to be spazzing out! You know it can come to an end at anytime!

Anonymous said...

No MO and Cadillac Tracy you dont seem to be the type to keep that sort of company AF1. I expected more from you.

Anonymous said...

Why do good girls like bad guys?

Anonymous said...

Right but damn Im so hood you got to let a sista down easier than what you did. That's why she went nuts. She wanted you to hit again.

Anonymous said...

OH I was gonna hit the bitch aight!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

I would love a good guy but for some reason they don't approach me. Only the guys with street cred do.

For example I was in the 50 on Saturday and there was a "goodboy" in there so I turn to my couson who knows everybody and asked her who the guy in the black T was. Well out of nowhere This nigga named "Rico G" who all the buss it baby's was on aggressively grabbed me by the arm and told me you need to be trying to find out who the fuck I am. So I took his number.

The good boy who I winked at never said one thing to me. That's usually how I end up with No Mo's and Cadillac Tracy's.

Anonymous said...

You should have answered the phone and told her what the "business" was and then should wouldn't had to go IR(investigative reporter) on your a** and show up at your crib with your "breezy" jackass!

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Im so hood. You know you cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

I would love to talk to a street nucca but they scare me I don't think I could handle them emotionally at all af1!

Anonymous said...

giggle @ Cadillac Tracy..

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I can make you smile baby girl! But look here Dominique whateva she should have got the hint when I wasn't answering her calls no more! I ain't no jackass either she just mad cuz she couldn't pussy whip a back breakn check takn pimp making money off your sista and lady!

Anonymous said...

If I can handle it DD08 i'm sure you could... aint nothing to street niggas, they pu they pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us!

If push comes to shove I have friends on both sides of the law...

H2O said...

If you ever date a guy name Cadillac Tracy again I will tie you up and slap you repeatedly..

Anonymous said...

They seem so rough and rugged and emotionless I need somebody with feelings lol! My cousin loooooooooves street nucca but looks like they don't love her!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

We see you MJG (Im so hood).

Anonymous said...

Ha! Man I be telling these hoes keep your feeling in your pocket when you fucking with me!

Anonymous said...

Let me guess you's a computer literate street nucca ISH! See that's what I'm talking about!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Well DD, that's probably why I never deal with my relationships with my mind and not my heart. I deal with cold hearted people and it seems to have rubbed off. I know that they are going to one of two places Grave and/or jail. Who wants to be stuck in that.

Anonymous said...

It's good that you are in control of your emotions because I'm not I get crazy lol!

Anonymous said...

ISH how you gonna tell somebody where to keep their emotions! I reiterate jackass!

Anonymous said...

I gives all these bitches fair warning my heart is at home with my breezy so you are just for fun! Man and they still be goin! So I let them lick the wrapper! Oh shit excuse me I'm feeling my self right now!

Anonymous said...

You repulse me ISH! eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww You are so freakn disrespectful!

Anonymous said...

why isn't your dick at home with your heart and breezy...

No offense just asking....

Anonymous said...

No prob baby girl! it is at home wit her sometimes but sometimes he wanna play wit a new cat as long as I'm safe wit it I'm cool!

Firefly said...

Why is it that some men think that because they got a security blanket at home, they "big" pimping cause they messing around? What???

Anonymous said...

I you don't want a bitch to show up at your home, keep yo dick at home.