Our 44th United States President...

Barack Hussein Obama
Talking chit is a social blog where interesting topics are discussed. Wanna express a viewpoint? Gotta get something off ya chest? Or you just wanna add your 2 cents! Post it here! But keep it respectful, and keep in mind our views, statements and ideas are our own and are not meant in any form or fashion to insult anyone or their beliefs. "It's all because of the First Amendment!"
What an awesome picture! Oprah couldn't have said it better - this is the best front cover of any Suntimes paper ever!
Black is the new President!!!!!!!!!
All my life as an american I felt like we as black people were grasshoppers kept inside a closed lid jar by America on 11/4/08 I feel like the lid was removed from that jar and we can be and do anything in this great country!!!!!!!!! Yes we did it!!!!!!!
A black family is the First Family of the United States, black people have no excuses anymore. No excuses.
How could this historic event not motivate you to be all you can be in this life!
I really hope that "WE" as African Americans don't lose our fire and continue to encourage generations to come to reach for the stars. This starts at home people. Your kids are impressionable all throughput their lives. If you call you child stupid or a fuck up they really believe thats what they are. But if you tell them that they are somebody and can achieve great success, they will strive to do that. Please encourage your kids and those kids that are around you.
I also hope that black people do not let fear dictate their actions from here on. All this talk about Obama being the Anti Christ is really scary and unfortunately the facts of tge antichrists arrival are very close to Obama's arrival. I personally don't believe the hype but man why did Michelle have to wear that God Awful red and black dress!!?? I am Dat Nigga and I approve this message
now why did you have to go and talk about ole girl's dress, lol! you wrong for that!
The real question is what's up with the blog??!!!! are you guys going to start it back up again or what!
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