Who won? or better yet, who will win?
Here's some food for thought: We know African Americans only make up 13% of the population so Obama didn't come this far without the "majority" vote so does he have to count on the black vote?
Talking chit is a social blog where interesting topics are discussed. Wanna express a viewpoint? Gotta get something off ya chest? Or you just wanna add your 2 cents! Post it here! But keep it respectful, and keep in mind our views, statements and ideas are our own and are not meant in any form or fashion to insult anyone or their beliefs. "It's all because of the First Amendment!"
I don;t think that the balck vote will make a difference and I really hope that we are voting for the best candidate opposed to his color. Everybody your color is not your kind. Look at Todd Stroger who has increased taxes in Cook County to the highest in the nation. Thanks Bro'.
Anyway, can someone please explain to me what the deal is with the popular vote vs the electoral vote. If I'm not mistaken, correct me if Im wrong but isn't the EV what matters in the end? And if Obama wins the pop vote and not the EV, then whats the point?
No a1 color doesn't matter and yes the best man for the job should win and that's why Obama is where he is today not because of his color and not because he is black in the least bit. But as we all know we are still in a racist society and his "color" has worked for him for there are those who jumped on that colored band wagon and want to be a part of making something happen that has never in the history of this country has ever, ever happened.
When you vote for a presidential candidate you are really voting to instruct the electors from your state to cast their votes for the same candidate. For example, if you vote for the Republican candidate, you are really voting for an elector who will be "pledged" to vote for the Republican candidate. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state wins all the pledged votes of the state's electors.
dang ANON you're quick...beat me to answer that!
That is what happened the first time Bush was elected. His running mate won the popular vote but the electoral college selected Bush.
To my understanding each state is worth a certain amount of points, so say Rhode island has 5000 people but is only worth 5 points, and New Hampshire has 4900 people but only worth 4 points. If 3500 people in Rhode Island vote for Obama then he won the 5 points for that state, but if 4000 people vote for McCain in New Hampshire he wins that state with a whopping 4 points. If they had been the only states voting then Obama has won the election even though the actual number of votes, (popular vote) was more in favor of McCain.
Our job to make it matter is to make sure we show up in MASS numbers from state to state to help win that state...
If Obama wins, I'm coming to work with the biggest you freaks can't tell me shit I can be anything in the world smile on my face. To me a democratic candidate was the best choice, 4 more years of the last 8 years doesn't seem right no matter what color the person in office is...
so who do you guys think won the debate?
Amen to that H20! I'm gonna celebrate by running through the streets with a McCain and Bush bumper sticker on my ass yelling and screaming like back when the Bulls won the championship in 98'!
Oh Obama won hands down although I have a lot of respect for McCain. He stood firm and a couple of issues that he believed in such as the war but he truly lost the battle when it came about the economy.
McCain needs to go sit his old ass down somewhere!
I am all for Obama and this chance to participate in a historic election on both sides of the banner. Although both candidates are qualified, McCain's choice of VP which was indeed excellent for strategy fails on the realistic realm. I don't think Palin is a dummy, but she is not ready to be Commander in Chief...maybe a GILF pageant.
GILF pageant winner...that is.
excuse my ignorance on asking this but what the heck is GILF?
It's really MILF from the movie "American Pie" and it stands for Mom I'd Like to F*ck. Basically means you're somebody's mom who looks good.
Since Palin is about to be a granny who's still hot the fellas call her a GILF.
I think McCain failed to challenge Obama on substantive matters...
Obama has managed to get away with proposing a ridiculous amount of expensive initiatives without McCain or Sarah Palin doing much to point out the potentially disastrous budget implications of those plans. Didn’t we just suffer through 8 years of reckless spending? Just because we switch from Republican-backed squandering to Democratic-backed squandering, doesn’t mean we’re making positive change. McCain should have been all over this. But he let Obama slide.
Agreed Babs which further supports Obama in my book, if he let that slide what else will he look past. Republican based spending and democratic based spending is an equal evil, however McCains other Bush similar tactics is what I don't need any thing more of.
My job is directly impacted by outsourcing to countries other than the US, this along with family members of mine still in this war are major points with me, I know these issues may be small but they are mine to have....
One of Mr. Obama’s gifts is his ability to glide over contradictions with the greatest of ease. He spent minutes explaining that we spend “$10 billion a month” in Iraq that should be spent here in the U.S. But a short time later he was promoting what sounded like a surge in Afghanistan, and vowing to spend even more money to assist “the economies” of Eastern Europe. He also proposes to provide free health care while claiming he’d cut more spending from the overall budget than his new ideas would cost. If Mr. McCain lets that last claim go unrebutted, he deserves to lose.
"spends 10 Billion a month to support a war in Iraq"
What war in Iraq? The war was declared over by G W. Bush some time ago. Why are we still there? Condoleeza and Bush have both stated that there are no WMD's.
Obama's point last night was that if we were looking for Bin Laden in the beginning why and how did we get side tracked by starting Operation Desert Storm #2...The Hunt for Saddaam. The original mission was to seek and destroy Osama.
Yes he says that we should have Universal health care okay McCain says that we should buy up all the delinquent mortgages. They are both great ideas but my question to them both is where will the money come from?
I have a great deal of respect for Mr. McCain, but he is truly out of touch.
@ Babs again,
Not only that, how dare Senator McCain mention to Oliver (the black guy who asked the first question from the audience), "you probable never even knew who Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae were before the rescue plan.
How dare he. He's not ready to preside over a country with the Diversity and history of oppression like America. It's good that Mr. Obama can glide over contradictions so eloquently opposed to speak condescendingly to people through one person as McCain did last night. Again, he's out of touch. Tell him to call the dogs off. Blacks are free and educated and entrepreneurs and don't NEED affirmative action to get by and are about to reside in the White House.
C'mon arm charm, you better read in between them lines, people leave them BACKWOOD 'sippi mentalities at home, what has happened in the last 8 years that would make you even consider listening to anything Bush Jr has to say?
McCain may be a good president, but at this point in time for America we need another approach.
Hilary could have been a good president, but not at this time! Its all about the timing, after the Bush administration the person going for the most radical change is the one who is gonna win. Bush pissed alot of his OWN people off, anyone remotely close to supporting his beliefs, ANY OF THEM, aint go a shot in hell at winning
And hiring/choosing a woman, for a running mate, to get all of Hilary's supporters was smart, but not smart enough, you have to remember the women for Hilary were still democratic...
was that "that one" comment disrespectful race wise? Can someone fill me in as a non -black non american?
That was a low blow that MCain took and although he may have not meant it in a racist way he definitely was disrespectful. He should have addressed Mr. Obama as "Senator". He sounded like a kid who was losing a fight and now trying to fight his way back out of the corner. Obama cornered and sucker punched his ass!
Now the real question is who do you trust more, I wouldn't trust McCulty as far as I can throw him which would be far!
yes disrespectful I agree, but how would that comment been disrespectful in racial way?
The respect I had for McSame vanished after last night. He threw two cheap shots; degrading Oliver as an ignorante and calling Obama "that one." What the fudge is the problem with this grummpy ol' man?
Since McPalin hit the stamp, I have heard nothing but divide and conquer. She told a white crowd in Florida that Obama is not like "us." She went on to ask the audience who the real Obama was. The crowd cheered and two people screamed "treason, kill me."
I'm not going to say that he was coming from a racial perspective...at least I hope he wasn't. In comparison just by lookign at Oliver, he looked young, so hopefully McCain was lookint at it from that way. Even if so that's a hit at our generation. They "The Boomers" already think that we are a somewhat lost cause. It didn;t make it any better that the repsonse was given to a black person.
What "That One" comment? I missed taht one.
Oh, I think I responded to the wrong thing. Oops!!!
Well, dear readers, brace yourselves. Change is coming and is coming in less than a month.
Where will the change be? Amongst whites? The majority? What will Obama do for the poor? Blacks? I don't think nothing will change with that. As some say he doesn't even consider himself one of "us" anyway.
I personaly don't trust that America will do the right thing with this election. Bush won for a second term with the help of Jeb and that was a bunch of Malarchy.
and a CHANGE it will be!
all the black people in the world can not vote for Obama and he can still win.
@ Hello
Us as in black or white us?
He's both...what more do you want from him. Besides he can't focus on the poor/whites or the blacks he has a country to represent for.
well if black was sooo important why was the race for the nomination between Hilary and Obama soooo close for sooo long!! Its a democratic thing!!! As I said before, what has happened in the last for years that would even suggest you listening to the Repuiblican party. Its not just a black thing!! No one voted for Jesse Jackson and he is as black as you gonna get!!!
Try again....
It's not a black thing people. It just so happens that the most qualified candidte happens to be black....which makes me proud. If it was that easy to be blackand run then Jesse would've won. Y'all pissing me off making this out to be an affirmative action pick.
ummm hellloooo! We still live in a racist society or don't we? If we don't let me know when the change took place!
soo what relevance with that have in terms of change COMING, which is what Obama stands behind..
Change coming cannot be supported by change that never happened..
@ Hello
We still reside in a racist society. I'm just waiting on you to answer who is it that Obama doesn;t identify with. Black or White?
He didn't go and get a light brite damn near white wife. You see The Mrs.
if he thought he was white, he'd have a white wife...
You always marry what you closely indentify with, whether he says the words I LOVE HAROLDS CHICKEN SHACK #59 means nothing, you see Ms Obama don't you..
@ Hello
We's free Hello.
Please tell me that you are not still preaching that you can't get ahead because the man is holding you back. That mentality won't get you anywhere. Step into the millenium McHello.
to be totally honest he doesn't identify with either!
McHello/Palin '08!!!!!
You don't have to report to slave quarters McHello.
What kills me is when Clinton came though, every body said "Clinton is really black, he's our black president!" and then when Obama comes through he's not black enough?
When will you people put the COTTON down, and realize that we are finally able to have this conversation for a reason!!!
Heeellloooo! If he was black enough he would have been a Sharpton or Jackson and thus not so close to becoming the next President. Let's keep it real now!
Do you think that the reason Obama doesn't say specifically what race he falls under is because of his extreme diverse family, or because he thinks it will hurt his campaign.
Does he ever say, when that question is asked. "I'm white?" I mean there is alot going on in his gene pool. The only thing I am not comfortable with is the fact that i believe his middle name is Hussein.. LOL
Tell me this, if Bin Laden embarrassed the US by destroying the twin towers, why wasn't he the main focus of the war, does that not strike anyone as the least bit weird?
In simpler terms how many times growing up did you get your ass beat by someone and your retaliation was on someone who didn't have a hand in said ass beating?
what are you equating being black too? Black is a race, a heritage, not a way of thinking.
I think its about time we say goodbye to hello....
So are you saying that black is synonymous with ignorance (Jesse)? The media does show images of your kind of black person on Jerry Springer, quite similar to Jesse with not only a baby moma, but the kid being younger than the actual grandkids. Only Jesse and your type of black person can pull that off. Leave you backwoods upbringing to you and your government assisted negros.
All I'm saying is that he can't identify with either race...isn't that what yall are talking about being of both black and white decent? All the negative comments are irrelevent to what I'm talking about. I'm saying if he was black enough as someone stated he would be like what yall consider Jesse or Sharpton right? If he was too white he would have a white wife right? So why don't you tell me who he identifies with most as far as his color is concerned!
And you can say goodbye all you want I will continue to say hello!
Why is color such a big deal to you? Jesse and Al are not the official representative for black people...Tupac was.
I have a personal dislike for Jesse and what he does is ignorant just like Bush is an idiot doesn;t make all whites tools. It's not a race thing.
Who cares who Obama identifies with. maybe it's his ancestors in Nigeria. He's still qualified for the Commander in Chief position.
what I'd really like to know is why are YOU making it a race issue? Jesse and Sharpton don't hold the I'm the representative for black people. The blackest person in my book is Malcolm X!
Clinton was white but people, (probably you included) felt he I-N-D-E-N-T-I-F-I-E-D with the African Amerian, but he was still white and was accepted as such. Jesse is ingorant and Bush is an idiot those points are mute. Why most he claim who he relates to more to be a good candidate? Have you ever heard McCain say. "I'm John McCain and I'm white, and I approved this message."
Its his policies that are stood behind, and even if people are leaning toward him beccause he was white, that's tradition in the good ole US of A. White bretheren been standing behind their own for years!! Its about time black people got someo unity about something besides rioting when Rodney King got beat down.
Please continue to say hello, winning an arguement doesn't feel the same without a guinea pig to slaughter...
Let me wrap this up real quick.
McHello/Palin Do you know what the Obama Doctrine is?
Are you aware of how accomplished he is?
Have you even followed his campaign or are you only worried about if he's going to declare himself as black or white.
He's got black in him so therefore I'm certain he can identify with a big dick. I'm sure that's all that matters to him and THE MRS.
and he be looking good too YUM!!
Now put that in your mouth and shut it hello!!!
Welcome to the site Hello. Thanks for joining us and voicing your opinion. Enjoy!!!!
Who is it
and Michelle Obama
Please read and enjoy and keep in mind people are as passionate as you are about their opinions and ideals!!! Enjoy
I'm Arm Charm and I approve this message....Goodbye!
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