Posted on Behalf of Firefly...
Living in a country were we have rights and laws to protect us is a
wonderful thing so why not take advantage of it! If you visit third
world countries where basic necessities such as food and water are not
seen as...well a basic right to have, it can definitely make you more
appreciative of living in this country. Today on TC we would like to
share some basic rights, laws and situations that you may know or may
not. But it just doesn't stop with laws and rights. There are a lot of
unethical business practices that go on all the time, everyday. If you
know of some or have some of your own experiences to share, please
feel free. Knowledge is definitely power people!
TC shares a few:
Did you know...
If you are being investigated for a crime and do not feel free to walk
away from the officer, you are in custody? You don't need to be
handcuffed, just detained. The officer must read you your Miranda
Rights, prior to any questions he may ask. If you choose at that time
not to speak to him you have that right.
Did you know...
If a product or item in a store is mismarked at a lower price that the
original price, the store has to honor it? If you have some facts that you think maybe helpful to our readers feel free to comment!! Don't forget to click the title link!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
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Did you know if you are driving and someone opens their door into traffic, and you rip that baby off the car, they get the ticket!!
Unaware parked cars look out!! LOL
Did you know that if you are stopped for a routine traffic stop that you are not required to leave your car. This can be refused if you do not feel comfortable in the environment you are in!!
You know youa ll have really good topics, MOST of the time, but every so often you all will post a stinker! I am not trying to discourage you guys but this topic is boring as hell!!!
People do not always want to talk about babymama drama all the damn time sometimes people want to have intelligent convo's. So anon if this topic is not to your liking just close your eyes. Some people want to discuss this topic so they can learn a thing or two!
We can't always talk about baby momma/daddy drama some times we like to try to give readers a chance to step outside of what they see everyday.
and closing their eyes is exactly what your followers will be doing to this boring azz topic.
Don't get on my case, just make sure you take heed to the amount of comments at the end of the day. Things don't always have to be about baby momma drama, but informative topics can still be interesting!! This one is not, and I'm not trying to be insulting, just trying to give feedback from your audience.
After all, it is your audience who makes you what you are in any field of entertainement right?
Ain't nobody getting on your case just letting you know they like to change it up! Ok and if it's only 5 comments at the end of the day so what! If 5 people learned something new today that's better than 151 ignorant comments!
for human knowledge retention and human nature sure, for ratings, publicity and press needs, no.
You guys are in this to attract readers right? Take a look at Oprah, she didn't start out with the shows that she does now, home health care, etc, why because they were BORING!! She started out with the shows that jumped out and caught your attention then after she made it big, she did what the hell she wanted to do, its the way it works.
And btw I think I was talking to the authors, so far only one of them has responded, who might you be? If you are just another concerned commenter like myself, I guess your opinion matters just about as much as mine does only difference is I am the target audience offering the advice that was asked of me from one of the authors. You would just be an opnionated windbag that needed someone to lash out on!
Good day I'll be sure to let people know how well your fans suggestions go over..
This topic and the comments i've read is what we in America calls irony. I wouldn't jump on anon too quickly, that will give the authors a reputation of arrogance and not caring what it's reading audience thinks, don't become CBS, who watches them.
Well as one of the authors I understand you both (the more you know and ANON) Agreeing with The more you know, There is a need to switch up formats to attract readers ANON, TV shoes do it all the time, some go over well and some bomb!! You never know which it will be until the end result. So I applaud the switch..
Although this topic may be boring to some, other may find something that they didn't know before. I had no idea that I wouldn't be penalized for tearing the car door off of another vehicle if they are parked!!
Also to agree with you ANON this we are in this to attract readers, and topics that the public wants to be discussed to me should be priority (this is my opinion only) if we are trying to gain a target CONSTANT audience. When you are in a service industry such as entertainment, the public or those people that have boosted you to number 1 should always be considered. They are who put you where you are.
Please do not jusge this blog by anything other commenters say. I as one of the 3 authors, appreciate your feedback very much and welcome all forms of it, negative or postive!! Thanks ANON!!
The more you know is not an author so who cares what the hell they are talking about, H2O said he appreciated the feedback and anyone else other than Firefly or Airforce really doesn't matter as they are the ones who are doing the posting and running the show...
FYI this topic is a snoozer though...
Miranda if you are allowed to run loose in the city with that hair than the authors should be allowed to post whatever the hell they want....
thanks H2O at least you understood what I was trying to say, maybe my delivery was bad, but you got the point,
and yes Miranda I agree, anyone other than Firefly, H2O and Airforce really doesn't matter much when it comes to deciding topics if those three are the authors.
I was asked for my feed back so I gave it...
As H20 stated, while we do try to take our audience opinions in consideration we also want to offer other topics to discuss. I also didn't know about the rip door policy! Something new I learned today and that's why we mix it up a bit. It's only so much "dramatic" baby mamma/daddy drama that can be discussed, and after a while anything talked about repeatedly (with the exception of sex - that's why we r starting TC afterdark to dedicate the whole night to the subject!) does become mundane. And while we do appreciate our readers and audience if we fall to catering to everyone's opinions and thoughts all the time, we can fall prvy to trying to make everyone happy and we know how hard that can be. We also are trying to reach out to the "World Wide Web" and not just folks in our neighborhood, our workplace and backyard ;)
We appreciate the comments!
You know what "ANON" you need to just shut up! It shows that you r ignorant only wanting to talk about gossip or some other ignoramus subject, maybe about "how your baby daddy can tell if you been fucking his best friend and his brother". Don't know body want to hear that shit all the time! Believe it or not there are people in this world that can have decent intelliegent convos and learn a thing a two! This blog is awesome!
Wow! I didn't know about the door thing either!
But did yall know that if you are speeding on the highway the troopers that are driving have to follow you speeding for at least 3miles before they try and pull you over an dgive you a ticket? So you can slow down within those miles and all they can do is say "slow yo ass down"!
See I didn't know that!
I believe the blog is awesome too, but are you telling me that intellignece equals boredom?!!
With the upcoming election nearing NO ONE has even spoke on the history that will be made, I'm not for talking about baby momma drama that is where your backyard intelligence takes you.
No one has spoken on the repub vice candidate have little or no experience yet she is looked at as being more qualified by whites.
No one has spoken on the recent Sprint takeover releasing people from their otherwise locked in contracts without penalty..
Bitch get YOU some yall thing!!
Just because a topic is bring doesn't mean it has to be ghetto to hold interest, the above suggestions prove that!!
hey you guys please do not confue me with the commenter above, you knwo the only person I like to insult is Miranda!!!
and yes, you can rip that baby clean off the hinges and they will get the ticket!!!
I mean because I'm surround by ghettoites all day everyday I would like to talk about other stuff besides who got a baby by who and who's dating who it's refreshing to find people who have other topics to talk about!
bitchpleasedont has a point we haven't addressed Obama's successes or Palin's qualifications. Thanks again bpdont!!!
well I suggest you bring that up with the authors as a suggestion before you go yapping about something is boring or "bring" as you put it whatever the hell that is (trying to sound intelligent, bitch puhlease!) They did say they were open to that didn't they? And if I can recall they did talk about Obama and promote that just look at the history.
and obviously intelligence equals boredom to yo dumb ass cause you were the first one topoint out this topic was boring. I think about three people already stated they didn't know about the open door into traffic thing, that's 3 people who learned something today. Now why don't you go put your "boring" back in yo back pocket and sit yo bored ass down somewhere maybe you too can learn a thing or 2! Unlike you, I'd like to hear other things that can be helpful to me living in this society.
did yall know if you run up on a bitch who running off at the mouth and slap them in their mouth they'll never see it coming?
shutting up could be helpful in societ but you won't do that so why entertain anything else and I believe mny first statement was
"I am not trying to discourage you guys but this topic is boring as hell!!!"
a direct copy and paste, so what are you saying again, about it being "bring" Maybe we both should have kept our comments to ourselves, mine makes me seem insensitve and yours makes you seem dyslexic?
lmmfao @ anon
did yall know there were 3 authors who are gonna post whatever they want, so it matters not who thinks what?
did you know that if yousa a bitch that can't fight once you give that slap that they didn't see coming you might get yo ass whooped...
Can't we all just get along!
Lmmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmmfao!!!! lol lol lol !!!! @ anon 2
Man I love this blog! It's some crazy mofo's on here!
"bpdont" you not even worth the time anymore - just look at youir comments. You can take your seat now! You're done.
Yall keep doing yall thang, As always, I'll keep checking in and spreading the word!
why is everyone getting on ANON/bpdont's case about doing the same thign everybody in here does. If the authors welcome the feedback why must everyone else be so non accepting of it.
Everyone offers opinions about what they think , that is what a blog is for, if ANON thinks its boring that is fine, a couple of the topics I posted I thought were boring!!!
ANON although you are very rude, your feedback helps, never mind what other commenters are saying, the Authors would love to hear what suggestions you could come up with to be discussed...
You guys said it as well, there maybe be hundreds of other people who feel this way but ANON was the one to bring it to the light. We are good readers thank you for your support but we are not offended by ANON's comments....
see, it's always the bitches who run off at the mouth who get they ass whooped too. They talk a good game, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they ain't gonna do shiiiiit!
maybe we should take your seat, on the disclaimer it says nothing about the legal representation of the authors..
you services aren't needed either, what's wrong mad cus you are not as important as others in your social circle..
feeling left out?
always the butt of the joke?
Guess what you still are...
Thanks H2O for understanding...where is Firefly I haven't seen that much from her in a while, I like her shes always so professional on here? I love Airforce too she's very jazzy!! H2O you already know you are the heart and soul of the blog!!
Keep doing your thing people, but the topic is still boring...
well, speaking of boring that school daze topic was hella tired!
...As my right I'm entitled to my opinion
Freedom of speech yall!
Firefly is in school to further that professionalism and Airforce is on Holiday so I am holding down the fort today, and what a day to pick to leave me all alone in the matrix, you guys are off the chain today.
You know what else is IRONY, the fact that this is an informative blog today, and as much as people say they don't always want to talk about baby momma drama half of the comments are insulting just as if we were.
bpdont we got it the topic is boring, we are moving past that, do you have anything to contribute in terms of the BLOG SUBJECT?!!
Doyallthnag, why are you entertaining ANON, if they are soooo beneath you and sooo ignorant prove it by not going back and forth with them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
ANON#2 you jumped right in talking about slapping bitches unexpectedly, I supposed that was to further the argument of how people want to sometimes have intelligent convo's right, prove this in your comments by not adding fuel to an already ignorant fire...
now I suppose yall gon jump on ANON for the school daze insult topic...
yall betta, if not it would seem very hypocritical of you...
Can't we all just get along!
Did you know you could never win a verbal battle with a low life ugly bum? They done lived their whole life being talked about and done heard everything that could be said! The killer is they try and turn around and try to use it on you!
we try Rodney we Hey where the hell is Carrie?!!
that would explain why I lost this battle with you doyallthang, thank you for clearing that up...
I give up!!!!
I think by it being three different authors it brings 3 different aspects to the blog I think it's a really good mix not to ghetto and not to bushwah! I like it I can talk about any topic at anytime!
...and seems that it's always the insecure bitches who always seem to think that everybody is talking about them.
LMAO@H20!!!! You tried man, you tried
so now we are recognizing the freedom of speech right...
I think doyallthang and bpdnt think they know each other but they really don't lol!
did yall know that the people who really tried hard to sound smart are really dumb as hell and insecure about it?
that is what we were trying to display multi facet, you cannot please everybody..
I did try didn't I ANON!! LOL I'm about to call Professor Grey and Professor X in here and let them put this chat into order, again i don;t see that many comments on the BLOG SUBJECT!!!
while folks is bumpin them chops, half of these insults could have been dedicated to the topic at hand but nooooooooo so what does it matter if we post something intellectual or not if the comments still reflect the ghetto...
one to grow on huh?
yeah we know found that out after your first comment doyallthang...
Did you know that one person arguing about something they have no control over, by themselves, looks really retarded but two people arguing about something neither of them have control over looks even more retarded...
Back to your corners bpdnt and doyallthang!
also bp Ima need you to change yo name, I carry enough bad Karma with my mouth I don't need you coming in here and making people confused about who you are when it comes to us both...
see what happens when you try too hard folks? You use words other than those you really mean like "know" instead of "now".
I'm gone to lunch on that one, LMFAO!
OOOOOOOOOOOoo H20 I love professor Grey but Professor X is the bomb diggity!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for clearing that up BP08 cuz I was getting a lil confused up in here!
Did you know that everyday this blog starts off with a topic and ends with to people going at it til da death!
and see what happens when you try even harder than "too hard", you read without understanding
the sentence was
"yeah we know found that out after your first comment doyallthang..."
meaning yeah we know what you are talking about because we found that out after your first comment. You are so slow..
try again...we will wait
Or maybe doyallthang and bpdnt do really know each other!
See!! that is what doyallthang get, trying to be so damn uppity up!!!
Freedom of speech!! Tryin to call folks dumb and your ignorance shows with every post!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL "now instead of know" dumba sss!!!
#1 fan glad you enjoyed Professor X!!! LOL He was a trip huh?
This seems personal!
Yes he was 2real 4words lol! Sometimes folks need it unedited and unadulterated!
yeah doyallthang BPdont got you with that one..
your turn boo, Even though you made a mistake and read the sentence wrong, Im sure you got a comeback for that ass!!
Just make sure that what you pointed out as stupidity is actually that and not something you misread otherwise you are the one who looks stupid in the end..
Okay your move!!
Doyallthang! said she was gone to lunch. so it might be a while.
Did you know bill collectors are not allowed to call you before 8am and no later than 8pm!
okay losers first and foremost
bpdont.. who cares what you think, this isn't an opinion poll on topics ts one on the topic given!! Shut up and mind your own business, either say something in contribution or save your comments!!
Doyallthang, read with comprehension, whenver you insult someone you should at least know what youre talking about!! You left that comment and went off to lunch thinking you had said something when in actuality you read the entire sentence wrong and now you're the dummy in the hot seat!! and I was on YOUR SIDE!!!
Miranda who asked you anything you are only a lonely clap in this standing ovation we call talkingchit!! KNOW YOUR ROLE!!
bitchplease you mean bitch, get some Vitamin D I hear it changes your mood from bitch to beloved!!
did I miss anyone!!
lowlifes!! Its a blog site, and yall talking bout beating people asses. EXTEND YOUR VOCABULARY and you may not get so angry at commenters!!!
Sup #1 Fan glad you enjoyed the display on Friday... Ill be back if the authors let me.. Professor Grey and I may just give advice at the same time like Dear Abby and Ann Landers used to do.....
they are not allowed to call your job either kinda in debt, they can call once and if you tell them to no longer call you there any calls after that are considered harrassment!!
it would have been a while anyway innocent bystander, now they will have to make sure they are reading every little detail as to not sound like an idiot again...
I changed my name bp08 you happy!!!!
Bravo Profess x!
carry on...
@#1 fan
(taking a bow)
so it seems like you too have something personal going on backup! do you and doyallthang know each other?
I know you guys are doing grammar corrections but please excuse any errors I make!
Hey guys have you all heard the song Ms independant by NeYo that song is ONE!!!
Yeah dat nigga I looooooooooooooove that song! She got her own thang that's why I love her ms. independent ooo the way the shine!
watchin the video now!!!
NeYo is so gay...
He is singing the song about himself...LOLOLOLOL
Well I understand both sides you both are entitled to your opinion!
I don't think ne-yo is gay! I think he's just a well dressed man that's all! LOL LOL I'm just glad somebody made a song about something other than being in love with a scripper(stripper)
that is all I was saying IBS, why I gotta be called names because I felt the topic was boring.
Now because of ME we have 80+ comments, aint nobody saying shit about the topic!!
It's cool...
Yes he did dat nigga! OOOOO it's something about a woman who want you but don't need you!
tomorrows topic, which celebs are gay and which are not!! LMAO!!!
Bitch I'm back did you get that!
Well if you wrote it correctly, such as in "know," comma it would have been read correctly.
truthfully NeYo shits all over every track he creatres whether he is singing it or not!!!
Take a bow
Do You
Cumm Closer (lol)
So Sick
the list go on and on!!
I see today's topic got interesting!
H20 I think Canye West is gay that's why he can't find or get a long with a woman because he don't want one lol!
you were the only one who had confusion doyallthang, you should have put that together without visual aids, cue cards and posterboards like the rest of us...
besides that argument is over, you lost get past it...I'm just saying..
you "Think" it was because of you
dont talk about it now!!! LMAO!!! Wait till tomorrow!!
Yeah he does but people don't give him is props like they suppose to! He wrote song for mario that brought his career back from the dead I can't think of it know! He wrote I call it love for loniel riche !
True true Miranda, but I was past it before I went to lunch seems that others weren't...
and who might it be because? The topic? HA!!
you are still providing comments that prove my point.. get gone..
yeah NeYo is gay Neyo fan!! LOL
Now hold the hell on! NE-Yo is nat gay ok! He is just I repeat a well dressed debonair man!(LOL) John Legend now he is gay!
we were all past it, jsut read with comprehension next time so others don't have things to feed off of, one thing that bp08 let me have it for is my trying to be all "above and beyond" and having the nerve to show obvious error in my statements myself.
You reading that statement wrong really knocked your credibilty out the window ESPECIALLY since you were trying to down someone's intelligence..
we all make mistakes and on here I saw you getting let have it for that as soon as you let it fly...(novice)
I don't carrre what nobody say Andre 3000 is gay too everybody in that lil group they got together is a lil questionable! lol! (piss that's why they all in that group together) I forgot the name of it but you know the group with P.Bentley C.West A.3000 and somebody else!
How bout Wil Smith gay or straigh?
Bi lol!!!!!!!!!!
Here i am, Miranda,
To those to insignificant peapods arguing, please shut up and move on, your insults lack wit and your comments have no couth. You two don't even qualify as persnicktey people, just quantuam leap ass holes. How about doing with your opinions like the real does with them when faced with your infinite supidity and wipe your asses with them and flushing them. If you two jackasses all trades don't understand some of the things i said (which im sure you dont) inquire with your local streetwise guy, i'm sure their intelect out weighs the both of u.
Ian Smith (Celebrity fat club vh1) gay!
Uh ha carrie "supidity" did you mean stupidity
" i'm sure their intelect out weighs the both of u."
You seem to have the same disease as doyallthang, trying to insult someone's intelligence without first utilizing spell check...
tsk tsk tsk when will you bitches learn...
It was Rhetorical Big (Bitch)
here we go, now Carrie you're a writer you are supposed to know better than to let someone have it without all you T's crossed and I's dotted...
you're on time out!!!
rhetorical meaning you asked a question that didn't need an actual verbal answer?
Who is this loser doyallthang hired for legal representation,
you have a fool for a client, and doyallthang, your attorney is a dumb ass...
yall just KEEP walking into it don't you...
At back it up bitch, or whomever you are today. Unlike some of you unemployed bitches, This writer is at work. So in haste to let you fucking retards have it (which nature took care of long before i pointed it out) i may hit a wrong key. But trust you me i don't mispell my name when signing that check. Should you be checking on your unemployment benefits anyway.
Hows that Bitch.
I swear I love this blog you guys are some of the wittiest people I know lol lol (LOOK I'm not a dickrider jus not afraid to give people props when do) lol!!!!
Now Now Carrie we all make mistakes that's why you are here! We understand!
It's always the fucking ugly bitches with size 42 waistline tryna get us thinner bitch on typos. That was Rhetorical too, no verbal answer needed, i know you a fucking ulgly bitch with at size 42 waistline. That one's for you back it up bitch
Mr. Bigg, i'm starting a new condom company, can i use your face as my mantra for reducing birth defects. Some like you were planed should have been swallowed. You would be a good argument for abortion clinic for 37 year olds who we just realized should have been aborted. Don't get mad at me for looking the way you do, go home and slap your mother.
Carrie I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you were not the cute one on the show you just dressed cute is all!
Yeah Carrie! Dress cute yes look cute not so much!
what's the sense of being beautiful when no one is around to appreciate it Carrie? You mispell your name, you can copy and paste this if that helps
oaky backupoffme, you gon slow down up in here, you are new and we only gon take tow more insulting ocmments outta you cumdrinker..
Carrie don't bother with this nitwit, her girth surpasses her IQ...
Big, you outta be ashamed of yourself...
Miranda aint you gon jump to this bitch defense, aint you a lwayer, damn yall tired!!
I got yo back Carrie let a bitch say something else...
I just had a premonition, Big don't...
Now Now bp08 I understand that's your friend but she came on insulting everybody!
Yeah she did, no differnt from anyone else on here, but I guess yall let them have it the same way huh?
Shutting up now....LMAO!! Sorry Carrie..
I'm sorry back up off of me, i had to produce a segment for CNBC from the trading floor, it a more delicate step than yelling hold the mayo through the mic at your job, but i'm back. You all like to talk about Carrie's looks, well listen up you fucking mantees hiding behind the web, every body can't look like reused crisco oil as your self, if you are what you eat your new name is pork chop only greasier. I'll be ugly with Minolos, and you be pretty at payless bitch. Hint i hear the leather makes your feet stink.
To Bigg, Samantha, and Back up bitch, Bring it Bitches, don't explain why you "tryin" to cut me up, cause you are failing. You don't slap a bitch and apoligize for it, what the fuck yall brains got as much substance as a chicken burrito, with a waistline to match.
Now Now Carrie "it a more" I hope you are doing a better job at proof reading for CNBC than you are doing on here or else you are gonna be yelling "4 wings fried hard to go please" FYI ugly people have to dress nice that's the only way they will be noticed!
Well big for now i'll leave coming home smelling of catfish to you. As for my proofreading, CNBC is a t.v. station you muthafuckin idiot, it's a camera involved no writing, but i can see how you got that confused you know, looking like crisco, working with criso, using it for lube in all, you're bound to have some brain damage. But atlas you offer no witty challenge for the me.
Sorry Big, i was on the phone with my CEO, that also is more delicate than you answering your shift leader. Anyhoo, you talk about me being ugly, and Samantha said i'm wasn't the pretty girl, but guest what, all you bitches were my co-stars,and i am the star..........
i'm waiting for security to com haul yall 2nd rate acting asses off the set.
Ah Ha Carrie they have news shows on CNBC which in includes tel-a-promoters now doesn't it! Which means someone has to write out what is read on the tel-a-promoter am I correct! U still the ugly duckling no matter what I smell like u still look like the 47yr old who never got over her awkward teen yrs!
See two people fight til da death!
You really know how to make a comback Mr. Big, sort of like Whitney. Let's make a deal, and don't get excited it doesn't involve bacon you fucking tapeworm.
You work on your "reading comprehension" and i'll proofread. CNBC is an unscripted financial news shows. They have guest who offer their thoughts on the financial news. See I got back to the topic, you learned something new today big.
did you know mayor daley, todd stroger and G.Rod are trying as best they can to extract every dime out of Chicagoans as they can to make up for their overspending the Olympics and 22% raises given to city,state, and county employee!
What in the??!
LOL, this just shows that no matter what topic we choose to post, yall are gonna "talkchit" LOL! And for that we will continue to give what we've been giving, and doing what we've been doing. Some topics will be what some of you consider as "boring" but we as authors get tired too and don't always have interesting topics to post - all the time. So every now and then there may be a topic that may not strike you enough to comment, but it may strike someone else.
I may not be on all the time, and as H20 stated I'm in school "furthering that professionalism", and working more closely behind the scenes to eventually give TC some character (now I can agree that the look of the site is boring) and working on "TC Afterdark" for all you "late bloomers" :)
Thanks H20 for holding it down - you are definitely the soul of Talkingchit!
For the rest...yall really know how to entertain. I think you all are more entertaining than the topics we post and thats all that seems to matter.
Keep your comments coming!
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