It's Halloween and TC wants to address any spooky activity that you may have encountered. Do you believe that spirits are all around you, or maybe even haunt you? What about spells that will deliver pain to others but bring you joy, like feeding a man spaghetti with a special feminine ingredient to make him love you....and did it work? Did you ever receive accurate results from a Quiji board or summons Bloody Mary in your bathroom? Better yet, did you tee pee or egg someones home for giving you bad candy. Talking Chit Heads want to know!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to click the topic!!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Today I voted. I thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of early voting, beat the long lines and traffic, ya know, get ahead before November 4th. From all the buzz and talk of this election, I had anticipated maybe a little traffic, but I was not prepared for what I encountered - especially at 8 o'clock in the morning. As I walked down the street towards the voting place, I looked ahead and couldn't help but notice a long line of people waiting outside a building. I kept thinking this can't be the voting place and I was hoping it wasn't. To my dismay it was, and in my type A impatient mind, I quickly got irritated. I thought I can come back and hope the lines die down, or I can suck it up, risk being late to my class and get in that early vote. I decided to wait since the lines seemed to be moving rather quickly. As I followed suit in line behind 4 other people a young lady passed out forms for everyone to fill out and re-iteriated for everyone to make sure their names, address and today's date were on it. I filled out the form and proceeded in my place in the moving line. My irritation suddenly diminished when I starting to look at the faces of people around me. Young faces, old faces, white, black, red, yellow faces. At this point a gentlemen who seemed like he was part of "crowd control" started to tell people ahead of me to go in, in groups of 10. My group went in the polling room and there were even more people inside! I felt like I was at the DMV but with a bigger purpose of being there. I would have to say as many people that were there, they made the process very easy and it was very organized as different lines were separated for different steps. The first step was to make sure you were a registered voter in the state, get a voter card for the booth and then proceed to wait in another line. This line proceeded to a sitting area where people took turns passing around a "clip board" that served as a "number" as they got up simultaneously to go to the voter booth.
As I sat and waited for the clip board to come around I decided to catch up on some reading. Before I knew it, I looked up and the guy sitting to the left of me had the clip board. I don't know why, but I got this anxious nervous yet excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. After one voter finished voting, the guy next to me got up and took his turn at the booth. He passed me the clip board and I felt like he had passed me the torch at the Olympics! Then it was my turn to go to the booth. I couldn't help but smile at the the thought that I am about to be a part of making history. As I inserted the voter card in the slot, after pressing the "English" button for my language, my smile was accompanied by tears. I looked up to the top right hand corner of the screen that read "Obama, Barack/Biden, Joe (President/Vice President)". I stared at it before pressing the touch screen to mark "x" at my selection. Stared at it long enough hoping that I can make a mark in my memory and in history, that would be etched in my brain forever.
I felt so proud when I left the polling place. Proud like Martin must be feeling right now in heaven. The sun was shining and I felt good. I just hope and pray that these same feelings can revisit me come election day next Tuesday.
Join TC by taking part of making His-Story by sharing yours!
As I sat and waited for the clip board to come around I decided to catch up on some reading. Before I knew it, I looked up and the guy sitting to the left of me had the clip board. I don't know why, but I got this anxious nervous yet excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. After one voter finished voting, the guy next to me got up and took his turn at the booth. He passed me the clip board and I felt like he had passed me the torch at the Olympics! Then it was my turn to go to the booth. I couldn't help but smile at the the thought that I am about to be a part of making history. As I inserted the voter card in the slot, after pressing the "English" button for my language, my smile was accompanied by tears. I looked up to the top right hand corner of the screen that read "Obama, Barack/Biden, Joe (President/Vice President)". I stared at it before pressing the touch screen to mark "x" at my selection. Stared at it long enough hoping that I can make a mark in my memory and in history, that would be etched in my brain forever.
I felt so proud when I left the polling place. Proud like Martin must be feeling right now in heaven. The sun was shining and I felt good. I just hope and pray that these same feelings can revisit me come election day next Tuesday.
Join TC by taking part of making His-Story by sharing yours!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
All Good In The Hood.....OR NOT!!!!!!
Since the vicious slaying of J Hud's relatives, NBC national news has deemed Chicago the "Murder Capitol" of the world. Meanwhile, Chi Town locals are wondering why the Academy award winning, American Idol star never made an attempt to relocate her family from their Englewood home to anywhere else. Jennifer, who is known to have a condo in the Loop (Downtown Chicago) and a home in LA would visit her mom quite frequently in the heart of the hood. The talk around town is "Why would and How could Jennifer leave them in the Ghetto", as if she turned her back on them and left them victims of a socio-economically challenged neighborhood. When you move on up...should you move on out?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted on behalf of H20
There comes a time in every man's life when he must leave his childhood buddies behind and start his new life with the woman of his choice, but what happens when the man spends too much time with his buddies? How much time is too much time? Women have you yourself or know of anyone in a relationship where the woman feels neglected or left out of her mates "guy time?" Should women feel threatened by their guys male bonding or should they just follow the age old saying "let sleeping dogs lie?" Is their a such thing as a BRO-MANCE?
With Deepest Sincerity...

TC would like to send our condolences to the Hudson family for their tragic loss.
Our prayers are with you Jennifer...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
I Made You, Why Would I Play You!!!!
Posted on behalf of Blogger Class Act:
Let's say you are in a relationship. You and your mate both have went from ashy 2 nasty 2 classy together. Now that you are both successful and live in a certain comfort zone your mate has done a complete 360 on you and does not treat you the same and cheats repetitively. Do you stick around because you have had a hand in making your mate what he or she is today or do you leave and let someone else enjoy the fruits of your labor with your mate?
Let's say you are in a relationship. You and your mate both have went from ashy 2 nasty 2 classy together. Now that you are both successful and live in a certain comfort zone your mate has done a complete 360 on you and does not treat you the same and cheats repetitively. Do you stick around because you have had a hand in making your mate what he or she is today or do you leave and let someone else enjoy the fruits of your labor with your mate?
No Call No Show!!!!
Professor Grey is in Cabos this week and we have no idea where Professor Extra is. So, with that being said I don't know what to do considering Friday's are our advice days. Anonymous where are you with that topic that you owe us....We can use it right now. Suggestions, comments, complaints, grind sessions or maybe you want to tell somebody to kiss your ass better yet you probably want to us to pray that you don't slap the hell out of a co-worker today....Do what you like......Have a great weekend!!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Barack + Obama = Anti-Christ ???!!!!???
After watching a national news show the other night I became very disturbed by people making claims that Barack Obama IS the Anti-Christ. I mentioned this malarchy to a few friends who say they feel ashamed to say it but they agree. They went on to tell about several books in the Bible that describe a man whose image appears to be very Obama-esque which they feel supports their blasphemus theory. Are you religious and believe that Obama is anything but a child of God or do think that this malicious rumor was started by a group who can't seem to find any dirt on B*Rock???? Your thoughts!!!
Please click the link to see the CNN related news story!
Please click the link to see the CNN related news story!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
If you are celebrating your last night out as a free man or woman, should you be allowed to "get busy" with the entertainment (stripper)? Why is it that most people feel like they are violating a sacred union even though it hasn't officially begun, and others don't? Last but not least, If you found out that your soon to be spouse got a little at his or her Bachelor(ette) party, would you be upset? Why or Why not?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Have you ever been fixed up with someone before?...Or maybe you do remember exchanging numbers with someone but can't exactly recall how they look? Their self-description via phone sounds as if you've landed you a winner. Unfortunately, when they arrive at the designated meet up spot you see that they neglected to mention that they're missing teeth, or one leg is shorter than the other or maybe they have a lazy eye, or the lady has a mustache and beard thicker than yours (not saying that anything is wrong with people with these conditions, but you just weren't prepared). Follow that with a picture swap of them when they were 10 yrs younger and 30 lbs lighter. Then there are also the dangers of the "Person Swap" where you think you are talking to one sex and it turns out to be another!! There are fears associated with the blind dates so why do people do it? There have been many blind date success stories which is cool but today we want to hear about your Hell Date experiences.
Monday, October 13, 2008
To Snip or Not To Snip
Vasectomy vs. Tube tying .......
I was shocked to find out that a lot of couples have disagreements as to who will cut off their ability to reproduce once they have completed their family. Women feel that having their tubes tied is a longer recovery period opposed to a man who can get snipped and be back on his feet in no time. Who should be responsible for the permanent sterility in a relationsip?
I was shocked to find out that a lot of couples have disagreements as to who will cut off their ability to reproduce once they have completed their family. Women feel that having their tubes tied is a longer recovery period opposed to a man who can get snipped and be back on his feet in no time. Who should be responsible for the permanent sterility in a relationsip?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Astrologically Speaking
Two Professors, two points of view, one purpose!! Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Your Face Beat Up My Hand......
In the world today almost half of the female population has either been a victim of or witness to domestic violence. Recent studies including one spoken of on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, suggest that this behavior may have been learned. Meaning "my mom got beat so maybe this is the way to go" others suggest that it is a behavior promoted by fear. The law as it stands now states that if the person who is directly involved with the attacks doesn't come forward, the authorities have no rights to act on it, even if family has expressed a concern. What measures would you take if it was a family member of yours?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Great Debate Recap

Who won? or better yet, who will win?
Here's some food for thought: We know African Americans only make up 13% of the population so Obama didn't come this far without the "majority" vote so does he have to count on the black vote?
"Out of Respect for Me....."
Often times the souls in your life, be it lovers, friends, and family put you in a position to where you have to choose between your better judgement and their feelings. When these situations occur is there a right answer or correct solution? No one wants to go against there own principles, at the same time we don't take pleasure in hurting the ones we love. How do we decided between everyone else's feelings and your own? When do your circle's wants and needs trump your own? Why must we even choose? Got an example of a friend or family member putting you in an awkward position and making you choose between them and you? Tell us about it, and explain how you got out of that Chit unscathed....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Grind My Gears!!
Got some Chit on your chest, relieve it here!! Don't forget to click the title link!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Blog Awards/Astrologically Speaking
Today aside from Astrologially Speaking we will host the Monthly Blog Award Ceremony. The awards are to congratulate and appreciate the commenters with the most "color" in their posts.
H2O would like to nominate the Anonymous 1-10 crew for the "Chit Talker of The Month" Award. This award is presented for always inspiring healthy debates whether through their insults or their words of wisdom. Because you probably won't be here to accept the award we here at Talking Chit gladly accept it on all of your behalf's as there are like 5 Anonymous characters on the blog!
Airforce One would like to nominate Carrie Bradshaw for the "Carri-ed Away" Award This award is presented for knowing each and every original quote from Sex and The City and knowing when to use them accordingly at the perfect moment!! And also for her optimism and quest for true Love in the City.
Firefly would like to nominate Miranda Hobbs for the Lifetime Achivement Award as she has been a part of the Blog since its inception. She has remained loyal to us since day one and even though she has dissed a topic, and a blogger, or two she still comes back for more. We really appreciate it!!!
H2O, Firefly and Airforce One would like to nominate one of are fallen heroes "knowitall" for the "We know its You" Award, even though Knowitall has fallen in battle we still can sense your presence in different soldiers from day to day. Thanks for not leaving us!!!
Now for Astrologically Speaking!! Today we have both, two Professors, two points of view, one purpose, to help!!Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....
Today aside from Astrologially Speaking we will host the Monthly Blog Award Ceremony. The awards are to congratulate and appreciate the commenters with the most "color" in their posts.
H2O would like to nominate the Anonymous 1-10 crew for the "Chit Talker of The Month" Award. This award is presented for always inspiring healthy debates whether through their insults or their words of wisdom. Because you probably won't be here to accept the award we here at Talking Chit gladly accept it on all of your behalf's as there are like 5 Anonymous characters on the blog!
Airforce One would like to nominate Carrie Bradshaw for the "Carri-ed Away" Award This award is presented for knowing each and every original quote from Sex and The City and knowing when to use them accordingly at the perfect moment!! And also for her optimism and quest for true Love in the City.
Firefly would like to nominate Miranda Hobbs for the Lifetime Achivement Award as she has been a part of the Blog since its inception. She has remained loyal to us since day one and even though she has dissed a topic, and a blogger, or two she still comes back for more. We really appreciate it!!!
H2O, Firefly and Airforce One would like to nominate one of are fallen heroes "knowitall" for the "We know its You" Award, even though Knowitall has fallen in battle we still can sense your presence in different soldiers from day to day. Thanks for not leaving us!!!
Now for Astrologically Speaking!! Today we have both, two Professors, two points of view, one purpose, to help!!Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Que sera sera?
Posted on Behalf of Firefly....
Some of us come into this world knowing what we want out of life and find every possible opportunity and possibility to make it happen. Some of us may benefit from those around us paving the way. And there are those of us who wait and wait patiently for things to happen - that may or may not ever happen.
What approach do you use to get what you want out of life whether it be a career, relationship, or personal pursuit? Do you go for yours, rely on others, or wait for the "divine intervention"? Let us know what worked and what didn't! Did you sleep your way to the top of your career? An advocate of affirmative action? Does your family open the doors for you? Whatever got you in the door, is it the same qualifications that helped you stay? Tell us we'd LOVE to hear it!!! Be sure to click the title link!!
Some of us come into this world knowing what we want out of life and find every possible opportunity and possibility to make it happen. Some of us may benefit from those around us paving the way. And there are those of us who wait and wait patiently for things to happen - that may or may not ever happen.
What approach do you use to get what you want out of life whether it be a career, relationship, or personal pursuit? Do you go for yours, rely on others, or wait for the "divine intervention"? Let us know what worked and what didn't! Did you sleep your way to the top of your career? An advocate of affirmative action? Does your family open the doors for you? Whatever got you in the door, is it the same qualifications that helped you stay? Tell us we'd LOVE to hear it!!! Be sure to click the title link!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
When to Agree To Diasagree
In everyday conversation whether it be in friendships, relationships or what ever kind of ship you are sailing, you won't always agree with the person you are speaking with. Do you know someone who always has to show you how right they are? In relationships, the cost of disagreement is higher because it can make or break your union if not handled properly. With friends it still holds weight but true friends can disagree and still be friends in the morning.
Tell us, is it more important to you to be understood, to be heard or to be right? If you have a person in your life that looks up to you sooo much that they have to make sure they are telling you when you have made a mistake just to make themselves feel better let us know. How do you agree to disagree, when all you want is to be heard?
Tell us, is it more important to you to be understood, to be heard or to be right? If you have a person in your life that looks up to you sooo much that they have to make sure they are telling you when you have made a mistake just to make themselves feel better let us know. How do you agree to disagree, when all you want is to be heard?
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