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Monday, October 6, 2008

Grind My Gears!!

Got some Chit on your chest, relieve it here!! Don't forget to click the title link!!


H2O said...


Anonymous said...

didn't one of you anonymous characters ask for this topic and yall aint even present to accept the award!!

No more catering to you!!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what grinds me sometimes:

People who don't act like they have manners

Chicago Transit Authority

Bush and his who damn family!
and speaking of families, Kim Kardashian and her whole dang family too! (Why was she on DWTS?)

People who act like money isn't everything, but then always talking about what they got, what they want and who got it

People who walk in front you smoking blowing their ashes behind on you (you know who you are)

That nutty Sarah Palin! (does anyone else think her voice is annoying as hell?)

Anonymous said...

Damn Fly, tell us how you really feel.

What grinds my gears is when a person whose looks arent that of a person who you would typically date try to cut up.

Firefly said...

I know it's Monday...

(LOL at your comment)

Anonymous said...

Yes firefly Sarah Paling grinds the hell out of my gears with that damn voice and if she doesn't learn a new word besides maverick I'm gonna loose it! She sounds like the mother on that cartoon Bobby's word! LOL

Anonymous said...

yeah but what's even more annoying is that Tina Fey imitating her ass to the T and she sounds even more irritating than the real Palin! (though very talented)

H2O said...

Come on firefly!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey AF1, no more restraints. Lol! Anyway, one of the few people who get on my last nerve is Palin. Actually, I get scared when she speaks. I try to close one eye just in case she says "nucular." Can't believe she graduated college.