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Friday, October 10, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

Two Professors, two points of view, one purpose!! Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....


Anonymous said...

Hi Professor,

I am a 37 year old Leo Female trying to get the attention of a 29 year old Pisces Male. How do I do this without becoming too desperate?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kit Kat

The Lioness (that's you) is a regal being. She needs no "how to" guide on how to attract a mate. She is warmth personified. Just be you. Pisces men are watery and mysterious and will try to gauge your feelings before revealing theirs. Try striking up a conversation and connecting on an issue, the more or a connection you make the deeper the involvement will be.

Anonymous said...

Kit Kat,

Look you are an exciting person, you don't want to be stuck with some boring clingy Pisces anyway. Go out and find yourself a Gemini or Libra. This way your fire will be sustained by their air, and you two can grow together. Pisces men are wimps and don't believe in fighting for anything, their "let the chips fall where they may" attitude will not only irritate you but it will force you to be the man of the relationship and the BEST thing about a female lion is her feminine qualities...

Drop that fool and be out...

Next Caller

Anonymous said...

Professor Xtra - You ain't never lied about Pisces being "wimps and don't believe in fighting for anything", LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Hey Professor,

I am a Gemini Female that is dating Sagittarius male I have just found out that he has cheated on me. Is this a on-going thing or shall I hope to salvage?

I have written you before and you gave me pretty good advice so I figured I'd try it again.

Anonymous said...

Hey twin towers,

I remember you, well you have two choices, you can either forgive him or not. If you forgive him, then do jsut that, don;t bring it up every chance you get. Be done with it!

Some say that cheating is repeated if not punished properly, some say that in a generally good relationship there will always be sunshine after the rain. You have to decide if your relationship is worth saving. I do not feel you should initiate the rebuilding process, because you have done nothing wrong. If he doesn;t have it in his heart to initiate the process then you may want to search for a new mate.

Improvement from a problem must first come from admitting a wrong was done. If he cannot do that, there is no hope of reconciliation...

Anonymous said...

Twin towers,

You were bombed for a reason and as most would agree it was an inside job!!

Sags are hunters, a half man, half beast, archer, and just because he shot yo ass don't mean he ran out of arrows. If you are going to leave, now would be the best time. You are Gemini, show him exactly what it means for someone to be provoked into being a totally different person.

I'm not saying that the relationship is over, but not only are Sag men, cheats they lie ALOT, and for no reason!! A wise woman always told me that "if you have a friend that lies , don't believe anything they say and you all will still be friends" if you can do this, then carry on, but its not the mantra you want to build a life together on.

Gut punch that nigga and keep pushing!!

Next Caller...

PS oh yes ANON Pisces men are wimps, the only time they display a backbone is when they are sure you are in love with them, then they take out all their worldly frustrations on you..

Punk asses, two fish swimming in opposite directions, you can see how far they get in life!!!