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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Economic Stimulus Plan

Is anybody against the $85 billion government bailout plan for AIG?

Well let me put it to you another way. If the government really wants to get the economy back to rockin' and rolling they could invest it into every American who is 18 and older which is approximately 200,000,000 people. Now divide $85 billion dollars by 200 "milli" people and we will all receive a check for $425,000. Yep!!!

Now we know that it would be taxed at an assumed rate of 30% which means you'll pay $127,500 in taxes to go back to Uncle Sam which totals 25.5 billion back into the budget. We on the other hand, have a remainder of $297,500 in our pockets.

Now they want to do another rescue worth 700 billion for Wall St. Please do you know how much we can be earning instead of playing with the US Congress?

And remember, this plan only really costs $59.5 billion because $25.5 billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam. Good idea? Is anyone opposed?

stats were borrowed from a random chain email

Monday, September 29, 2008

Angel in Disguise

Falling in love is a many splendid thing. You're on a quest to know another person spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. You think, as well as the outside world that your relationship must be heaven sent. Or so you thhought, up until the point that the one you have given your all to out of nowhere throws a wrench in the game. This wrench sounds something like, "I can't do this anymore". In a nano second your world is turned upside down. There is a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach and you feel as if a part of you is being viciously stripped away. The person you thought you knew is a complete stranger that has just used words which pierced your heart like a dagger used to slay vampires. With all the fury, anguish and distress that is running through your veins do you leave peacefully or do you try to equate your pain by making sure that person feels hurt in some form or fashion? How do we get over a broken heart? Give us your worst break-up story and do share what you did to get by? Donnie Mclurkin says "We Fall Down, but we get up" how did you?

Click the title for a Brandy classic!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Astrologically Speaking


Talking Chit has gotten alot of feed back about A/S. Some love and treasure the warm advice of Professor Grey, others appreciated the cold bitter truth that Professor Xtra gives. Today we have both, two Professors, two points of view, one purpose, to help!!

Not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let us help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality. There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Yin Yang Twins of the Zodiac. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not on the first night

As teenagers and even into our twenties most of us had a "no sex on the first date" rule. Women didn't want to seem easy and hoped that holding out would keep him coming back. Men, well yeah right...LOL!!! This strategy seemed to work fine back then. As we step into the 30+ club A.K.A Mature-dom do the same rules apply? Women, do you still belive that puttin it on him on the first date may jeopardize your chance at a real relationship with him. Men if you hit on the first night would you overlook a womans wifely potential and downgrade her to a slut bag with no discretion? Your thoughts!!!!!!

Click the title.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is he is, or is he ain't

Why is it every time a black male celebrity trades his hood look for one of debonair with classy swagg, they are immedately classified as "GAY". Celebs like Tyson, Ne-Yo, WIll Smith, Eddie Murphy LL Cool J, Usher and P Diddy have all been accused of either being on the down lo, bi or just straight up gay. Most of these men have beautiful wives and families so is it fair to question their lifestyle. Face it people, who is in their bedroom to witness man on man interactions with these stars. What makes you think that a Celeb is gay? Why are people so adamant on labeling celebs as gay?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Talking Chit Tuesday

Today we have enough ammo for a bountiful Grind Your Gears session. Any gripes, scenarios, or anything in life that may get next to you please feel free to leave them with us. Stress is something that most people don't know has the ability to kill you, relieve it with us!! There are a handful of people that know each other here, but a multitude of people who don't. Your secrets are safe with us!!! Don't forget to click the title link for added amusement!!!

What's your beef?!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

"Know Your Rights!"

Posted on Behalf of Firefly...

Living in a country were we have rights and laws to protect us is a
wonderful thing so why not take advantage of it! If you visit third
world countries where basic necessities such as food and water are not
seen as...well a basic right to have, it can definitely make you more
appreciative of living in this country. Today on TC we would like to
share some basic rights, laws and situations that you may know or may
not. But it just doesn't stop with laws and rights. There are a lot of
unethical business practices that go on all the time, everyday. If you
know of some or have some of your own experiences to share, please
feel free. Knowledge is definitely power people!

TC shares a few:

Did you know...

If you are being investigated for a crime and do not feel free to walk
away from the officer, you are in custody? You don't need to be
handcuffed, just detained. The officer must read you your Miranda
Rights, prior to any questions he may ask. If you choose at that time
not to speak to him you have that right.

Did you know...
If a product or item in a store is mismarked at a lower price that the
original price, the store has to honor it? If you have some facts that you think maybe helpful to our readers feel free to comment!! Don't forget to click the title link!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Astrologically Speaking


Professor Grey is out today and will not be giving advice, however Professor X is here in his place and he is equally as qualified to handle any line of questioning you may have. His style is a bit more up close and personal then Professor Grey, so if you want the real deal with no sugar coating, and are not afraid of hearing the truth about relationship issues, a co-worker or boss getting you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let me help!!

Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality.There is no issue that cannot be resolved by a Zodiac Guru. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Black Out

Talking 'bout good or bad hair// whether you're dark or you're fair// Go on and swear// See if I care// Good or bad hair.........was the jingle sang in the battle of the complexions in Spike Lee's "School Daze". Not only do we deal with discrimination within our race but Corporate America even has an employment clause that forces them to hire minorities (blacks) only to fill a quota. Think about your current situation and honestly answer...Do you hold your current job because you were the most experienced of all the candidates who applied or because an equal employment agency said they needed one more "darkie" on the team.

**Would it be fair when that same black skin that landed you the job, is the same black skin that routinely gets you passed over for a promotion?

**How would you feel about being hired only to satisfy a requirement....what about when that requirement backfires in your face and the light skinned black person who knows less than you is promoted before you?

Click the topic to see the battle of the Jigga boos and Wanna Be's!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dont ask dont tell policy, The New Infidelity

Posted on Behalf of Firefly

*LeRoy: Hey what's up with us getting together?
*Ke-Ke: Nothing
*LeRoy: I was wondering if I can come visit you sometime
*Ke-Ke: I'm already involved with someone
*LeRoy: So what that mean?

Sound familiar? Now we didn't post Ke Ke's response but most would assume she didn't pursue anything further with LeRoy...or did she? Now this scenario can be taken in different ways and different scenarios. Ke Ke and LeRoycould have known each other, work with each other etc. But bottom line the script still sounds the same. What's shocking (or not) is if you are really attracted to a person whether or not you, or that interesting party are involved with others, the "don't ask, don't tell policy" goes without saying. It seems that gone are the days when you have to explain why your animalistic instincts goes for what it wants. It's not even about infidelity or respect anymore. So what is it about? Do you think it has become the "norm" to adopt this "policy" to keep you "feeling alive" with someone whom you are really attracted to even when you're involved with another?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grinds My Gears!! Talk Chit Tuesday

You know what really Grinds my Gears? The fact that there are people out here that still believe the Bush administration hasn't bankrupted the world. Anytime you can find good looking women to go on national TV and compete for Flavor Flav's butt monkey lookin a** attention, for money, the world is two steps away from The Great Depression!!

Yep you guessed it, it's another Grind My Gears rant for Talk Chit Tuesday. Got something bothering you, someone's face you wanna slap, and current or ex boy/girl friend you want to say something to but wanna test it out first. We are here for you. Tell us what really grinds your gears!! Click the title for added amusement!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Feel Like CHit Monday

A good friend of mine boyfriend was spotted tonguing down some random chick on the dance floor this weekend. Now, I am not the bearer of bad news but I know for a fact that my friend is nothing but good to this guy which makes me want to spill the beans. All of the ladies in my circle knows about the kissing bandit but we're all debating on whether or not we should tell our friend. Anyway, that was my weekend now we need to know the Good, bad or ugly details about yours. Start Talking Chit.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Astrologically Speaking


Professor Grey is back to heal the world through the magical science called Astrology. Have a relationship issue, a co-worker or boss got you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let me help!!

Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality.There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Zodiac Guru. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fatal Attraction

Carrie Bradshaw and Air Force 1 Collabo

Relationships...we've all had them. Some ended civilly and others, a catastrophe. Maybe you've had a crazy ex or maybe you were the crazy ex.

*Psychos, how far do you go to get your ex back when you feel if I can't have you no one else will.

*Victims, how will you or do you convince your new love interest to hang in there with you in spite of all the drama from your ex?

*Both Parties -you can't understand why innocent people are dying everyday but the one who has or is trying to hurt you continues to breathe.

* New Love interest - How many times do you allow your personal property (usually a car) to be tampered with before you've had enough.

Everyone has STARRED in at least one of the aforementioned roles for your own personal Lifetime Mini Series Drama "How could you do this to me" and inquiring bloggers wants to know. Tell us how you survived.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Whose your Daddy" or "Not the Momma"

This post was an idea submitted by an email buddy named BabyLuv, keep reading, things get interesting at times...

As time moves forward we are witness to all different types of parenting styles. Some are good, some are bad, and some leave you wondering and placing bets as to when a Parole Officer will be calling for the offspring. Many people feel that the authorative or dictatorship method of raising kids is not the best. They do not believe that "sparing the rod will spoil the child" and would more likely be faced with giving their children a "time out" instead of knocking them upside the head. Are the children of parents that aren't afraid to use said rod, more likely to grow up to be succesful functioning parts of society, or will they grow up with a rebellious nature and do everything they possibly can to get back at their mom or dad for that spanking?

Are we really raising our kids today or are we their older and wiser best friends who can merely suggest a better way of life rather than enforce it?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Talk Chit Tuesday

Today we will be discussing the tell tale signs that will alert you to the fact of you having a deadbeat husband or a low class wife. I know that in this crazy world people fall in love for different reasons, and love goes beyond the physical, but sometimes love can cloud your judgement and for all you "slowpokes" out there we will be listing some of the things that should alert you that your spouse is tired. Feel free to join in with your thoughts TalkinChit Heads and don't forget to click the title link it is hilarious!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The "Pursuit" of Happiness...

What is your definition of "pursue"? Does it mean letting him know that you are available? Does it mean walking up to him to initiate communication? Does it mean acknowledging you have interest in him? If this is true for you, then there is nothing wrong in letting someone know you are unattached and interested. In this busy world we live in, sometimes men miss signals that are right in front of them. They would be flattered to know someone is interested in them and had the forthright to initiate contact. However, if your definition of "pursue" is this:

Does it mean tracking down his phone number and calling him?
Does it mean asking him out on a date? Or dates?
Does it eventually mean asking him to marry you?

Then, I would caution you.

If the man knows you are available and interested in him, but isn't pursuing, this is an indication of how he feels. Maybe he isn't interested at all. Maybe he isn't ready for a relationship. Maybe he doesn't have the guts to ask you out (not a good sign). Most men want to be the "hunter." It is in their blood to see something they desire and to go out and get it (Ok, conquer it … I said it). When pursued, the flattery that was felt earlier quickly changes to questions of: "Why is she asking me out? Is she desperate? Is there something wrong with her? Does she feel as if time is running out for her?" Men what are your thoughts? Do you feel women are desperate when they make the first move? Women do you feel you are putting yourself out there when youmake the first move?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Astrologically Speaking

TGIF!!!!Professor Grey is back to heal the world through the magical science called Astrology. Have a relationship issue, a co-worker or boss got you down, best friend getting on your nerves? Let me help!! Astrology is the scientific code to the human personality.

There is no issue that cannot be resolved by the Zodiac Guru. Skeptical? Try it for yourself. What have you got to lose besides maybe the issue you came here with? Don't forget to click the title link....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

When Good Love Turns Bad

What is considered the perfect relationship? Is there a difference between the perfect relationship and a relationship that is perfect for you? Often times we lose sight of what is real in our lives because we are too busy focusing on what "can" or "could" be instead of what "is." All relationships have issues but what if you have fallen in love with the person who you have considered your soul mate, and they have or have contracted an STD? Whether its a life threatening disease or not, do you continue down your path of bliss, or do you call it quits as soon as the results are in?

For example the Plavix commercial claims that we can date a person stricken with herpes without the risk of contracting it IF they take their meds as prescribed. Is there a way to have a healthy relationship knowing that all sexual interactions with this person are risky? What are your thoughts on sex in relationships? Is it more or less important than mental and emotional security?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Black by Popular Demand

Firefly and H2O collab!!

As history has shown us, the term the "White House" has meant more than just the color of the walls. For the first time in the history of the United States there is a chance for a man of color to lead this nation into "better days." One might think this is the best thing ever for African American citizens, however some of our brethren and even sisteren seem to be afraid of Obama, with thoughts of him being to good to be true. In the immortal words of Dick Gregory, "When Bill Clinton was in office, you all 'said Oh that man has got some black in him, or he is really black under that skin' then along comes Obama and he is not black enough?!" People my grandmother told me something when I was a tiny bit of the person I am today. She said " a man's soul can be directly connected to the woman he marries!" If there is any doubt on how black Obama really is, please pause for station identification and take a gander at his soulmate!!

If one more black person say they are afraid for Barack Obama or they won't vote for him because of "fear" I'm going to scream! Let's get to the real problem and issue: When something is going good it seems that human nature kicks in and tells some of us it's too good to be true. I say let it ring true and true all the way to the White House! Will you let fear place us into another 4 years of the same "perfection" that we have already been subject to?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walk it Out

While standing in Harold's ( Chicago chicken shack chain ) on Sunday waiting on my 6 wings with mild sauce a disgruntled male employee was swearing and fussing because he'd worked his entire shift for the day and was fired. He kept cussin' and fussin' about how management should've said something in the morning and he could've been with his family to BBQ for Labor Day. The ruckus was holding up the chicken service so a few hungry customers starting making a commotion as well. Before I knew it the brotha had jumped back over the counter and started throwing fries, cole slaw and chicken plates at all the customer and smearing mild sauce on the register. I was ducking fries and dying laughing because the "Fry Guy" was setting it off in Harold's and I felt his pain. These supervisors get a little too high and mighty at times and you have to bring them back down. Have you ever made a scene for being fired? If you were fired today would you leave amicably or tear the roof off this bitch?

Click on the topic to view a classic exit.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

No TC today but please come back tomorrow!