What is your definition of "pursue"? Does it mean letting him know that you are available? Does it mean walking up to him to initiate communication? Does it mean acknowledging you have interest in him? If this is true for you, then there is nothing wrong in letting someone know you are unattached and interested. In this busy world we live in, sometimes men miss signals that are right in front of them. They would be flattered to know someone is interested in them and had the forthright to initiate contact. However, if your definition of "pursue" is this:
Does it mean tracking down his phone number and calling him?
Does it mean asking him out on a date? Or dates?
Does it eventually mean asking him to marry you?
Then, I would caution you.
If the man knows you are available and interested in him, but isn't pursuing, this is an indication of how he feels. Maybe he isn't interested at all. Maybe he isn't ready for a relationship. Maybe he doesn't have the guts to ask you out (not a good sign). Most men want to be the "hunter." It is in their blood to see something they desire and to go out and get it (Ok, conquer it … I said it). When pursued, the flattery that was felt earlier quickly changes to questions of: "Why is she asking me out? Is she desperate? Is there something wrong with her? Does she feel as if time is running out for her?" Men what are your thoughts? Do you feel women are desperate when they make the first move? Women do you feel you are putting yourself out there when youmake the first move?
Monday, September 8, 2008
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I see nothing wrong in letting a man know how you feel. There can be no confusion and no mixed signals if you tell him how you feel from the get go. Then you can move forward because you KNOW for a fact that he KNOWS how you are feeling.
The thing with women is we never want to be put out there as desperate, there is nothing desperate about letting a man know that you are interested, once you do that, put on the brakes and don't make another move until he complies. If he doesn't he is not intersted and at least this way you haven't wasted all this time and energy.
"He's just not into you!!"
agreed Miranda, put it out there that you are interested, in my opinion when men see you in the street, they pursue you without even knowing if you are interested or not, so if you let them know you are, and he does nothing, then he REALLY doesn't feel you....
I have approached one dude in my life who was sooooo my type. This was last year on July. Baby is 6'7", smooth black skin and is New York's finest (NYPD)literally and figuratively. Anyway, my gut was telling me to step to him so I built up the courage and stepped to him nervous yet flirty. I said, "hello my name is AF1 if I give you my number, do you think you'll call me"? He said, "Hell Yeah". Well I must say we've had a great year long friendship.
My perpective, if a woman lets me know that she is interested but doesn't act like it, it's for some reason a turn on. It's like they have this take it or leave it attitude which exudes a certain level of confidence. 9 times out of 10 if a woman lets me know that she got it for me, and I don't respond I never will, not for the reasons she want's me to anyway.
If she can be interested in me and not seem like a "desperate housewife" then that means, she is secure in who she is and safe from becoming a crazed lunatic later on in life.... lol
well you know I am not the best person to ask about this considering the crap I just went through with my husband (who incidentally is back with his mom as of now) but I feel like this if i put it out there that I am interested than the least you can do is acknowledge it and act on it, or let me know that you are not interested. That way neither of us is getting on the others nerves...
Bell you put him out, so is there no chance of reconciliation?
As of now Miranda, NOPE!!! I thought long and hard and there were too many things to forgive...
I say it perfectly ok to let a guy know you are very interested but however you are not going to sweat him and if he doesn't get it after that then move on "nothing beats a failure but a try."
I'm sorry I'm kind of old fashioned and never have approached a guy even if I really wanted to. I just believe in being "picked". Luckily for me I have been picked by the ones I've been interested in and then the chase begins...
I'm sorry but in this day and age, you have to go for what you want and ain't nothing wrong with that. Why sit around and wait for somebody to pick you - you'll be waiting your whole life! Women are holding their own and doing way more than what was expected of them 50 - 60 years ago. I can get my cake and eat it too *wink wink ;)
I agree with ANON as well selfish. I believe int he old fashoined way of being picked, but how can women tuly say how far they have advanced if they keep the same mentality as women back in the Salem Witch hunt days?
If you like something go for it and if you don't get it then it wasn't meant!! Men don't want to date you and then change their minds because you said something first...
@ Bella... I know that your decision was not easy but I will say that I admire your "self first" approach to abuse. If more women had a 0 tolerance for bullshit that men bring into their lives thay would have a better understanding and acceptance of themselves and their worth. You have proven that you cherish and value YOU. I will keep you in my prayers because I know that it's not easy for you right now. But please know that God hears you and will keep you. Step out on faith and know that this too will pass.
Honestly if I didn't approach the men I wanted first they would never talk to me. Only guys I could never imagine dating approach me lol!
Thanks AF1, it wasn't easy but it had to be done. I mean cheating is something that I think I could forgive, but the fact that he was unsafely cheating means he put me at risk, as well as my kids.
It was probably some woman who didn't wait to get CHOSE, and went after what she wanted that screwed him!! ANON, LOL
I have led a lot of men into making the first move . There are ways to let a guy know that you're interested without approaching them. I do this little shy smile and while biting my lip an looking away. Then I'll look back at him again (because I know he's still looking at me) and then I'll giggle like I'm busted. Thats a sure way to make a guy come over and say something. When it comes to flirting I got it.
that is uncomfortably funny bell!!
@ Bella feel free to vent and cuss and do whatever you want to on here. It doesn't even have to be related to the topic. If you get mad enough just let it go and I'm sure others will chime in. On one way or another we've all been victims and fallen prey to a mans selfish acts. Shit I know I have.
af1 someone has done that to me before and I missed the entire point..
I'm so slow...
af1 someone has done that to me before and I missed the entire point..
I'm so slow...
God I wish there were more guys on here, Bell they love to bash us here....LOL
No all I'm not a male basher, there are some really good men out here, hell my sister and best friends have wonderful men in their lives so I know that they are out there, men are not apples, on rotten one doesn't spoil the bunch, even if the second apple I picked is rotten too, that just means my expectations and my reach needs to be set a little higher, so you are alright H2O!!
AF1 where the hell is Carrie Bradshaw? Miranda have you seen her?
Thanks Bell although I have been a dumb ass man a couple of times in my life..LOL!!!
All is fair in love and war and I lovs me some H2O but in times of war I put the "B" on my chest...LOL!
I'm very old fashioned a man should approach me. I just wouldn't feel comfortable stepping to him first!
I was with Big,
and that may work for you Charlotte but I have tried both ways and I find that letting someone you are interested doesn't make you a bad person or desperate. It just makes you take charge of your life. But then again you did have a very successful marriage. Guys her man was soooo good to her she changed Gods!!
I agree with AF1 there are ways to let a man know that you are interested without coming off like you live on Wysteria Lane...
Welcome Charlotte!!
Aww, one of my favorite topics, Men. I'm finding life a lot easier
now that i'm giving men a dose of their own medicine. When i treat them like kings and the light of my life, they take advantage of it. Not that I treat them with indifference and a i can take you or leave you attitude, they always want you to be around. Next time you girls want to fuck your man's head up. After sex, ask them to leave and turn the knob behind them, and you'll call them later (and don't call). Or If you're at there house, get up immediately afterwards through your hair (or weave) in a ponytail kiss them on the forehead and tell them you gotta run.
Well you moved to Brooklyn for yours Ms. Hobbs and your man was pretty good too!
Agreed Carrie! Men love when you treat them like they really don't matter lol!
I'm sorry, I can't don't hate me!
Lmmfao @ beger aka mr.post it note
we should have gotten together and traded Berger in for a hot daawg!!
WTF is this Sex and the City Trivia day?...LOL!
we don't love it when women treat us like we don't matter. We admire strength, and not depending on our CO2 for your own O2 is a sign of that...
Please don't send these women into a "lets treat our men like dogs" frenzy, you won't be able to deal with the Karmic balance it offers you...
Professor we didn't say like dogs just not like kings!
It wasn't until I arrived Arm Charm, hello Ladies!!!
how far is that from what I said Sunshine, and be honest (smile)
I'm here too damnit.
Man profess u know can't let a man know he gots it like that or else you may lose ground.
Hey Louise how was your wedding I missed it!
Is that my ex berger?
what ground are you trying to gain Sunshine? If you try to remain in total control isn't that essentially what you are trying to convince your partner of NOT doing?
True some men do take advantage of women, but this weekend I was SURROUNDED by men who are stupidly in love in my opinion. Their women got them by the balls and me and Carrie were forced to sit back and hate their women, because the OTHER SIDE of the game is just as at fault as the men at times....
I wouldn't treat anyone like a dog, after all Berger did dump me via post it, but doing your own thing, and acting more like them,
boosts your ratetings.
I do see what you are saying profess but I'm trying my best to not be taken advantage of and I on the other hand do not take advantage of men either.
That's all I'm saying Carrie when you act like them you see why they do the things they do because it's so much more fun than being the one sitting at home worried or heart broken lol!
Don't worry about Berger Carrie, you were worth more than he could give you anyway, and as soon as you realize that, all of the Bergers in your life will cease to interest you...
Professor where on earth can we find these stupid in love men!?!!
Carrie were they cute? (the stupidly in love men that Prof speaks about)
I think you should give what you get, if you find a man who gives you respect, love and FIDELITY then you should reciprocate those feelings to keep the good nature going in full circle. Once you start playing head games you end up like Vivica Fox on Two Can Play that Game, and although she ended up with her man, that was in the script and in life, you produce, direct and star in your own films....
agreed Bella, you become what you want in life. If you want life to be sweet, be sweet yourself and exude that. You will attract what you are!
There are good men out there trust me ladies...I've had nothing but good men in my life and I appreciated all of them for being the wonderful gentlemen they were. To this day even though it didn't work out, I still tell them when I run into them how great they are. The good men may not be your 6'7 tall dark and handsome, they may be the brother working for UPS, or related to the 6'7 brotha (LOL) but they are out there.
The stupidly in love men he's reffering to, aren't the type of Men who we would like. They're nice, and cute, but if i'm not mistaken, they do cheat sometimes.
Even though next time i catch my boyfriend cheating, i'm gonna cheat, let him catch me, and tell him i just assumed we have an open relationship. Yes there are good men out here, but even good men stray. All the things we talk about how that perfect man is out there, and my Mr. Right is gonna come, is a bunch of Malarchy. At best i'll be satisfied if i find someone i can put up with, but we will have to train any Man we get. I read somewhere where you should train them like people train animals. When they do something stupid, u don't reward or respond to bad behavior, when you do something good, i'll rub your belly, make your favorite meal or something. TAKE CONTROL LADIES.
I think you should treat men all the same no matter how they treat you because you can only be you you cannot compete with them for their actions are in their nature. I'm always nice even when it is not appreciated because I know one day someone will come along who will appreciate me or sometimes your kindness can change a man's attitude towards you!
So agreed Carrie, but what should we do if the act up? I mean if we don't react or respond to bad behavior won't that basically tell the man that anything or any type of treatment is acceptable?
It is SOOOOOO hard to keep a level head when a man has done something dumb...
Please don't tell me my prince Charming is not coming! I have been waiting so patiently and for so long he has to come rescue me from this sea of clowns and losers that often pass by me!
Oh Charlotte...
you are sweet enough to give us all cavities!!!
Carrie, not responding to bad behavior is almost the same as you not responding to Big's phone calls (damn near impossible)
Bp08 if they act up, you call them on it, just make sure you garden is free of weeds before you start talking shit..
Did I miss anything?
People always yell I don't play games, or love is not a game. Well
with any relationship, someone does something good or bad, there is a move or reaction by the other. Welcome to Parker Brothers ladies and gentleman. I'm thirty fucking four, and i'm taking matters in my own hands. I don't mind the UPS guy or the mechanic, hell a mechanic will be an asset, i can only pump gas. But a Beatiful Porter House Steak doesn't just appear that way, it had to be cooked.
Oh he's coming Sunshine but will you have the balls to snatch him up when he comes or will you be playing that hard to get role that sometimes will make the man think you are not interested.
I don't play hard to get it's just I have a fear of being taken advantage I promised my heart and my self I would never let that happen again.
interesting analogy Carrie, I don't mind the blue collar worker I got enough white collars of my own. Mixed marriages are the best...
well don't give your heart, give your mind..
keep those things seperate and you will stay sane...
I see it just sooooooooooo hard you know!
Oh I know good men go astray too, they always seem MORE attractive when they are taken don't they? So this new found attention that they get that thy never prolly got before, they may not know how to act. These be the ones that get caught when they try to cheat, LOL they sometimes don't even make it to first base because they don't know hot to cheat!
Well i'm listening to my good judy Miranda, when she said, what about you, remember you. It's now all about me. Miranda you saw my movie, I ignored Mr. Big, and went on with my life, until that bastard wrote me a love letter. Charlotte. I love you is all i'll say. But i will not spend another minute of my life, mourning because i don't have a man. Perhaps my heart is just tired, but it's all about me. I love my next man and treat him well "if" he deserves it, but i will be the star, and not the co-star. Usually in every relationship one loves one more than the other. I'm gone be the one who is loved more, and not the one who give the most love. I'm sorry all, just how i feel. I've tried the treating him like a king, and that left me with bad credit. The definition of insanity is doint the same thing over and over again and expecting to come out with different results.
Oh my goodness I feel like I been on vacation from TC! How's everyone!
Well Sunshine all I can tell you is just be yourself in every relationship and you will do just fine!
I personally don't have the guts to approach a guy although I will let him know I'm interesting by flirting. If I get vibes that he's not interested, I don't even bother. There's nothing worse to me than being attracted to someone whose just not that in to me. I like who likes me.
Come Carrie I hear ya girl preach!
It seems that when you are not that into them, they are all into you. And vice versa.
If a man is into you, he pursues you. He makes his intentions clear. If he says he'll call you at such and such a time, he does. He clears out his schedule to be with you, and asks you to do the same, in advance. He tries to find out your interests, and makes plans that will interest you. He invests time, energy, and money in dating you
I think it's OK for a woman to "pursue" a guy whom she knows shares commmon beliefs, values, etc., i.e, not just pick out any old guy she meets and is attracted to and "chase" him.
HEYYYY firefly, how you been!! We been trying to hold I down till your return!! lol
Having both pursued and been pursued, I must say it is definitely better if the man is the "aggressor" so to speak. But then again I eventually lose interest in the men pursuing me; perhaps it's better if each party pursues each other. There needs to be balance, as in they both have to like each other about the same.
RIGHT Firefly and you also need to know when to pull out. A good friend of mine told me once
"if you are in a relationship and you are the only one with a problem, then YOU need to take steps to change that, don;'t expect anyone to be able to make changes to a relationship to suit you because they don't have a problem YOU DO!!"
I live by that!!
And holding it down very well I must say!
But what is up with the Sex and the City reunion, LOL! I feel so left out cause I have yet to see a full episode! Who in the halibut is this Mr. Big?
I say let a man be a man and you be a woman. Men ALWAYS go after what they want!! ALWAYS!! If they are not going after you then you are not wanted!
If a man wants you NOTHING can keep him away and if a man doesn't want you then NOTHING can make him stay...
I'm not chasing you, we walk side by side in my unions and I won't accept anything less...
You can't treat everyman the same. You are a refelction of what you see. Why continue to give a person the best of you while you get the least of them. Don't penalize the next man because the first one couldn't get it right. That's crazy. Stop settling for the clowns becuase you'll find when you settle for less you get less than yousettled for.
To me when a guy is pursuing me and persistently so, it is such a turn on - if I'm attracted to him. Even though I may know he may be just trying to "get it", if I see he is really persistent, I'll lead him on to see how far he will go and wait for me to give in to him. It's something about that chase!
Firefly Mr Big is someone that if they hadn't stop playing with my girl Carrie's head Samantha, Charlotte and I were gonna get together sit around a boiling pot of something smoking and tear little pieces of paper up with intersting punishments written on them!
@ Bitchplease you said that business.
Firefly I think every woman has/had a Mr.Big in their life at one point or another he's the one guy that you just can't seem to shake you know he's not good for you but he feels so good you keep indulging lol!
Preach BP, preach!
I understand what you saying bitch please, but i'm sorry, MIRAMAX presents......
Starring Carrie Bradshaw,
Co-Staring... HIM ( whom ever i'm with)
Ooooh yes, well then I know Mr. Big very well! Ten years of him! I had to pray for my "Mr. Big" to get outta my life cause he was poison to my veins!
Yes him that's who he is and at that joker all most got killed in the movie! (I don't wanna spoil it for you wink wink*)
That's right Carrie "it's all about me" sing mya I hear ya girl!
I'm serious AF1 and Firefly, and you too Carrie. I understand the hardening of a heart due to past traumas, but I have learned that there are signs to pay attention to in the beginning that we, being so in love and all, tend to ignore, then we want to pretend that everything is a big surprise when it slaps us in the face. UMMM HELLOOOO!!!
People don't change in the coarse of a relationship. I'm not saying don't be the star in your own movie all I am saying is CHOOSE the roles you want to play, some roles are just not for you, learn which ones are before you commit to the script....
If you notice in the beginning that this man does things that irritate you and you mention it, and he still does it, why would he change that in 10 years if you are still around to accept it? You got over it then so the fact of you ebing tired of it means nothing if you ahve already allowed it. All that does is give him the right to call you crazy, because who sits around and puts up with something for so long, never speaking on it, until they are worn out but a crazy person.
Well i've had a Mr. Big, a Berger (somone who was jealous of my beauty and success and couldn't deal with it) an Aiden (Someone that was really nice and i made a mistake they couldn't quite forgive me for, but they were too nice so ultimately you wanted a bad boy) and a Potrasky ( someone whom was the star of the relationship and i bascically followed and was their trophy on the arm in their show). I think we get to caught up on the "traditional" relationship. Some men love to have someone on thier arm who is a star and will be their costar, so that's the type of man i'm looking for. Many relationships have many different roles. every one is not going to be the huxtibles. I prefer Rosanne and Dan, where i'm the star, and Dan is my co-Star.
couldn't have said it better myself bp08...
I hear ya Carrie, but I prefer Bill and Hilary where he thinks he's the star but everyone knows that its me making them decisions....
Bpo8 men do it all the time they will never tell you something you do brothers them until they can't take it anymore and are about to dump you and by that time it's too late because they let it go on way too long and they cannot take it anymore!
please both Dan and Bill cheated on their wives so in essence they dumped their stars for the understudy.
Give me a relationship where we are both stars, your success has little affect on me, and mine has little affect on you, I would have said Wil and Jada but hell from what I just read about them, NO THANKS!!!
I guess I have never been hurt in a relationship because I have never been in love or loved someone so much that I was so engulfed in them.
well sunshine don't let what men do dictate you, if you do that how can you point fingers and place blame?
You know we as women LOVE to do that....
Kinda like Beyonce and Jay-
Z each they are both equally successful and it doesn't seem to bother either party!
I hear ya Bp08!
If I see a nucca I want I'm gonna go after him hard until I get him men love to be pursued! And if he ain't feeling me then to hell with him I'll just find somebody else!
wel lets have some church up in here Sunshine!! LOL
Please do go and talk to men. Let them know you're interested. If you have to initiate the exchange of the numbers then make sure to fall back and remain a LADY!!!
IN defense of Berger Carrie. He did write a book too. So a little uncomfort is warranted, maybe if he was in a different profession it would have been better....
actually, Dan did not cheat, he actually died, and the cheating storyline was something Rosanned wrote to cover the grief of Dan dying. Well anyhoo. At this point in my life i don't want an equal. I want to put on a pedastal and treated like Cleopatra, and in return i won't feed you to the lions. Anita Baker said it best with, no longer living life in paridise, no fairytale. Give me a man, who loves me more than i love him. Cause i won't dogg him, or leave him. But when you love a man more than he love you, i guarantee, they will use it to their advantage. Its nature, not nuture.
Lately I've dated the proper, educated men with goals, ambition a job and morals. Well I'm tired of that shit because they've mistreated me too. When I tell you it's a thug that stands on 63rd and King Drive everyday that's as hopeless as a penny with a hole in it but black as hell with an awesome smile with long locks that who I share a mutual gaze at everytime I'm at that light. Yesterday he ran in the street to get my attention. Today Imma pull over. If I gonna get mistreated again it's going to be by somebody I like. Shit
Berger was an Ass, i bought him a Prada shirt to make him feel better, and he left me on a fucking post it.
hold oon.
Forget that AF1 when you see a hot bag or a fierce pair of shoes in the store do you grab them or let someone else get them no go after what you want men are the same if you don't get them someone else will!
Berger wrote a book that said a New York broad wore a scrunchie out on the town. Once Carrie corrected him and said that no NY woman would be caught dead with a scrunchie (alhtough some wear stonewashed patchwork knee boots...WTF) and he couldn't handle it.
Berger was a Jackass anywhoo! No matter what she said he still would've did something stupid anyway!
@ Buss it. Boo I'm there with you. Did you hear me mention 6'7" from New York. Oh I got that. It was comment #3 today. Like a pit bull I went and got him. But then I fell back liek a kitten and purrrred.....LOL!
Actually Dan dying and them winning the lottery was all a dream, none of that really happened...
Well I'm a Liger (lady tiger) always on the hunt! I'm too far advanced to fall back to a kitten! He either gonna acknowledge my roar or run away with his tail between his legs lol!
Right Miranda she said writing him dying was easier to accept than him leaving her for another woman!
No Dan really did dye. On the last episode, you saw Rosanne writing the story that way about the winning the lottery, and Dan seeing another woman when they got rich. Dan did die from the heart attack he had at David and Darlene's wedding.
Welcome to TC Samantha, Charlotte & Buss it Baby, Selfish, Unselfish and Sunshine. Please Enjoy and don't forget to tell your friends.
I'm all confused now I can't remember!
I ain't mad at cha Buss it! But when I roar they really do run and I get called a bitch or difficult to deal with or a lesbian for being so damn aggressive....LOL!. Damn!
Really that's funny because they love when I do it lol!
Berger was immature and he was funny the same funny that attracted you to him Carrie.
He was really tired for dumping you on a post it, (NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR THAT) but Berger didn't know how to appreciate Prada, either you are gonna love the difference between you and your lover or your going to date a clone of yourself
Besides that, Big screwed your head up much more than Berger did...
but at least you end up happy and that is the most important part
I guess you have to figga out which one likes a kitten and which a liger huh?
she sure did Charlotte...
Miranda. shut up, you're a lesbian jsut because you are a man doesn't make you the expert on them...
Do the world a favor and shave...
sorry Carrie every now and then Mir(man)da gets besides himself...
sounds more to me like sex and the pity.
see i would teach you heifers somthing because it don't look like none of ya been stroked by a real man
everyday you heifers on here like whine whine whine. dont no real neal man wanna hear that. i got something to put in your mouth to shut you up.
It's prolly so small it prolly wouldn't shut anything up! That's why you trying to get attention it's alway the men with small genitalia that needs a bunch of attention!
check your boy out. it's guaranteed to make you shout.
That's what all slim jims and tiny time's say!
well jim aint slim and my time and showt c'mon and let me rock yo boat.
anonymous the first sign that a man has a small dick is when he brags on how big it is out of the blue. No one is interested in your obscene pickle, I got something to put in your mouth as well, how bout a tic tac as I'm sure you need one after talking all that shit!!
oh no see I ask for another guy to come and help a brutha out and this is what happens..
we're doomed...
H tweezy I got cha lil bro just ride my coat tail. bitchpleez and busted baby better have my money.
I see i got to take you fools to skool.
Did i hear "him" say all we is whine? He's anonymous for a reason. Because that's probably the way every woman treats him. that short stubby fella is a name for ya, or who? Being stuck right is never a womans probably, it's you being able to afford the privaledge to do so is it. So please don't offer us any more of your "short stories" I'm looking for an epic BOO.
Not the foot. talk about agony of da feet.
Speaking of feet, your's is probably the only thing on you big enough to put anywhere.
i keep my hos like dominos on they back. you next carry.
Here's a thought for you, it's almost halloween, you could but a yellow condom on your unit and go as a sharpie
I got yur money, I told you id give you $5 to eat my pussy now hurry up and bring yo ass to get it....
Well i'm sure like dominos, you deliver in less than 30 minutes too. Then i'll be like Wall street and pay the penalties for an early withdrawal.
Carrie the girl sent th epoice to his job and now he is in jail, no names please but you KNOW who Im talking about....
exactly Carrie, you will never have a bigger dick than your mom ANON...
I knew that would happen.
we'll discuss later.
whatever's clever. I been pimpin since pimping been pimpin'!
I can see you pimppin now.
"Pimp Down, Pimp in distress"
Thanks Little Man.
you are an assistant pimp that comes from a long line of assistant pimps....
yes we will I have a special poem for her...
But what is so f-ed up, he'll be right back with her stupid ass, so I think I may just keep my poetry out of it...
Pimps do what they do. hoes do what they told and a awuare does what he can
pardon mon cherie but that's squares
Pardon me mon cherie thats squares. my pimp hand is way strong that my line keep coming out wrong.
so when we told you to shut up why didn't you, if hoes do what they told?
it's always the one that spoke up who get choked up. chill out.
you don't know nothing bout the pimp game. game peep game and yousa lame
gon head cletus walk over here, you gon limp back and thats if you make it..
hate to sound sleazy but tease me. I don't want it if its that easy. yikes!
Be original, don't tell us anything your step dad told you growing up...
I see 2pac's lil brother is trying to comeback on his behalf. Nice try ANON, lol!
yes but he is more like 1 and a half pac!!
Watch your mouth there girl. I'm 1 and 1/2 inches from the ground. Woo woo.
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