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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Injustice System!

Imagine this scenario: You just found out that a male relative has sexually abused and raped your 9 year old niece for the past year. Some of your family members want him dead. Others feel that being locked away for life will do him justice just fine. With the new ruling that child rapist are not deserving of the death penalty (U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is "unconstitutional") some of your outraged family members may want to take matters in their own hands. How would you feel and what would you want to see done?

(Be sure to check out the video under "videos for viewing" list).

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

TGIF! Talking Chit is officially wrapping up week two! Thanks to all who have provided great comments and different perspectives on the topics for this week! Some very interesting reads if we don't say so ourselves! Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru is back to host "Astrologically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, interested in finding out if a person you may have your eyes on is your "type", or just need advice, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. This is a blog that will be posted every Friday, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help with your questions. Don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to loose?

Frenemies - Baby Momma vs New Girlfriend

In this time and age the Baby Momma/Baby Daddy syndrome is seemingly increasing 10 fold. The traditional get married and then have kids plan of action has quickly been replaced with the "Oops I got this girl pregnant" from the guy and "I'm pregnant with this no good ass nigga's baby" from the girl. As much as we wish these situations would run smoothly, most times they don't especially when the child was conceived out lust and not love. When you have decided to not be with the mother or father of the child, how do you still mother or father said child without placing your new found God Send in place of discomfort? If you are the new girl or guy, how do you maintain a balance between loving your mates child and not liking the ex if drama arises? Where is do you draw the line on disrespect? As the new girl or guy, do you even have the right to comment on the ex-relationship? What do you do when the child goes from being a "gift" from heaven, to a "lay-a-way" receipt?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

911 is a joke...or is it?

Recently, the news has brought us graphic reports on the alarming number of killings committed by police, against people who were said to have brandished a gun. In recent news a so called suspect looked to be unarmed, but yet he was pumped full of holes for aiming a weapon at the officers. (Clicking the blog title you can see the video and judge for yourself, this was an incident caught on video in the Dolton IL area) The number of similar police killings of people with alleged weapons is out of control.
This is where it gets tricky. Should the police first confirm that the suspect is indeed holding a gun? Or, do you think that sometimes the shoot now ask later approach is justifiable and/or necessary to save the life of the officers and bystanders? Although we respect the men and women whose duty requires them to risk their lives for citizens at the same time it's unnerving to see the " shoot first ask questions later approach" that has become all too common lately. How do we balance our questions and concerns of violence in our neighborhood, with the answer of police brutality?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Nappy Headed Hoes" all over again?

The Dimus (Don Imus) has done it again (or has he?). Don Imus, who is known for his racially charged "Nappy Head Hoes" comment regarding the Rutgers women's basketball team has made yet another comment that can or cannot be deemed as racist. On Monday's show Imus and sports announcer Warner Wolf were discussing Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones request Saturday that people stop calling him Pacman. Wolf explained on-air that Pacman has had several run-ins with the law since being drafted by Tennessee in 2005 and served a season long suspension for ties to a shooting after a melee at a Las Vegas strip club. The height of the conversation that sent sparks went like this:

Imus: What color is he?
Wolf: African-American
Imus: Well there you go. Now we know.

Imus has tried to redeem himself by saying that he MEANT that because Pacman is black he is always picked on. You know our boy Sharpton who moved to get Imus removed from his gig at Fox is all over this!

Should Imus be expected to apologize or recant his statement, or is he full of chit? Is this shameless self promotion on Sharpton's part that you wish he would get over? Or is Imus just exercising his right to free speech being that he is a radio personality?

You be the judge!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Stop the Violence!

“ …Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. - Matthew 19:13

On April 14, 2008, 16 year old John Mendoza was found in an alley in Chicago bludgeoned to death. On March 29, 2008, 18 yr old Chavez Clarke was shot and killed as he walked down the street. On June 16th, 14 yr. old Ulysses Simmons was shot and killed in a debate over his bike marking the 27th Chicago Public School student that have been slain since last fall. He was a student at Beasley Academic. If this isn’t enough to fathom, consider this: waking up each day and never seeing your son, brother, cousin, nephew, or friend ever again because of senseless acts such as these. Our thoughts and prayers go out to families who have lost their loved ones due to violent acts and crimes especially our young ones.

The question was posed, “What do we tell our children to do in violent times like these - especially for young boys?” How do we teach our children to stand up for themselves if it may mean risking their life? We pose the questions, When does it end? And where do we start?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

Talking Chit is officially wrapping up our first week and we want to carry you into the weekend on a ligther note. Professor Grey, our astrological advice guru will host "Astrogolically Speaking". If you have relationship problems with your significant other, and need advice, please post a question in the comments including the zodiac sign of you and your partner, and look to the stars for the answers. This is a blog that will be posted every Friday, and our own Zodiac Love Guru will do everything in his power to help you through your time of difficulty, don't believe it? Try it for yourself, what have you got to lose?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Older women, younger men: What's the attraction?

Mariah and Nick. Demi and Ashton. Why is there a sudden uprising of older woman to younger men? Has this become trendy or has older women flipped the script.
But the real question is: Can it work?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Art of Noise

A very tasteless art exhibit titled "The Assassination of Barack Obama" was shut down shortly after its unveiling on June 4th in Manhattan. The artist, 27-year-old Yazmany Arboleda was detained, questioned and released later that day. Mr. Arboleda tried to justify his "art" by telling reporters that the media kills the images and challenges the integrity of both Senators Clinton and Obama. He also had the nerve to say that his 1st amendment right to the freedom of speech was violated. Talk about shameless self promoting. Now I'm all for equality and peace and constitutional rights. however I do not feel comfortable allowing ignorance at this level, especially by a person whose ancestors labor nor sweat, nor tears had anything to do with the foundation of our country. Without violating the constitution how do we allow freedom of expression without stifling the creativity of the artist? What is the difference between Art and Smut? Please view this link and decide for yourself! http: //sandrarose.com/category/art-and-culture

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Baby Mama Drama

What do you tell a friend who is struggling with 5 kids by 5 men, all of whom have no contact with their children and conveniently happens to be pregnant again by yet another man. I personally don't feel it's my place to tell a person how to conduct themselves in the bedroom. She sees the "Wrap it up" ads just like you and I. I make pretty good money w/ no kids and still can't understand where most of my money goes. She isn't receiving public assistance. She works a lot of overtime to make ends meet. That means that the streets & daycare are raising her children. At this point am I allowed to even speak out on this situation? I can't possibly give her the birds & bees talk. Hell she's a few years older than me. Did I mention that she's had twice as many abortions as kids. I've been diagnosed with a condition which highly prohibits my chances of having kids. But she gets pregnant when someone breathes on her and then decides which ones will make it to this earth based on how fine the daddy is. What am I as a friend supposed to do?How do I talk to her without offending her or coming off as a know-it-all?

Monday, June 16, 2008

R. Kelly's Acquittal

Finally, R&B Crooner / Pedophile R. Kelly has been acquitted of child porn charges that were made against him six years ago. Although he has a history of being attracted to young girls (Aaliyah), it was difficult for the jury to find just cause to put his sick ass behind bars. We all know that Kels indeed played the leading role in that ghetto production. Luckily for him he had enough money to get out of this sticky situation. We are not in a third world country. Why should we allow men to take advantage of young girls with no repercussions? How dare we as Americans sit back and cheer when the verdict was read opposed trying to burn his ass at the stake. People wake the fuck up. Men, Women, America wake up. So what the little girl was hot in the ass and misguided. R. Kelly is a grown perverted man. Would you want him to be commended for fucking your 12 year old daughter?


This goes out to all of the Hilary Clinton supporters. It has come to my attention that some fo you would rather not vote then vote for Obama and to that I just want to say this. If Obama and Hilary are BOTH Democrats, would their views be somewhat similar in terms of how they feel the country should be run? I mean the both run different races but both want to end up at the same finish line correct. Not voting for Obama because of Hilary's loss is essentially the SAME as voting for McCain. I personally supported Obama for the democratic candidacy, not because he was black but because when he spoke although addressing America, he was SPEAKING TO ME!! That in itself was good enough. he looked into my eyes, read my soul and spoke direclty to me about the things going on in my life that he was willing to try to help. That has never happened before with any other politician. While addressing America he still managed to touch me. In the event that Hilary won over Obama, my vote would be with Hilary. I am Democrat, I support their views on life's policy, I do not see, black or white, male or female. You know what I do see, a future absent of Republican rule...
9:57:00 AM
by bluemagik13

Friday, June 13, 2008


Chris Rock posed an interesting way of looking at the word "Nigga" He said "its like Soul Food, white people gave us SCRAPS and we put some seasoning to it, and turned it into a cuisine, the word nigga is the same thing, its poetry for our community, people protest the word nigga, but no one is trying to boycott Pigfeet" In my idea, the word is offensive, just as offensive as the word "bitch", however you can hear that word on all day time television programming, every show on the used to be UPN & WB, now CW network someone is saying it. Ladies when you are with your girls, and one of them says "Bitch no you didn't" no one takes offense, but a guy from outta nowhere saying it, poses a problem? Why do we STILL let the other race tell us what we can and cannot say? Just because white people get in trouble for saying "nigga" does not mean we should let "them" convince "us" that it is wrong. If you feel its wrong for saying it, then don't however if you have no issues with it, then let it go. People get offended by anything these days. I told someone Merry Christmas once and they were offended due to religion. My aunt had a slogan for those types of people that goes "Merry Christmas if this offends you then go to hell" works for me!!