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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All Good In The Hood.....OR NOT!!!!!!

Since the vicious slaying of J Hud's relatives, NBC national news has deemed Chicago the "Murder Capitol" of the world. Meanwhile, Chi Town locals are wondering why the Academy award winning, American Idol star never made an attempt to relocate her family from their Englewood home to anywhere else. Jennifer, who is known to have a condo in the Loop (Downtown Chicago) and a home in LA would visit her mom quite frequently in the heart of the hood. The talk around town is "Why would and How could Jennifer leave them in the Ghetto", as if she turned her back on them and left them victims of a socio-economically challenged neighborhood. When you move on up...should you move on out?


Anonymous said...

Beyonce plotted on Jennifer. She had JZ go and knock off her famo to keep her occupied so B's Etta James film could get all the attention for once.

Anonymous said...


AiR FoRcE 1 said...

Obviously this horrible triple murder wasn't a result of the neighborhood....it was domestic. Let's say that they would've moved to the Hyde Park, Bronzeville or Olympia Fields areas, it is highly likely that the murders would've still taken place. Again this was not a result of the neighborhood.

Why was it so many people in the house anyway? Is J supposed to be financially responsible for all the adults that were living there? That aloce changes the dynamic of whether or not your mom will live ina better environment.

I for one woulf fear some crackhead or non-baller holding my mom for ransom. That's about it. So yeah, it would be up up and away for them.

Anonymous said...

Well for one they don't know for sure if the bro-n-law did this in the first place you know when the cpd has a high profile case or are under pressure to solve a crime they tend to railroad the first person near the victim/s. And for two if she would have relocated them he/or anyone else wouldn't have been able to access them so easily! These are just my thoughts personally because you know if that family stayed in a condo or house in suburban area soon as they seen bro-n-law coming they would have reported a suspicious looking character in the neighborhood to the police asap! So I say if I move on up so is my La Familia!

Mike said...

I'm just posting to say that anonymous shit was hilarious. good to get a laff early in the day

Anonymous said...

sometimes its the wishes of the family to stay right where they are, sad but true. I think Im gonna go pay a visit to Ms Knowles to see what she knows

Anonymous said...

That last anon was H2O!!!

Firefly said...

Number 1 don't believe the media all the time. The house they stated where her relatives were murdered were located on 70th and Langley - that's not Englewood as the media keeps repeating time and time again. That is the Park Manor area of Chicago. Englewood is south west (of the Dan Ryan). Number 2, the mother chose to stay in her house that she was comfortable in. As most elders, they get used to their way of living and don't like much change. So Jennifer may have wanted her mom to move but her mother didn't want to. As She stated before, when she comes home she goes to her mothers house and "just do nothing". Home is home to some people no matter where it is.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they keep saying that her family wanted to stay there but I just don't buy that!!!! I mean I wouldn't wanna stay in that neighborhood if they gave me a free years worth of rent! You telling me that her mom would accept a new car but not a new house? I don't know about that!

Anonymous said...

H2O says.... oh so true Firefly, Hey AF1!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I don't think anybody else will be staying where they are comfortable anymore! I thought they said they lived on 70th and yale

Anonymous said...

Her momma wasn't that old so it wasn't like she was 70yrs old and so use to living in that house and the brother was only 29 and I know he didn't wanna stay in the hood!

AiR FoRcE 1 said...

That's true....people do want to remain where they are comfortable. The only thing with that comfort comes the fear of being easily accessible to people who may want to come in and hold us hostage and demand money from J Hud. When I win the mega millions jackpot my family is leaving everything behind and will haev to report to Ohare for the first flight out of the country.

Anonymous said...

Either way 70th and Yale or 70th and Langley...neither of the two are anything to brag on.

Anonymous said...

H2O says......Say that arm charm!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really think this was a terrible tragedy that has stricken her family my prayers are with her and her remaining family I hope that she can see her way through this! I think it doesn't matter if you live in the safest of neighborhoods anything can still happen the devil is everywhere and we need to pray and go to church now more than ever because the world has gone mad!

Anonymous said...

You know they say that we never want to giev an ex offender the benefit of the doubt. Well, I don't know if Mr. Balfour is guilty or not but he leaves on hell of a trail and I say keep the ex cons away from me especially if they were charged with attempted murder and served 7 years in jail.

Anonymous said...

Im know this has nothing to do with the topic but how in the HELL did David Otunga "PUNK" from I Love New Yok 2 who is a Harvard Law grad afford a Platinum engagement ring from NEIL LANE that features a 5 Carat center stone? Madonna and Heidi Klum have diamonds from there.

Firefly said...

Yes evil can happen anywhere whether you live in the city or the suburbs, whether you rich and famous, or poor and infamous. The fact is just because someone is famous and supposedly wealthy doesn't mean they change because of it. Some people do. Look at how Bobby and Whitney lived!

I know ballers whose mommas are drugs users and still go in rough neighborhoods to get their fix and their sons are making millions! You can't control what another grown person wants to do!

Anonymous said...

H2O says....Lmao Anon!!! Punks boyfriend prolly bought the carats!! lol poor J hud. She is going thru the Star Jones Syndrome now. Now because of this tragedy he will have to wait at least a year before he comes out of the closet. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh no say it aint so H2O. J Huds man is not plying for team blue. Now just stop it.

Anonymous said...

He do look a lil sweet though!

Anonymous said...

You right you can't control what another adult does! I'm not saying they should have just completely abandoned the hood they could have lived somewhere else and visited 70th and yale/langlely however much they wanted too!

Anonymous said...

Well I just recently read a few articles in different magazines and J Hud stated she has tried many times to get her mom to move and that her mom was comfortable where she was, she just didn't go around bragging about being her mom cuz she didn't want that attention on her. This was truly a tragedy and I hate the nephew was wiped out as well--leave the children alone! I don't know if bruh-n-law did this or not, (looking like dirty folks) but his rapsheet speaks nuthin about innocent or sweet as his mother protrayed, but I'm still tryna figure out why his mom and whoever else was calling him at 2 and 5 in the morning cuz they damn sure wasn't wishing him a good day at work, he was prolly on some criminal minded activity. I say as men and women, we need to start doing background checks on the people we start relationships with cuz we will neva know when we're sleeping with the enemy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's very true! We do need to do background checks because sis picked LIL Johnnie fresh out the Penn and married him! After a 7yr bid!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Arm charm Punk is gay, but its not like the gays are proud of that. We try to warn hetro america but yall refuse to believe us, the yall wanna veto gay marriage, you need to let gays get married to each other so they can stop marrying you guys...I am Dat Nigga and I approve this message...

Anonymous said...

Here we go, again. Why would J'Hud need a J Pub stunt. She's young, talented and has a very rewarding career ahead of her. She needs no reinvention. Thers is no reason for her to pull a Tom-Cat (Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise) stunt. Besides, she still has youth and beauty on her side.

Anonymous said...

I agree dat nigga let the gays get married why should they miss out on the 50% divorce rate!!!! But they are the ones that usually stay together forever!

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? Im certain that no one on here knows that man so your are assuming. You know what they say about those who assume.

Anonymous said...

He do look awful sweet and low!(Punk aka David)

Anonymous said...

No you didnt miss anything "me" but dont get all self righteous, if a man acts gay, hes called gay whether anyone has seen him smoke a meat cigarette or not..... Did i miss something, or is Punks publicist and agent decided to join our little family on talking chit? It kills me how hetro america doesn't think people are gay until they decide to call them gay. I am fully aware what they say about people who assume, the, however if you cant see Punk is gay, then I'm in no danger of you thinking I made an ass of myself... J hud aint cute yall, she's talented, established and has a wonderful personality on screen, but cute aint on her resume dears... Gays break up ALOT faster than straights, its just their resistance to return to the scene of the crime is alot weaker..I am dat nigga and I approve this message Next!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who ain't cute?

Anonymous said...

Now dat nigga you you know how hard it is for us to accept we have lost another one to the blue side!

Anonymous said...

Trust me pink team it is equally as hard for us to accept a false flagger. I mean if you want to be discreet fine, if you don't want people to know for whatever reason that is fine too, but don't take a woman thru, that just aint right...I am Dat Nigga and I approve this message...

Anonymous said...

yall should check out J-Hud's sister Julia's myspace page.


Anonymous said...

No she didn't say her favorite food is double sausage with mushroom pizza. Oh this Big Bitch.

Anonymous said...

It has been disclosed that Jennifer'mother did not want to move from her home or the neighborhood. I do beleive that Jennifers bro-law have some info on the murders if not directly involved. It was not the neighborhood, it is clearly domestic in my opinion. My deepest sympathies to Jennifer and her family.